二年级英语教学设计——第四册Lesson 34 - 小学英语教案及反思

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二年级英语教学设计——第四册Lesson 34 - 小学英语教案及反思_第1页
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1、二年级英语教学设计第四册Lesson 34 - 小学英语教案及反思 1. Teaching aimsLet the students master the words: look, young.Let them master the sentences:Whos this man? He looks strong.Is this your.? Yes, he/she is. No,he/she isnt.Are they farmers? They look young.Recite the whole text.2. Teaching aidsA projector, a tape reco

2、rder, some pictures.3. Teaching steps3) GreetingsSay “Good morningto all the students.4) Warming up exercisesReview the exercise “Lets do.5) New contentShow one picyure on the projector and ask “Whos this man?Then say “He looks strong. Let the students to guess who is he.After that, tell them the Ch

3、inese meaning of looks and how toUse it. Then tell the students the main idea of the story in Chinese. Let them read the text after the teacher sentence by sentence. Then read after the tape twice. Give them 3 minutes toPractice in groups. Choose several groups to come to the frontTo act out the story. Hold a compitation in 4 groups to see whichOne is the best.4. GameDo the exercise “Lets chant on page 74. Read after the tape, and doAfter the teacher.5. HomeworkRecite the whole text and make up a new play.6. Teaching notes



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