Module 8 Unit 1 公开课教学设计(外研版八年级上册)

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Module 8 Unit 1 公开课教学设计(外研版八年级上册)_第1页
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《Module 8 Unit 1 公开课教学设计(外研版八年级上册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 8 Unit 1 公开课教学设计(外研版八年级上册)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 8 AccidentsUnit 1 While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared.教学设计Teaching aims:To master the useful words and sentences.Words: pale, appear, round, corner, hit, glad, risk, side, in time, fall of, attention, pay attention, side by side.Expressions: in time, fall off, pay a

2、ttention, side by side.Teaching important and difficultpoints:New words and expressions.To learn the grammar knowledge of the past continuous tense.Teaching Steps:Step 1 Lead-inSs look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.Step 2 Consolidate new wordsLook and say. The teacher shows the pictures of

3、new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible.Step 3 Say the meaning of the phrasesWork in pairs. Let Ss say the meaning of the phrases as quickly as possible.Step 4 Look at the pictures and say whats happeningLook at the pictures and use the words from the box to say wh

4、ats happening at that time.Step 5 Listen to Activity 2 and read1. The driver was / was not going fast.2. The driver was / was not looking.3. The driver was / was not talking on his mobile phone.Step 6 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questionsLet Ss listen to the dialogue and answer the two que

5、stions. Then check in groups.Step 7 Read the dialogue and answer the questions1. What was the boy doing when he was riding his bike?2. When did a car suddenly appear round the corner?3. Did the boy fall off his bike?Step 8 Read Activity 3 and complete the following adviceWhen you are riding a bike,

6、think about the risk of an accident!Pay _ and stop at the _.Dont _ too fast.Dont ride _ with your friends!Dont _!Step 9 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the boxLet Ss read the passage first and choose the words and expressions from the box.Step 10 Everyday EnglishAre you

7、all right?Thats very dangerous!Thats too bad.Anything else?Step 11 Language pointsLet Ss master the main points of the passage.Step 12 Listen and mark when the speaker pauses1. Listen and mark when the speaker pauses.1) While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.

8、2) When I was waiting to cross the road, the accident happened.2. Now listen again and repeat.Step 13 Work in groups of four.Student A: Youre a policeman at an accident scene in the street. Ask people questions.Student B, C and D: You saw the accident. Answer the policemans questionsStep 14 Grammar.掌握过去进行时的用法。Step 15 Summary.重点短语in time fall off pay attention side by side过去进行时Step 16 Exercises.Do some exercises about the main points.Step 17中考链接Do the exercises in the entrance exam to senior high schools.Step 18 Homework编写一个对话,介绍你亲眼目睹的一次交通事故。 3 / 3


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