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1、8-D手法,CorrectiveActionsProcedure8-Discipline Approach矫正措施 8-D手法,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.1 of 32,8D:8 DISCIPLINES,8 Disciplines of Problem Solving解決問題的8個步驟,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.2 of 32,一、What is 8-D?(什么是 8-D?),是一个用于探索原因、解决问题的系统化流程。Discipline 1. U

2、se Team Approach组建团队Discipline 2. Describe The Problem描述问题Discipline 3. Immediate Corrective Actions紧急对策Discipline 4. Seek The Root Cause根本原因Discipline 5. Permanent Corrective Actions永久改善措施Discipline 6. Verification Of Effectiveness效果确认Discipline 7. Preventive Actions防止复发Discipline 8. Congratulate Y

3、our Team, Case Close祝贺结案,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.3 of 32,二.When shall 8-D be used? 何时用8-D?,- Suppliers quality performance consistently exceeds the agreed goal. 当供应商品质持续超出要求的目标时。 Supplier meets the agreed goal, but one failure symptom concentrates more than2%. 当单一不良现象达到2%,即

4、使总体质量水平满足要求。 A defect occurred that should have been contained within the suppliers process.供应商制程不良导致品质异常。 The failing parameter was not tested by supplier.供应商未测试的参数导致不良。,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.4 of 32,三. Responsibilities 职责,- 发起人:提出8-D(CAR)的要求。-供应商1. Shall provide respons

5、es in 8-D format.必须用8-D的报告格式向发起人作出回复。2. Communicate 8-D details internally as necessary.准备8-D报告的详细内容。3. Respond with immediate/permanent corrective actions as per goals.按照计划要求提出紧急对策及永久改善措施。,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.5 of 32,4. Provide weekly updates to the originator as per s

6、chedule.每周按计划向8-D发起人通报改善措施落实情况。5. Achieve goals on timescales for implementation of immediate/permanent corrective actions.按时完成紧急对策及永久改善措施以符合目标。6. Where immediate corrective actions has been requested, the supplier should perform a risk assessment of the exposure in their finished goods. This should

7、 normally be based on a functional/visual screen of statistically significant sample.当紧急对策必须执行时,供应商一定要采用有效的抽样检验方法来评估全面筛选的风险。,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.6 of 32,四.Goals 目标,1. 紧急对策:2个工作天内提出。 5个工作天内落实。 2. 永久改善措施:5个工作天内提出。 10个工作天落实到位。5. Definitions 定义 紧急对策;短期的,暂时性的。 永久改善措施:长期的,永久性

8、的。,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.7 of 32,五. Discipline 1: Use Team Approach 8-D 第一条:组建团队,1.Select and record internal and external team members.选择并记录公司内外的所有成员。2.Select a team champion (management members who will remove roadblocks of the team选择团队决策支持人(决策支持人要能排除障碍)。3.Select a team

9、 leader (A member who directs efforts and takes responsibility for team选择一个组长(组长代表小组向上级负责)。,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.8 of 32,六. Discipline 2: Describe The Problem8-D 第二条:描述问题,1. Use terms understood by the customer.用客户可完全理解的述语描述问题。2. Describe the change in condition or pre-e

10、xisting condition, which caused the problem.描述导致问题存在或发生的条件。3.Express the condition in quantifiable terms, if available.如有可能,量化导致问题存在或发生的条件。,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.9 of 32,七. Discipline 3: Immediate Corrective Actions8-D 第三条:紧急对策,1. Define who, what, when 描述能预防问题再发生的内部及外部的文

11、化、系统改善条件;2.The team champion is responsible for taking these recommendation back to management and driving implementation.决策支持人负责将改进建议往上级呈报并推动落实.,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.14 of 32,十二.Discipline 8: Congratulate To Your Team, Case Close8D - 第八条:祝贺结案,Champion and team leader re

12、cognizes team members for their role in solving the problem.决策支持人和组长肯定小组成员对解决问题的贡献。,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.15 of 32,問題分析,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.16 of 32,掌握“問題”之要領,1) “問題”? 實際與理想之間的差距 (Gap). 2) 問題的型態? A.異常性問題 (s 太大) B.結構性問題 (X bar太低) 3) 發掘問題? 把問題視

13、作一座冰山 (使用工具: 5Why,親和圖法,關連圖法.),Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.17 of 32,先提昇製程水準(X bar )還是降低異常(s ),Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.,變異很小, 但卻不準確,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.19 of 32,準確, 但變異卻很大,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.20

14、 of 32,Cpk=0.816,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.21 of 32,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.22 of 32,把問題想像成一座冰山,現在,看得到的, 可感覺 , 可測量,問題,緊急處理,一次因 (近因),治標對策 (暫時),n 次因 (遠因),治本對策 (永久),why,why,why,why,why,過去,5 Why 1H 工具,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.23

15、of 32,5 Why 範例: 為何停機,問1:為什麼機器停了?,答1:因為機器超載, 保險絲燒斷了,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.24 of 32,5 Why 範例: 為何停機,問1:為什麼機器停了? 問2:為什麼機器會超載?,答1:因為機器超載, 保險絲燒斷了 答2: 因為軸承的潤滑不足,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.25 of 32,5 Why 範例: 為何停機,問1:為什麼機器停了? 問2:為什麼機器會超載? 問3:為什麼軸承會潤滑不足?,答1:因

16、為機器超載, 保險絲燒斷了 答2: 因為軸承的潤滑不足 答3: 因為潤滑幫浦失靈了,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.26 of 32,5 Why 範例: 為何停機,問1:為什麼機器停了? 問2:為什麼機器會超載? 問3:為什麼軸承會潤滑不足? 問4: 為什麼潤滑幫浦會失靈?,答1:因為機器超載, 保險絲燒斷了 答2: 因為軸承的潤滑不足 答3: 因為潤滑幫浦失靈了 答4: 因為幫浦的輪軸耗損了,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without permission.27 of 32,5 Why 範例: 為何停機,問1:為什麼機器停了? 問2:為什麼機器會超載? 問3:為什麼軸承會潤滑不足? 問4: 為什麼潤滑幫浦會失靈? 問5: 為什麼潤滑幫浦的輪軸會耗損?,答1:因為機器超載, 保險絲燒斷了 答2: 因為軸承的潤滑不足 答3: 因為潤滑幫浦失靈了 答4: 因為幫浦的輪軸耗損了 答5: 因為雜質跑到裡面去了,Prepared by Eric Chen.Not copy without per


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