2021年江苏省南通市学科基地高考英语模拟试卷(5月份)(附答案详解) (1)

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2021年江苏省南通市学科基地高考英语模拟试卷(5月份)(附答案详解) (1)_第1页
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《2021年江苏省南通市学科基地高考英语模拟试卷(5月份)(附答案详解) (1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年江苏省南通市学科基地高考英语模拟试卷(5月份)(附答案详解) (1)(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021年江苏省南通市学科基地高考英语模拟试卷(5月份)一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共37.5分)APetrified Forest National Park Petrified Forest National Park is now mapping self-guided hikes to its more off-the-beaten-path destinations, in part to remind visitors that the parks are theirs to roam. In August, a new field institute will begin o

2、ffering classes led by ecologists, photographers and other experts. And next year, look for electric vehicle charging stations to appear at the north and south entrances of the park. Yosemite National Park Yosemite is all about restoration this year. This month the parks main corridor is being repai

3、red. The parks gallery reopened to the public in April after remodeling to allow full accessibility for the disabled. Even John Muir, known as the father of the national parks, is being revived by the actor Lee Stetson, who will answer audience questions about the park and its history at the Yosemit

4、e Theater. Acadia National Park Acadia National Park is to begin managing a new campground on Maines Schoodic Peninsula this fall. The site will offer almost 100 R.V. and tent sites, as well as new hiking and biking tails connecting to Gouldsboro Village and existing park trails leading to the penin

5、sulas tip. Wetherill Mesa Wetherill Mesa will have an extended season this year (through mid-October), giving cyclists ample time to enjoy new access to the parks six -mile Long House Loop, a paved path formerly used for tram service, and the backcountry routes on the parks most popular hike. Natura

6、lly, plans are in the works to open an on-site bike rental operation within the year.1. In which national park will you be able to rent bikes? _ A. Petrified Forest National Park.B. Yosemite National Park.C. Acadia National Park.D. Wetherill Mesa.2. What do we know about Yosemite National Park? _ A.

7、 Lee Stetson is famous as its founder.B. The disabled have access to its gallery.C. It will offer a movie about its history.D. It will be closed for repairs all the year.3. What is the purpose of this passage? _ A. To introduce something new at the national parks.B. To share his own discoveries at t

8、he national parks.C. To encourage people to preserve the national parks.D. To describe the natural scenery of the national parks.BEileen Kushner had always had trouble with reading and simple math, and while she was growing up in Detroit, her fellow students didnt make life easy on her. Later, shed

9、be diagnosed with a learning disability, but at the time, she just had to suffer the slings and arrows of her peers. When she got married right out of high school and had three kids, she hoped that her life as a stay-at-home mom might hide her learning problems. Things didnt work out that way. Raisi

10、ng the kids, they had no extra spending money. So, at the age of 31, she went down to the local McDonalds and applied for a job. She got it, too. But then came trouble. In those days, McDonalds employees couldnt rely on computers to do their calculations for them. They had to add up the prices of or

11、ders themselves, manually. For Eileen, who had been doing well in other aspects of her work, this posed a problem. She remembered what it was like for her as a student. She couldnt bear the thought of dredging up(追忆起)those frustrations to experience again. She wanted to quit, because she didnt want

12、them to know that she didnt know how to count the money back. Larry tried to help. He went and got a bunch of cashones and fives and changeand broke it out for a bit of practice. Hed play a customer, while she would work at the math. Day by day, they worked with these bills. Gradually, with Larrys h

13、elp and Eileens hard work, those numbers began to come just a bit easier to her. It has been more than 30 years since those early days at McDonalds, and in that time, Eileen says she has come to feel an affinity with Thomas Edison. She explains, After he invented the light bulb, a young reporter ask

14、ed him, How did it feel to fail over 2,000 times? Edison said. I never failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a 2,000-step process. And this is what my life has been, she adds. More than 2,000 stepsbut I made it.4. What can be learned from Kushners school life? _ A. She was o

15、ften made fun of by her peers.B. She suffered from a serious depression.C. She was actually physically challenged.D. She knew little about learning disability.5. How did Eileen Kushner probably feel when she got a job? _ A. Puzzled and relaxed.B. Scared and nervous.C. Excited and concerned.D. Please

16、d and ambitious.6. Why did Eileen Kushner want to quit her new job? _ A. Because the staff laughed at her.B. Because she had to raise her kids.C. Because her boss was demanding.D. Because she was unable to calculate.7. What can we learn from Eileen Kushners words? _ A. Success comes from numerous attempts.B. God helps those who h



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