人教版英语八年级上册Unit 3 Section B 3a —4 Self check课件(40张PPT)

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1、Section B,3a 4 Self check,Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.,Learning Aims,1.复习形容词和副词的比较级。 2. 会用比较级描述人和物。 3.情感目标:学会正确评价、尊重别人 ,与别人友好相处。,描述外貌,tall,Say out the description words. 说出描述人的词汇。,瘦的,长发,短发,矮的,胖的,short,heavy,thin,long hair,short hair,Review,描述性格,文静的,quiet,friendly,hard-working,funny,seriou

2、s,outgoing,外向的,严肃的,滑稽的,友好的,努力的,Say out the description words. 说出描述人的词汇。,其它描述词,strong,shy,lazy,old,young,beautiful,smart,weak,Say out the description words in groups. 小组合作,说出描述人的词汇。,Guessing game!,Who is he/she?,1.,2.,3.,He is short and of medium build.,He has a big nose.,He is funny.,He is really ha

3、rd-working.,He likes making movies.,He is good at Kungfu.,a star,?,Guessing game!,Who is he/she?,1.,2.,3.,She is tall and thim.,She wears glasses.,She is outgoing.,She likes telling jokes.,She likes making faces.,She is good at swimming.,a sportswoman,?,Wang Lingling,Liu Lili,3a Wang Lingling and Li

4、u Lili are best friends. Look at the chart below and compare them.,Writing,1. 分析词汇,可分为长相,爱好,性格及学习品质。 2. 注意句子结构,介绍发型时,has hair;介绍爱好时,likes ;其他可用 be + 形容词。 3. 适当运用 and 及 but。,写作指导:,Wang Lingling and Liu Lili are best friends. Look at the chart on page 23 and compare them.,3a,long straight hair,popular

5、,funny,smart,Try to retell according to the chart :(根据表格信息复述 ),Wang Lingling and Liu Lili,3.popular,1.tall,4.outgoing,longer hair,more serious,more hard-working,likes reading,shorter hair,funnier,smarter,likes sports,2. straight hair,I have two best friends Wang Lingling and Liu Lili. We all study a

6、t No.7 Middle School in Shangrao County. In some ways, they are similar. They are both tall and beautiful .Lingling is as outgoing as Lili. So both of them are popular at school. However, they are different in some ways. First , Lingling has long straight hair ,but Lili has shorter straight hair. Th

7、en Lingling is a little more serious and Lili is much funnier than Lingling. At last, Lili likes doing sports such as ping-pong ball. But Ling thinks sports are boring and she likes reading better. All in all, differences make us better friends.,My best friends,Name,Relation,Appearance,Personality,H

8、obbies,Ending,Do you know other words like them?,topic sentence,3b,Outline 提纲,differences,Topic 话题 My best friends,xxx and xxx are my best friends .,All in all, my best friends brings out the best of me .,similarities,First, longer/shorter straight hair,Then, .more serious / much funnier,Finally, li

9、ke .better, but.,both tall as outgoing as look similar,funny and popular,tall and thin,likes reading,is good at soccer,quiet and serious,speaks loudly,hard-working,smart,has good grades,a good listener,Make notes about two of your friends. One friend should be similar to you; the other friend should

10、 be different.,3b,Example:,My friend A is quite similar to me. We are both tall and thin. We are both quiet and serious. We like reading together. We are hard-working in class, so we often get good grades.,3c,Write two paragraphs describing your friends.,My friend B is different from me. Shes funnie

11、r and more outgoing than me. She always speaks loudly. She is good at soccer. Shes smart and shes a good listener.,Read the job ad. Then compare two of your classmates. Decide which classmate is better for the job.,4,Student Helper Wanted! The English Study Center needs a weekend student helper for

12、primary school students. You must:,be a middle school student have good grades in English be good with children be outgoing Call the English Study Center at 443-5667 for more information.,一、词汇积累 1. 对比类短语 与不同_ 与相像的_ 与相同_ 和一样高_ 2. 人物描述类短语 在某方面有天赋_ 擅长于_,be different from,be similar to,the same as,as ta

13、ll as,be talented in,be good at/ do well in,写作指导,3. 朋友相处类短语 与某人相处得好_ 真正关心我_ 分享一切_ 使我笑_ 4. 写出下面形容词或副词的比较级 outgoing_ serious_ quiet_ hard-working_ loud _ popular_ thin _ funny_ well_ loudly_ hard _ clearly_,more outgoing,more hard-working,quieter,thinner,more serious,funnier,louder,more popular,better

14、,more loudly,harder,more clearly,be good with sb.,truly care about me,share everything,make me laugh,My best friend Larry is quite different from me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. . but he plays better. 【A+be+adj.比较级+than+B】 【A+实义V.+adv.比较级+than+B】 A比B更 Mike and I are good friends. But in

15、some ways, we are different. Mike比我更擅长体育运动。他跑得比我快。我比他更安静,学习更努力。 _ _,Mike is better at sports than me. He runs faster than me. But Im quieter and study harder.,(“1+n”拓展),3. Im shy so its not easy for me to make friends. 【its+adj. +for sb.+to do sth.做某事对某人来说怎么样】 英语取得好成绩对我来说很容易。 _,Its easy for me to ge

16、t good grades in English.,(二)表达个人的择友观 1. 在我看来,有相同点是必要的。 In my view, _. 2. 我真的不介意朋友是与我相同或是不同。 _ 3. 我认为朋友就像书一样你不需要很多,只要他们好就行。 _,its necessary to be the same.,I dont really care if friends are the same as me or different.,I think friends are like books you dont need a lot of them, as long as theyre good.,(三)写作微技能:比较等级的巧用 形容词和副词的比较等级,能帮助你更具体、生动、形象地描述所要描写的人物,写出评价人物的文章。你可以根据你的需要,用than, as.as等更具体、生动地描述人物间的相同点与不同点。 1. Lisa唱得比Sam好。 Lisa sings _ _ Sam. 2. 他和我一样外向。 He is _ _ _ me. 3. Peter学习不如Tom努力。 Peter


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