高一英语人教版必修一 unit2 English around the world单词课件(共49张)

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1、official adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的 e.g. I can hardly believe that is our official attitude. His official duties kept him busy. 官员(可数) e.g. An important official called to see us.,voyage n. C 航行,尤指航海和航空 e.g. He was a young sailor on his first sea voyage. The sea became calm after the storm, so they decided to

2、 make a voyage. e.g. The scientist planned to go on a voyage to the Moon.,conquer vt. 征服,占领 e.g. The Normans conquered England in 1066 conquered peoples/races/territories 被征服的民族/种族;被占领的领土 (成功的)对付,克服,控制 e.g. The only way to conquer a fear is to face it. 克服恐惧的唯一方法是正视恐惧。,because of: 因为; 由于(介词短语) 后跟名词、代

3、词、动名词或what引导的宾语从句 e.g. Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe pollution. 因为污染严重,许多美丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。,e.g. She didnt come to the party because of what you had said. 因为你所说的话,她没来参加这个聚会。 because 是从属连词,引导原因状语从句。 e.g. The sports meeting had to be put off because it rained heavily. = The

4、 sports meeting had to be put off because of the heavy rain.,native adj. 本国的;本地人 e.g. As a matter of fact, French is not my native language. be native to 原产于 e.g. The banana is native to Taiwan. n. 本地人;本国人 be a native of (某地原有的)动植物 e.g. The panda is a native of China.,你知道这句话的意思吗?The bamboo shoots ar

5、e just beginning to come up.,come up 走近;上来;被提出;发生;升起,上文中这句话的准确翻译是:竹笋刚开始破土发芽。其中come up意为“长出地面;破土而出”,恰恰诠释了come up的基本义“上来”。,空间的上来-1 上来;上升 距离的上来-2 走近;靠近 话题上上来-3 被提出;被提及 事情/时间等上来-4 发生;即将到来, 上来;上升 Come up! Im upstairs! 上来!我在楼上! We watched the sun come up. 我们看着太阳升了起来。, 走近;靠近: He came up to me and asked me

6、the way to the station. 他走近我,问我去车站的路怎么走。, 被提出;被提及 : The name of that star comes up a lot on TV. 那个明星的名字经常在电视上被提到。 发生;即将到来: Im afraid I cant go somethings come up. 恐怕我不能去了,出了点事情。 Danny, I heard your birthday is coming up. 丹尼,我听说你的生日快到了。,actually adv. 实际上;事实上 in fact= as a matter of fact e.g. He looke

7、d calm, but actually he was very nervous. As a matter of fact / In fact, I dont know the truth.,base vt. 以为根据 baseon/upon以为基础(被动形式be based on/upon) e.g. We should base our opinions on facts. The story is based on facts. n. 基部;基地;基础 at the base of 在底部 e.g. We camped at the base of the mountain. basic

8、 adj. 基础的;基本的;初级的 baseless adj. 无根据的 basically adv. 基本的;从根本上说,e.g. Shes working abroad at present. for the present 目前;暂时 e.g. He doesnt know how to deal with the difficult situation for the present. 暂时他不知道该怎样应对困难的局势。 The present president present at the meeting presented us with presents.,at present

9、 now: 现在;目前,e.g. Things have gradually improved. 情况已逐渐改善。 Gradually, she realized that he had been telling a lie. 她渐渐意识到他一直在说谎。 gradual adj. 逐渐的;逐步的 e.g. a gradual change in the climate. Losing weight is a slow, gradual process.,gradually adv. 逐渐地,enrich vt. 使富裕;充实;改善 e.g. Education can greatly enri

10、ch our life. 教育可以大大充实生活 He will drain, rather than enrich, the country. 他将耗尽而不是增加国家的财富。 He used his position to enrich himself. 他利用职位之便敛财。 enrichment n. 丰富;充实 the enrichment of society. 社会的富足,to have a wide / limited vocabularye.g. By the age of two a child will have a vocabulary of about two hundre

11、d words.,vocabulary n. 1 C all the words known and used by a particular person: 词汇量,2 C or U all the words which exist in a particular language or subject: 词汇 e.g. Every week our English teacher gives us a list of vocabulary (= words) to learn. Computing, like any subject, has its own vocabulary.,e.

12、g. She makes use of people she meets as raw material for her fiction. 她把她所遇见的人们作为她创作小说的素材。 make good use of 好好利用 make full use of 充分利用 make little use of 很少利用 make the best/most of 充分利用 e.g. Youd better make full use of this chance to improve your English.,make use of 利用;使用,n. (两者中)后者; 末位 e.g. She o

13、ffered me more money or a car and I chose the latter.the formerthe latter前者后者,latter adj. 较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的 e.g. the latter half of the year I prefer the latter part of the novel.,late adj. 晚的;迟到的;晚期的;后期的 adv. 晚;迟于安排时间地 e.g. In the late afternoon, he arrived, 10minutes late.傍晚,他到达了,迟到了十分钟。 latest adj

14、. 最近的;最新的(late的最高级) e.g. I will buy the latest fashion magazines every month. 每个月我都会买最新的时尚杂志。,identity,如此熟悉的identity 生活中我们经常听到ID这个词,可同学们是否知道它的真正含义呢?ID是英文Identity的缩写,是“身份标识号码”的意思,也称为“序列号或帐号”,是某个体系中相对唯一的编码。如“员工工号”、“身份证号码”、“计算机网址”等。,identity n. 缩写为ID 身份:an identity card (ID card) 身份证 Only when your ide

15、ntity has been checked, will you be allowed in. 只有确认身份后才允许你进入。 (区别人或群体的) 个性 / 特征: After years of performing, he felt that in some ways he had lost his identity. The college years are supposed to be a time for the development of adult identity. 大学阶段应该是培养成年人个性特征的一段时间。,e.g. Shes fluent in French. He sp

16、eaks fluent Chinese. Hes a fluent Russian speaker.,fluent adj. 流利的;流畅的,fluently adv.流利地;流畅地Id like to speak English fluently.,such as: 例如; 诸如 后面跟名词、代词、动名词 e.g. He can speak six languages, such as Chinese, Russian, German and so on.,for example意思是 举个例子来说,. 一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中、句末; such as意思是 比如,后面不加逗号,直接列举同类人或物中的几个例子,不能穷尽,可和and so on连用; like表示列举,可和such as互换。,for example, such as, like 的区别,e.g. Noise, for example, is a kind of pollution 举例说明,噪音就是一种污染。 e.g. China has many big citie



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