2021年高考英语专项训练 考点19 情态动词 Word版含解析

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1、考点19 情态动词【复习建议】 1. 真实的语境中对情态动词的理解和把握;2. 掌握情态动词表示推测和可能性的用法;3. 掌握情态动词表达情感、态度、语气等方面的用法。考向一can,could与be able to的用法1表示能力,意为能,会。Many people can use the computer.许多人会用电脑。If you have a good sleep,you will be able to work out this problem.如果你好好睡一觉,你将能够解出这道题。I could have worked out the problem,but I was too n

2、ervous.我本来可以解决这个问题,但我太紧张了。2can/could表示惊讶,常用在否定句和疑问句中。How can you treat me like that?你怎么能那样对我?3can/could表示礼貌地请求别人做某事,意为能,可以。Can I have a word with you? It wont take long.(表示请求)我可以和你谈谈吗?不会花很多时间的。【易混辨析】can和be able to 用法上的区别1. can只有两种时态,即can 和could;而be able to 有多种时态,如was/were able to,will/shall be able

3、to,have/has been able to等。Ill be able to drive the car in a week. Through his diligent work, the deaf-mute has been able to read and write in a sign language. 2. 表示过去通过努力终于做成了某事要用be able to,而不能用can。I was able to swim to the bank after the boat turned over. can 和be able to 都可以表示能力。can泛指一般的能力;be able

4、to则主要指具体做到了某件事的能力,其形式主要是靠be 发生变化,所以形式比can 多。3. can能表猜测,be able to不能。can的这种用法主要用于疑问句和否定句。其肯定形式是must be。 Somebody is knocking at the door. Who can it be? It cant be our teacher who is knocking at the door.4. can 可以表 允许,与may可以互换,此时不能用be able to 代替。Can / May I sit here?Yes, please.1. (2018北京卷单项填空) In to

5、days information age, the loss of data _ cause serious problems for a company.A. need B. should C. can D. must【参考答案】C【答案解析】考查情态动词。句意:在今天的信息时代,数据的丢失有时会对一个公司造成严重的问题。数据丢失造成严重问题是客观上会发生的情况,即“客观可能性”,故该空应用情态动词can。C选项正确。其余情态动词均没有该用法。need需要;should应该,竟然;must必须,肯定。2. (2017北京卷单项填空)Samuel, the tallest boy in our

6、 class, _ easily reach the books on the top shelf.A. must B. should C. can D. need【参考答案】C【答案解析】考查情态动词。can表示能力,意为“能够” 。故答案为C。句意:塞缪尔我们班个子最高的男孩能够轻松地够到架子顶层上的书。考向二may与might的用法1表示请求、允许时,might比may的语气更委婉一些,否定回答时要用mustnt,表示不可以禁止阻止之意。May I play basketball this afternoon?No,you mustnt.今天下午我可以打篮球吗?不,不行。2may/mig

7、ht as well动词原形意为最好,倒不如,may/ might well动词原形,意为很可能。He may/ might well stay in Beijing now.他现在很可能呆在北京。If you think the price of beef is too high,you might as well buy some pork.It depends on you.如果你认为牛肉太贵的话,你不妨买些猪肉。你自己决定。might为may的过去式,但也可以代替may,语气较为婉转客气或更加不肯定。He might not come today. 今天他也许不来了。(语气不肯定) Y

8、ou might also get a headache when you work too hard. 当你工作太努力时,你也可能患头痛。You feel all the training a waste of time, but Im a hundred percent sure later youll be grateful you did it.A. should B. need C. shall D. may【参考答案】D【答案解析】句意:你可能觉得所有的训练都是浪费时间,但是我有100%的把握你以后会感激它的。should应该;need需要;shall将会;may(不确定)可能。所

9、以选D。考向三must与need的用法1must用于否定句,表示禁止,表示说话者的命令或指令,语气比较强烈。You mustnt play with the knife,or you may hurt yourself.你千万不要玩刀,否则会伤到自己。2must表示必要性,意为必须。Progress must lead to a better life and a better way of doing things.发展一定会促成一种更好的生活,更好的做事情的方法。3must表示偏执、固执,意为非得,偏要。If you must go,at least wait until the stor

10、m is over.如果你非要走的话,至少等到暴风雨结束。must开头的疑问句,其否定回答通常用dont have to或neednt。而不用mustnt。 Must I finish my homework first? 我必须先完成作业吗?No, you dont have to/ neednt. 不,你不必。can和must在表推测时,can一般用于否定句中,而must 常用于肯定句中。It can not be Li Lei. 那个人不可能是李磊。 It must be Li Lei. 那个人肯定是李磊。【易混辨析】must和have to 1. 表示必须、必要。在回答引出的问句时,如

11、果是否定的,不能用mustnt(禁止,不准),而用neednt/dont have to(不必). Must we hand in our exercise books today? Yes, you must. No, you dont have to / you neednt. 2. must是说话人的主观看法,而have to则强调客观需要。must只有一般现在时,have to有更多的时态形式。 The play isnt interesting, I really must go now. I had to work when I was your age. 3. 表示推测、可能性,

12、只用于肯定的陈述句。 Youre Toms good friend, so you must know what he likes best. Your mother must be waiting for you now.4. need 的用法:(1)情态动词,需要,有必要 ,一般用于否定句或疑问句中。You neednt come here this afternoon. 你今天下午不必来。(2)行为动词,需要, 有必要,可以用于各种句式中。You dont need to go now. 你不必现在就走。I need to have a rest. 我需要休息一下。Do we need

13、to finish all the work today? 我们今天需要完成所有的工作吗?【巧学妙记】need的用法助记口诀实义动词表需要,后接名、代、不定式。need后接动名词,主动形式表被动。情态动词表需要,没有人称、数之变。其后直接加动原,多用疑问与否定。【易混辨析】dare和need 1. dare作情态动词用时,常用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句中,过去式形式为dared。 How dare you say Im unfair? He darent speak English before such a crowd, dare he? If we dared not go there t

14、hat day, we couldnt get the beautiful flowers. 2. need 作情态动词用时,常用于疑问句、否定句。在肯定句中一般用must, have to, ought to, should代替。 You neednt come so early. Need I finish the work today? Yes, you must. / No, you neednt. 3. dare和 need作实义动词用时,有人称、时态和数的变化。在肯定句中,dare后面常接带to的不定式。在疑问句和否定句中,dare后面可接带to或不带to的不定式。而need后面只能接带to的不定式。 I dare to swim across this river. He doesnt dare (to) answer. He needs to finish his homework today.1.Cant you stay a little longer?Its getting late. I really _go now, My daughter is home alone.A .may B .can C . must D .dare 【参考答案】C【答案解析】句意:你不能再多待会儿吗?很晚了,我必须得走了。我女儿一个人在家。A. may可能,可以



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