Unit 1 课文重难点过关 人教版 2019 选择性必修第四册

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《Unit 1 课文重难点过关 人教版 2019 选择性必修第四册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 课文重难点过关 人教版 2019 选择性必修第四册(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版选择性必修第四册unit1课文重难点过关.单词拼写1I am told that if the dough is sticky,add more_(面粉).2“Please dont go,” he said, _(抓紧) her arm with both hands.3An innovation company should reward failure but punish _(不作为)4She stepped backwards a little and was within an _(英尺)of being killed.5The company wants to keep d

2、own _ (劳动)costs.6Looking at his mothers back go away, his eyes _ (模糊)behind the glasses.7The job will require you to take advantage of all your skills to the _(最大化).8He said they were opposed to the presence of _(外国的) forces in the region.1. flour 2. gripping 3. inaction 4. inch 5. labour 6. blurred

3、 7. maximum 8. alien.选词填空下面的短文是P89的课文改写,请从下表中选择合适的词汇并用其适当的形式完成此文。Having checked the time machine for the last time, my first time travelling would begin.I 13._ in the leather seat and 14._ the starting lever forwards an inch and backwards again,but it seemed that nothing happened.So I 15._ the lever

4、 and pushed it forwards and then I knew I was on the time travel for my niece entered the lab 16._ something without seeing me.Night came 17._lamps were being 18._.Its hard 19._ my strange and unpleasant feeling because I was being pushed through time at hundreds of years a minute.As my pace grew fa

5、ster,the walls of the laboratory 20._ and I was in the open air.I saw huge buildings 21._ then disappear like in a dream.When I stopped the machine and had 22._ to look at the random things, I was thrown through the air and sat in the rain in some mud.13.sat myself 14. pushed 15.gripped 16.to fetch

6、17. as if 18.turned out 19. to explain 20.fell away 21. rise up 22.an urge.经典句式1强调句型今天十点钟,第一台时间机器开始了它的事业。_2as if引导方式状语从句夜幕降临,仿佛灯灭了,转眼间,白昼降临了。_3it作形式主语 时间旅行的奇怪和不愉快的感觉很难解释。_1.It was at ten oclock today that the first of all Time Machines began its career.2.Night came as if a lamp was being turned out,

7、and in another moment came the day.3.It is hard to explain the strange and unpleasant feeling of time travelling.完形填空“Bill!It is February 25,2099,seven oclock.Time to 1 and go to school.” said the clockrobot 2 a metal voice.Then the kitchenrobot gave him toast and eggs.Bill was 3 .While he was eatin

8、g,the whole wall 4 a TV screen and Bill ate his meal as he was watching a TV 5 .When he finished eating,the clothesrobot 6 him very fast.Then Bill went off to school.Outside home,he saw a car with no 7 waiting for him.The car said,“Hello,I will be 8 you to school every day.Now would you please 9 me

9、your school ID card?”So Bill showed the car his school ID card and got in.Then the car said,“I will 10 your homework today because you will have a very,very important lesson to 11 in school today.Please put your homework on the blackboard.” Bill did so.The car checked Bills homework and then said,“Y

10、ou are a(n) 12 student.All of your homework is 13 .” When they got to the school,Bill and the car said goodbye to each other.Then Bill got into the classroom and 14 his seat at the front of the room.Then his teacher came in and said,“Welcome,children! Today we will have a hard but 15 lessonHow do ro

11、bots help a human being?.”1A.get up Bshow upCtake up Ddress up2A.in BonCwith Dby3A.angry BamazedCworried Dquick4A.changed for Bbecame ofClooked like Dturned into5A.show BscreenCset Dbox6A.dressed BcleanedCpushed Dpleased7A.teacher BstudentCrobot Ddriver8A.driving BaccommodatingCloading Dholding9A.gi

12、ve Bshow Csend Dlend10A.check BprepareCinspect Ddo11A.miss BlearnCstudy Dcheck12A.energetic BoptimisticCgreat Dhandsome13A.easy BdifficultCcorrect Dwrong14A.took BfoundCmade Dkept15A.easy BimportantCboring Dinfluential1-15 AABDA ADABA BCCAB.语法填空Chinese dragons are fictional creatures, a root of Chin

13、ese people who considered 1. (they) as the descendants(后代) of dragons.Since their creation, Chinese dragons 2. (win) the deep love from Chinese people, because of their strong power and symbolic meanings.They played 3. important role in the history of Chinese nation, politics, religion, culture and

14、Chinese language and became a symbol of China and Chinese people.Dragon is a belief of Chinese nation and a 4. (gold) Chinese element(元素).5. a person hears the name of dragon, China will come to his or her mind.As the strongest animal 6. (select) by Chinese people, dragon has the strongest power 7. helps it go to the Heaven and the Hell, and make cloud and rains.In ancient times, as a belief, dragon gave strong supports to the ruling of a big nation, and to p



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