江苏省泰兴市第一高级中学2014-2015学年高一下学期期中考试英语 含解析

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《江苏省泰兴市第一高级中学2014-2015学年高一下学期期中考试英语 含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省泰兴市第一高级中学2014-2015学年高一下学期期中考试英语 含解析(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2014-2015 学年江苏省泰兴市第一高级中学高一下学期期中考试英语评卷人 得分一、单项选择1All through history, big changes have taken place in _ English language, especially when Henry IV became _ King of England.A.the; the B.不填; the C.the; 不填 D.an; 不填2They _ him to prepare for the coming examination, but he spent all day playing computer g

2、ames.A.persuaded B.made C.suggested D.urged3_The Normans spoke French for the entire 250 years they ruled England, French did not replace English as the first language.A.As though B.Even though C.As D.Before4-What is that wonderful smell?- Our neighbor _ for a party.A.have prepared B.is preparing C.

3、prepare D.will prepare5As we have known from the map of the world, this is _.A.twice as large an island as that B.twice as larger as that islandC.as twice as that one D.twice as a large island as that6It shocked everyone present _ was considered right for centuries proved wrong .A.what B.that C.what

4、 that D.that what7Look! A group of students are playing the violin there, _ their teacher as a conductor.A.in front of them stand B.in front of whom standsC.in front of whom stand D.in front of them stands8From _ you are standing, you can have a birds view of the whole city and feel its great change

5、s during the past decades.A.where B.when C.which D.what9We have dealt with a large part of the problems, and the rest _ by you.A.remains to solve B.remains to be solvedC.remain to be solved D.remain to solve10There is still high possibility, _ can be seen at the moment, _ our company can beat the op

6、ponents.A.which; that B.where; that C.that; which D.which; when11The book isnt intended for general readers probably because the author _ too many scientific terms(术语 ) in it.A.wrote B.employed C.analyzed D.introduced12It is such a useful dictionary _ every boy and every girl _ to buy.A.that; want B

7、.which; wants C.as; wants D.so; want13Some of the members demanded to know why they had been kept _ the true facts until they reached the present critical stage.A.in ignorance of B.in the light of C.in honor of D.in view of14He is kept in dark and is not _ that the company has lost some money.A.know

8、n B.known about C.aware D.aware of15-Im sorry to have forgotten _ the money you lent me a month ago.-_.A.paying back; No hurry B.to pay off; Take it easyC.paying off; Thats right D.to pay back; Forget it评卷人 得分二、完形填空I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. The time was 515 in the

9、afternoon and I was driving along the road to 16my daughter from school. Our plan was to go 17together. I had finished work at about 4 oclock and then 18to the post office. Then I stopped 19at a shop in order to get some 20fruit. We like to have some fruit to eat after our swim when we would feel ti

10、red.I was driving along a high road on my way to the school. Over my road was another way for cars coming the other way. I was 21so I put the bag of apples in the seat 22me and started to eat one.Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side. I slowed down. Then 23started to

11、 shake. I didnt know what was happening, 24something had gone wrong with my car. I drove 25slower. I stopped the car and at the same moment the road fell onto the cars in front of me.I found myself in the dark. I couldnt move. The bottom parts of both my legs and my 26were hurting badly and I couldn

12、t move them. All around me was 27. But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I 28what had happened. I had been in an earthquake.For about two hours nobody came. Luckily I could 29the bag of apples, so at least I had plenty to eat. Then I 30people climbing towards me. A team of people

13、 had come to see if anyone was under the broken 31. I called out! “Im here!” I heard a shout, soon 32climbed to the side of the bridge near my car, “How are you doing?” he asked. “Not too bad,” I said, “but my feet and legs 33as if theyre broken.” “Well have you out of there just as 34as we can,” he

14、 said. They didnt get me out 35the next morning. I had been in my car for 14 hours.16A.take up B.bring up C.pick up D.send up17A.skating B.shopping C.sightseeing D.swimming18A.arrived B.came C.gone D.got19A.away B.off C.over D.up20A.fresh B.dried C.expensive D.cheap21A.happy B.hungry C.surprised D.e

15、xcited22A.before B.beside C.below D.behind23A.the road B.my hands C.my feet D.my car24A.Surely B.Suddenly C.Perhaps D.Quickly25A.a little B.more C.much D.even26A.hands B.arms C.feet D.fingers27A.quiet B.dark C.cold D.noisy28A.memorized B.found out C.discovered D.was told29 A.see B.reach C.catch D.hold30A.saw B.recognized C.found D.heard31A.railway B.trees C.car D.road32A.my daughter B.a friend C.a stranger D.a driver33A.appear B.feel C.seem D.look34A.soon B.easy C.fast D.possible35A.before B.since C.after D.until评卷人 得分三、阅读理解French surgeons ha



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