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1、,2009年度美国大杏仁学生创意大赛,缤纷杏福泡椒大杏仁的开发Colourful Happiness-the Development of Chili Pickled Almond,泡椒大杏仁(杏仁粒) 泡椒云片(杏仁片) Chili Pickled Almond 以 为主原料,辅以川菜中的 调味,制成辣而不燥,嫩而不粘,辣中微酸,鲜嫩清脆的休闲食品,适宜日常佐餐食用或用于餐饮业的配菜中。 The product is mainly made of almonds and chili pickles and is made into a kind of snack food that is s

2、picy but not dry, tender but non-stick, spicy with slightly acidic, fresh and crisp. It is suitable for common consumption or as a decoration in the dishes.,产品简介 Introduction,产品名称:,产品开发的过程 Process of Development,制定产品开发计划构思、分析、设计 Make the development plansBrainstorming ,Analysis, Design.收集产品开发构思围绕本次大

3、赛“新式中国休闲小吃食品”的主题,构想出杏仁凉菜、琥珀大杏仁、萨其玛、麻花、杏仁茶等产品。 Collect the conceptions Focusing on the theme of the competition “New style Chinese snacks”, we got a lot of ideas such as almond dish, amber almond, Sa-qi-ma, twisted dough, almond tea and so on.,产品开发的过程 Process of Development,筛选产品构思并分析市场调查+可行性分析 Select

4、 the conceptions and analyze market research and feasibility analysis 中国特色的传统风味 辣而不燥Spicy but not dry Traditional flavor of Chinese characteristics 辣中微酸spicy with slightly sour 产品设计与生产 Design and produce,炒、烤Fry&Bake,煮、泡Boil&Soak,辣而不燥,嫩而不粘,辣中微酸,鲜嫩清脆Spicy but not dry, tender but non-stick, spicy with

5、slightly sour, fresh and crisp.,原料处理热水焯冷却泡制包装封口热杀菌 Material handlingBoilingcoolingmarinating packaging heat sterilization,特点Characteristics,生产工艺Schedule,产品开发的过程 Process of Development,配料Ingredient,盐、白砂糖、味精、白醋、白酒、花椒、大料、香叶Salt, white sugar, MSG, white vinegar, white wine, pepper, aniseed, specialeaf,产

6、品包装Package,包装设计Design 成品展示Display,本产品采用热封包装 Heat-sealing packaged家庭装的净重为100g/袋 Family packs are 100g / bag 餐饮装的净重为1kg/罐 Catering packs are 1kg / tin 常温避光干燥储存,保质期为6个月。 Stored at dry and Dark condition, normal temperature.The shelf-life is 6 months,食用方法推荐 Recommended Edible Methods,1.开袋即食 Ready to be

7、served,2.家庭食用,搭配应季蔬菜Household consumption,Served with seasonal vegetables,3.用于餐厅饭店制作精美小 菜或与其他菜品搭配 For restaurants to make exquisitely dishes .,市场潜力SWOT分析 SWOT Analysis of Market Potential,Strength,Weakness,Opportunity,家庭和餐饮市场广大,受中西饮食文化影响的人群日益增多,生产工艺简单成熟The market of household and catering market is

8、large. Increasing population is influenced by both Chinese and Western catering culture. The production process of this product is simple and mature.,成本相对于其他佐餐食品略微偏高The cost is slightly higher relative to other adorned foods.,Threat,创意&商品化潜力Creativity & Commercialization Potential,突破传统的大杏仁应用方法: Brea

9、k through the traditional application ways of almond.凸显中国元素,美国杏仁中国味儿! Highlights the Chinese elements.,营养健康,食用搭配方便,技术可行,具有工厂化生产前景以及继续开发的潜力。The product is nutritional, healthy and easy to be served, with technical feasibility, prospect of industrialization and potential of continuous development.,致谢

10、Thanks,感谢美国加州杏仁商会和中国食品科学技术学会提供这次宝贵的机会,让本产品的构思得以实践!Thanks Almond Board of California and Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology for providing us this valuable opportunity to make the idea of this product to be put into practice! 感谢天津科技大学以及食品科学与工程学院提供的实验条件及指导教师赵征教授的悉心指导! Thank Tianjin University of Science and Technology and Food Science and Engineering Faculty for providing us the experimental conditions and our instructors Mr.Zhao for his careful guidance!,Thank You !,



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