三年级下册英语课件-Unit2 My family PartA| 人教PEP(2018秋) (共19张PPT)

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《三年级下册英语课件-Unit2 My family PartA| 人教PEP(2018秋) (共19张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件-Unit2 My family PartA| 人教PEP(2018秋) (共19张PPT)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、a,b,n,k,h,j,l,p,m,s,g,r,c,t,d,f,w,z,Can you read them?(你能读这些单词吗?),mat,crab,hand,sad,dad,nap,lap,pad,cat,rab,bag,crab,r,legs,ten,red,pen,c,b,a,leg,pen,ten,red,你能找出这些单词有哪个相同点吗?,leg,pen,ten,red,四人小组读一读这些单词吧!,Lets chant,Pen, pen , a red pen. Leg, leg, ten legs. A red pen has ten legs.,绿色圃中小学教育网lspjy,e,b

2、,n,k,h,j,l,p,m,s,g,r,c,t,d,f,w,z,Tips:同学们,你能用e的发音规则读出这些新单词吗?发挥你们的聪明才智来挑战吧!,Challenge(挑战题),web met beg Ted get peg let mess,1. Read the new words.(朗读新单词),2. Listen to the words and find the letters.(听单词发音,找字母),t, h, s, e, b,k, t, w, e,b, f, e, d,wet,Challenge(挑战题),bed,best,Tips:竖起小耳朵喽,你们将会听到几个新单词,迅速找

3、出是由哪几个字母组成的。,g, j, e, k,t, p, e, l,e, k, n, y,ken,keg,pet,Challenge(挑战题),3.Tongue twister(绕口令),Good, better, best, never let it rest. Till good is better, and better, best.,Challenge(挑战题),3.Tongue twister(绕口令),1.Ten red pens.,2.Ten red pens in bed.,3.Ten red pens in pet bed.,e,e,e,a,a,Challenge(挑战题)

4、,4.Listen and circle.(听单词,辨音,圈字母。),Little knowledge(小知识),知道吗?字母e除了今天学的发音外,还有很多别的发音哦,让我们来瞧瞧吧!,he she we me,pen bed pet egg,你能区别e的不同发音吗?来读读这些单词吧!,he she we me,Read, choose and write.(读一读,选一选,写一写。),1. How old are you? Im years old.,2. Look at me. This is my .,3. Whats that? Its a .,4. My bag is .,leg pen teacher red boy ten,Homework(回家作业),Copy the four-skill words four times. (抄写四个单词,每个抄遍。 ) 2. Read the sentences to your parents. (把纸上的四个对话读给爸爸妈妈听。),


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