About Translation Cultural differences exist in(对翻译中存在的文化差异)

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About Translation Cultural differences exist in(对翻译中存在的文化差异)_第1页
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《About Translation Cultural differences exist in(对翻译中存在的文化差异)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《About Translation Cultural differences exist in(对翻译中存在的文化差异)(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1About Translation Cultural differences exist inAbstract Translation is the act of cross-cultural communication, English-Chinese translation of the purpose and characteristics of language and cultural exchange. Familiar with two cultures and two languages ?is also important to master, so the article

2、 focuses from the values, habits of mind and language habits, religion, daily life and social customs and geography of production methods and material to discuss several aspects of differences between Eastern and Western cultures, the cultural differences between English and Chinese influence produc

3、ed by the comparison of different expression, and thus that How appropriate and reasonable in the translation of cultural conversion, translation and cultural exchanges to complete the mission. Keywords English-Chinese translation, Chinese and Western cultures, values, religious beliefs, customs, ge

4、ography 2The so-called culture, refers to a communitys unique beliefs, practices, systems, objectives and design of the total pattern, which includes the sharing of all the product of human society. Culture is a shared by members of the association by the acquisition of a unified social as a whole,

5、is determined by the members of society and constraints in all aspects of human life, so culture includes not only the historical background, customs, geography, political, economic, legal, religious beliefs, values, codes of conduct, but also in the language of Culture symbolic, and language is the

6、 most important cultural symbol systems, language, culture is a rather special part of the whole culture. Mr. Qian Mu pointed out that the Great Masters: East and West are two fundamentally different types of culture, are parallel to the development, and do not conflict, their own emphasis, the two

7、distinctive cultural system. the transmission of culture and communication through the language of communication to complete, while the translation is the language and culture into another language cultural process, that any translation is inseparable from culture, language and cultural 3translation

8、 is essentially a translation of the United States well-known translation theorist Eugene Nida said: The translation is from the semantic to the genre in the target language middle of the most appropriate and most natural reproduction of the original language of such information. Nida in his definit

9、ion reflects two levels of semantic and stylistic point of view to promote its equivalent translation, cultural reproduction has not been mentioned, so to would like to improve the translation, we must focus on the cultural background of knowledge in both languages ?in the translation, the translato

10、r of certain words correctly understood or not, depends largely on his understanding of the corporate culture and if he is not two kinds of cultural knowledge of contrast, the two languages ?to talk about the proper understanding and expression in Chinese-English translation, the need to understand

11、the large number of Chinese culture and Western culture, especially cultural differences, because it is these differences brought us the hard translatability, cultural differences between the two marks the degree of understanding of the translation equivalent degree equivalent to that end, the trans

12、lator 4must not only proficient in the target language and source language, but also to understand and study the language behind many culture, familiar with the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, the correct translation of the concept under the guidance of cultural differences and rat

13、ional culture conversion. I intended from the values, habits of mind and language habits, religious beliefs, customs and daily life and social and physical geography production methods to explore aspects of cultural differences in translation. First, the difference between Eastern and Western values

14、 Values ?as the cultural composition of the underlying factors, both social and cultural component, but also in peoples minds is the long-term social and cultural infiltration, the accumulation of results, national character is the cornerstone of cultural differences is one of a different time orien

15、tation. Chinese people in time to take over direction of the nostalgic past of the Chinese people naturally have a long history and splendid culture of the treasure. In Chinese culture, wisdom and authority of elders is a 5symbol to the contrary. Westerners in time is the future orientation, and thu

16、s respect for young people in Western culture first-class value. Different geographical, historical traditions, social background, religion beliefs and moral values ?and other values ?created in the different East and West in cultural identity, the Asian values ?of respect for community, and respect for individual values ?Westerners, Asians pay attention to social ethics, Westerners pay attention to individual morality, Asian character inward, subtle emoti



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