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1、 授课班级: 8.4 任课教师:陈文婷课题:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? ( 共 7课时)Section A 1a2d 2课时授课时间:3.20 3.23教学目标:1. 学习并掌握下列单词:1, rubbish; fold; sweep(swept); floor; mess 2. 能正确使用以下常用表达:do the dishes; take out the rubbish; fold your clothes; sweep the floor; make your bed; clean the living room; get a rid

2、e; 3.学会礼貌地提出请求和请求允许做某事。教学重点:谈论如何征求许可以及如何进行礼貌地请求教学难点:正确使用本课常用表达教学媒体:多媒体教学方法:六化六环教学法,合作探究,交际法教学流程:Step1. Revision ( 5 ) (前测补救)找两名学生上台,听写本课所用到的单词和短语: chore dish sweep trash fold meeting ,do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, work on the computer, stay out late, get a rideStep 2. Show the

3、learning items. (2)(出示目标)Step3. Complete the learning items. (25)(完成目标)【自主合作】学生四人一组讨论,一名代表回答,看那组的最多为胜者,加以鼓励。教师将所涉及到的短语展示在屏幕或黑板上,带领学生读两遍【点拨拓展】:1, 在本单元中情态动词 could用于有礼貌地提出要求或请求允许,用于疑问句代替 can,在时间上与 can没有区别,但语气要比 can委婉、有礼貌。其句型为:Could you please do sth. ? 肯定回答时要用 Yes , I can .注意:不能用 could 。除此之外,肯定回答还可以用 S

4、ure./Certainly./Yes, sure./Of course./Thats OK./No problem ./With pleasure .等;否定回答用 Im sorry, I cant ./Im sorry , but I have to /还可以用 Im afraid not .eg: Could you please sweep the floor? Yes, sure.Could you please water the flowers? No problem.2, I think two hours of TV is enough for you!我认为两个小时的电视对

5、你来说足够了!【观察】主谓一致One and a half hours is enough. 一个半小时足够了。One of my favorite sports is basketball.我最喜欢的一项运动时篮球【小结】谓语动词与主语要在人称和数上保持一致。 Two months_ a long holiday. 两个月是一个长假。 Twenty kilos _so heavy. 2 0公斤并不太重。 People here _ very friendly. 这儿的人很友好。3, Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do

6、 the dishes? 4.。你倒垃圾、叠衣服和洗餐具好吗? rubbish垃圾;废弃物 (不可数名词) 在英国英语中,rubbish 最常用来表示丢弃的废物,但是在美国英语中trash更为常用,如: She threw the bottle into the trash (她把瓶子扔进了垃圾堆)。trash有时也在英国英语中使用,但仅限于比喻用法: The book was trash (这本书简直是垃圾)。a) Please, pick the _ up off the ground.请捡起地面上的垃圾。b) I cant _ you waste your time reading th

7、at rubbish.我无法相信你浪费时间阅读那本垃圾书。Step 4. Sum up ( 2 ) ( 回顾重点)Step 5. Practice ( 10 ) (全面检测)完成下列练习1.My mother told me to_(打扫) the floor every day.2.Dont put your answer on the chair._(折叠) it and put it on the bed.3.Jack,can you help me c_ the living room?4.What a m_you made! Youd better clean it up befor

8、e Mum gets home.5.Lets t_out the rubbish and put it in the trash bin.短语1._洗餐具 2._ 倒垃圾 3.fold the clothes_4.sweep the floor _5.make your/the bed _6._打扫客厅 7._没问题8._ 出去吃饭 9.stay out late _10.go to the movies _11.get a ride _12.work on_13._做完某事 14._ 干净又整洁Step6. Homework (1)(布置作业)Remember the new words o

9、f 1a-2d.Finish off the exercises.Preview the new words of 3a-3c.板书设计: Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A 1a2c A: Could you please sweep the floor?Yes, I can. / Sure./Certainly./Yes, sure./Of course./Thats OK./No problem ./With pleasureA: Could you please water the flowers?B: Im sorry,

10、 I cant. /Im sorry, but I have to / No problem.反思:课题:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A 2 (3a 3c) 授课时间:3.24 3.25教学目标:1.掌握本课时的单词和短语。2.学会礼貌地提出请求和请求允许做某事教学重点:掌握并运用重点词汇和句子。教学难点:对所学知识的灵活运用。教学媒体:多媒体教学方法:六化六环教学流程:Step1. Revision ( 5 ) (前测补救)翻译下列短语take out the trashdo chores do the dishes swe

11、ep the floor make dinner Step 2. Show the learning items. (2)(出示目标)Step3. Complete the learning items. (25)(完成目标)【自主合作】以“谈论学生与父母曾经发生过的矛盾”的自由对话开始,导入 3a的学习,在学生明白文章意思并熟读的基础学习巩固短文中的知识点。【点拨拓展】(1). help out with a few things 帮忙做几件事(2). mess 常用可数名词单数 :杂乱;不整洁 eg. The room is in a terrible mess. 这个房间杂乱不堪。(3)

12、. Could I at least finish watching this show? 至少等我看完这个节目可以吗?(4). Mom will be back from shopping any minute now. 妈妈随时都会买完东西回来。(5). throw v. 扔;投掷 (过去式:threw )throw about 乱扔 throw at 扔向(6). come over “过来” ,动副词组,用作不及物动词,后面可接 to sp. “过来到某地”(7). all the time “一直” ,表示从某一特定阶段开始一直到结束,常用来修饰动词,多放在句末。eg. If you

13、 are famous, people will watch you all the time. (8)throw verb throws; threw; thrown; throwing扔;抛;投;掷/ (随手)抛,丢,扔Throw me the car keys. = Throw the car keys to me.把车钥匙扔给我。She threw her coat on the bed.她把外套随手扔在了床上。Dont throw your trash on the ground. Throw it in the trash can.别把垃圾丢在地上。丢到垃圾箱里去。throw aw

14、ay 短语动词丢弃;扔掉throw away (sth.) or throw (sth.) away So when are you going to _ away those old magazines?那么你什么时候丢掉那些旧杂志? He _down the newspaper on the table angrily.他气冲冲地把报纸扔在了桌子上。 Dont just _ your clothes on the floor - _ them up!不要把你的衣服扔在地板上。捡起来!Step 4. Sum up ( 2 ) ( 回顾重点)Step 5. Practice ( 10 ) (全面检测)一,翻译下列短语(1) 和某人生气 _ (2) 解决这个问题 _(3)放学回家 _ (4) 扔下我的书包 _(5) 遛狗 _ (6) 一直 _ (7) 帮助做家务 _ (8) 整天 _(9) 发现房子干净整洁 _(10) 惊讶地 _二, 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The boy _ (throw) an apple to his friend just now.2. Can you write as _ (care) as he?3. Could you give me _ (anything)



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