外研版六年级下册英语Review Module第一课时Unit 1 1_2

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1、Review Module第一课时Unit 1 12教学目标1.熟练掌握Part 1中的动词过去式和动词短语。2.能运用所给的动词短语写出句子,并能读出来。3.能够读出Part 2中的句子。教学重难点1.复习动词的过去式。2.会用动词短语写过去时的句子。3.能在具体的语言环境中,用过去时表达句子。教学准备本课时教学课件及录音文件,单词卡片及教学挂图。教学过程Step 1:Warm-up1.Greeting.2.教师提出几个问题,让学生回答:(1)What did you do last night?(2)Where did you go yesterday?(3)Did you do your

2、 homework last night?3.选唱本册中学生最喜欢的一首歌曲。Step 2:Presentation1.呈现Part 1 Read and say.部分。(1)通过单词接龙游戏,复习一些动词和动词词组。(2)教师准备一些动词的过去式的卡片,让学生说出相应动词的原形。go-went can-could see-saw spend-spent fly-flew send-sent take-took eat-ate learn-learnt/learned(3)让学生分组完成句子。Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space an

3、d did a lot of work there. Shenzhou V flew into space and carried a taikonaut.Daming went to the US and took some photos.Helen Keller couldnt see and she couldnt hear.The ducks saw the sandwiches and ate them.Sam and Amy spent some time in China and learnt Chinese.在连线的过程中,教师予以帮助和启发。(4)学生在句子中找出下列短语并写

4、出短语的原形,说出相应短语的汉语意思。went to the US _ did a lot of work _flew into space _ took some photos _saw the sandwiches _ learnt Chinese _(5)小组合作学习。根据所给的动词短语,写出相应的句子。例如:They went to the US and learned English there. I did a lot of work and had a good time last night.教师对句子新颖且正确率高的小组给予奖励。2.呈现Part 2 Now follow a

5、nd say.部分。 首先由教师解释题目意思。分小组通过说句子的形式进行练习。例如:A: Yang LiweiB: spent about twenty-one hours in spaceC: and did a lot of work there.又如:A: Helen Keller B: couldnt seeC: and she couldnt hear. 学生在训练的过程中要注意动词过去式的读音。Step 3:Consolidation and extension根据教师缩写的信息写句子,看哪一组写得最棒。went to the zoo, had a good time, took many photos, ate some ice-cream, drew pictures and so on.教师找几名学生到黑板上写句子。然后,再找学生读一读自己的句子。Step 4:Summary本课时复习了一般过去时。Step 5:Homework根据今天在学校的活动用过去时写5个句子。教学反思本课时让学生在小组活动中提高了语言的综合运用能力。通过连线、找动词短语、根据动词短语写句子、小组合作说句子等活动,为学生学习英语构建了英语语境,通过用句子来描述我们的日常活动,降低学习难度,使学生乐于学习,培养学习的兴趣。3 / 3


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