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1、2020年无锡地区初三英语中考模拟卷一、单项填空(本大题共14分,每小题1分)1. Thecakes are delicious.Hedliketo havethird one becausesecond one israther too small.A. a,aB. the, theC.a,theD. the,a2. -Look at Ann. How pale shelooks!-Well, she never eatsandthats whyshe is not healthy.A. rapidlyB.properlyC.completelyD.smoothly3. -What do y

2、ou think of my plan,Lucy?-Well, I agree withyou. But I think youd better askTom. Hemay havesome different ideas.A. ingeneralB. infactC.inallD. inplace4. -I got sick and tired of hotels and hotel food after the trip to Mexico. - Icanimagine.A. It never rains butitpours.B. The grass is always greener

3、on the otherside.C. East or west, home isthebest.D. Travel is not your cup oftea.5. -Who doyou think asthe newchairperson of ourstudentsunion?-Ive no idea.A. to chooseB.willchooseC. willbechosenD. to bechosen6. Theoldtabletoo much room of the study. Shall we move itout?A. comesupB. turns upC.stays u

4、pD. takesup7. -Thank God! The work is finally done! Yourbossmustthe result.-Well, heshould be.At leastI ve tried my best.A. beangrywithB. becarefulwithC. bebusywithD. be satisfiedwith8. He made a mistake, but he took action to changethesituationit gotworse.A. untilB.unlessC.beforeD.since9. The docto

5、r advisedMary strongly to take arest, butdidnt help.A. whatB.whichC.itD.one10. -Did you enjoy your outdoor trainingyesterday?-No, not at all!Iwasdead after so much hardtraining.A. asgoodasB. aswellasC. sogoodasD. so wellas11. Suddenly, there was something wrong with the plane in the sky. But the bri

6、ghtpilotmanagedthe plane at the airportsafely.A. tolandingB.tolandC.landingD.land12. -Has your friend completedhisdesign?-Not yet.Heon it lastnight.A. workedB.hasworkedC.isworkingD. wasworking13. Im new here. Couldyou pleasetell me ?A. what is the buildingusedforB. when does the first classbeginC. w

7、here I could find thedininghallD. how many classes our schoolhas14. -Sorry, s ir.Ican t remember all the new words we learn everyday.-. Practise more.A. I mafraidnotB. It s hardto sayC. You arenotaloneD. Allright二、完形填空(本大题共10分,每小题1分)A girl complained to her father about her hard life.Shedidn t know

8、what she hadto to15 up. She felt tired of fighting and fighting. One problem had been finished but another cameover.Her father, a cook, took her into the kitchen. He poured water into three pans ( 锅 ) and boiled it.When the water was boiling, in the first pan he put some carrots, in the second he pu

9、t some eggs andin the last he put somecoffee.He16for them for a few minutes without anywords.The girl waited impatiently,notknowing17her father was doing that. About 20 minuteslater,herfather turned18the stove, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took out the eggs and put them in another

10、 bowl. After that the coffee was poured into a cup. Turning back to his daughter,heasked,M“y sweet heart, what doyou19?”“Carrots, eggs andcoffee,” she answered.Her father told her to 20 her eyes and let her touch the carrots. She did so and felt that the carrots were soft. After that he asked her to

11、 take eggs and 21 them. Then, she got the eggs, warm and hard. At last,the father asked herto smell the coffee. She asked, “Whadtidyou dothis for, Father ?” He22 thateach one had had the same unlucky experience the boiling water, but 23 had a different result. Thestrong and hard carrots had become s

12、oft and weak after being in the boiling water. The eggs became hardafter being cooked. The coffee was very special and it changedthewater.“ Whoareyou?”ask“Whenbad luck24your door, whatsdyeocuisrion?Are you carrots, eggs orcoffee?”15. A.growB.giveC.setD.pick16. A.lookedB. searchedC.waitedD.called17.

13、A. thatB.whenC.whatD.why18. A.intoB.overC.offD.out19. A.hearB. tasteC.smellD.see20. A. closeB.openC.washD.clean21. A.dropB. cookC.breakD.drink22. A. smiledB.explainedC.laughedD.expected23. A.everyB. allC.eachD.either24. A.liesinB.comesacrossC.meetswithD. knocksat三、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(本大题共26分

14、,每小题2分)AAMinidictionary:1.registerv.注册,登记2.sponsorn.赞助人25. This is mostprobablya(n).A. reportB.emailC.posterD.survey26. Book Aid International helps people inSub-SaharanAfrica.A. by givingthemmoneyB. by reading books aboutchildhoodC. byprovidingbooksD. by building them newbookshops27. The article en

15、courages people to join Book AidInternationalby.A. offering them some books for free as arewardB. showing them reading books can bring them lots offunC. telling them how many friends they can make in Sub-SaharanAfricaD. showing them they can make a great difference to lives of people in othercountriesBA little boy invited hismother to attend hisschool-parentsmfiersettitnega.cTheorthe little boysadness, hi


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