北师大版七年级下册英语课件 Lesson 9 Food for sport (共47张PPT)

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《北师大版七年级下册英语课件 Lesson 9 Food for sport (共47张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大版七年级下册英语课件 Lesson 9 Food for sport (共47张PPT)(47页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Notes: 词汇(24个): 熟悉:bread egg noodle rice swimmer 较熟:butter cheese cookie pancake salt sugar top meal person different heavy kind 陌生:secret thought food for thought host interview Arsenal Michael Phelps (了解) 语法:可数名词、不可数名词、 some、 any 功能:描述饮食习惯,吃什么,不吃什么,健康饮食意识。 话题:food for sport 阅读策略:阅读还原对话,本课是北师大版初中英语

2、七年级下册教材第三单元Unit 3 Food and Drink,话题为购物、食物、点餐、饮食习惯。其中Lesson 9 Food for Sport 的话题为饮食习惯。本课所用语言材料是广播电台主持人与Hill博士的访谈记录,话题内容为运动员的饮食。第一课时主要通过阅读访谈记录复习、学习一些有关食物名称的词汇,梳理足球运动员、游泳运动员的饮食信息、训练学生根据上下文还原句子的能力。 第二课时进一步学习可数名词和不可数名词,归纳总结some 和 any 的区别,运用所学知识表达自己和家人的饮食习惯。,已有知识和技能: 学生在7课8课已学过一些食物的相关词汇、购物及点餐简单的口语表达,初步了解部

3、分可数名词、不可数名词的用法,已具备简单提取信息的阅读技能。 存在的问题: 学生对阅读还原句子的题型接触较少,阅读策略尚需进一步指导。 措施: 引导学生归纳总结阅读还原对话的技巧并运用阅读还原对话的策略完成三篇阅读还原对话的练习。,通过阅读访谈记录,获取阿森纳足球运动员、游泳运动员及菲尔普斯的饮食信息。 通过还原访谈记录,归纳总结阅读还原对话的策略:问答关系、关键词和人称。 根据所提取的信息口头汇报本课运动员的饮食情况。 运用阅读还原对话的策略完成三篇练习。 初步体验和感知可数名词、不可数名词及不定代词some, any的用法。,教学重点: 通过阅读访谈记录,获取阿森纳足球运动员、游泳运动员及

4、菲尔普斯的饮食信息。 通过还原访谈记录,归纳总结阅读还原对话的策略:问答关系、关键词和人称。 根据所提取的信息口头汇报本课运动员的饮食情况。 运用阅读还原对话的策略完成三篇练习。 教学难点: 根据所提取的信息口头汇报本课运动员的饮食情况。 运用阅读还原对话的策略完成三篇练习。,cookies,pancakes,sugar,cheese,butter,noodles,interviewer,interviewee,interview,1.Read the radio interview.,interview,Who are the speakers in the interview?,inter

5、viewer,interviewee,host,Dr Hill,a) Really? But Michael Phelps eats all those things. b) Well, thats food for thought. Thank you very much. c) Is each sport different? d) How about swimmers? Do they eat any beef?,2. Read and complete the hosts words.,问答关系+关键词,a) Really? But Michael Phelps eats all th

6、ose things. b) Well, thats food for thought. Thank you very much. c) Is each sport different? d) How about swimmers? Do they eat any beef?,Host: Arsenal is a top UK football team. The players skills are important but their food is important, too. So what do they eat? Is there a secret? Dr Hill: Kind

7、 of. The Arsenal players dont eat any beef, cookies or sugar. They eat lots of fish, rice and vegetables. Host: 1_ Dr Hill: Swimmers usually eat some meat, bread, noodles or rice, vegetables and bananas. They dont usually eat any pancakes, cheese or things like that.,a) Really? But Michael Phelps ea

8、ts all those things. b) Well, thats food for thought. Thank you very much. c) Is each sport different? d) How about swimmers? Do they eat any beef?,肯定上文, 人称,Host: 2 _ Dr Hill: Yes. He can eat three pancakes, three cheese sandwiches and lots of other food at one meal. Other people cant eat like him.

9、They get very heavy.,a) Really? But Michael Phelps eats all those things. b) Well, thats food for thought. Thank you very much. c) Is each sport different? d) How about swimmers? Do they eat any beef?,问句类型 + 关键词,Host: 3 _ Dr Hill: Yes. And each person is different, too. They do different exercises a

10、nd eat different things.,a)Really? But Michael Phelps eats all those things. b)Well, thats food for thought. Thank you very much. c)Is each sport different? d)How about swimmers? Do they eat any beef?,交际用语,Host: 4 _ Dr Hill: Youre welcome.,Hosts words: How about swimmers? Do they eat any beef? Reall

11、y? But Michael Phelps eats all those things. Is each sport different? Well, thats food for thought.,Swimmers usually eat,Yes. He,Yes, and each person is different, too.,You are welcome.,You are welcome,问答关系+关键词,肯定上文+人称,问句类型+关键词,交际用语,Thank you very much.,问答关系,Match:,1. What do you often eat? 2. Where

12、 do you often have lunch? 3. Whats your favorite food?,I often have lunch at home.,I often eat fruit and vegetables.,My favorite food is bread.,1. What do _often eat for lunch? I often eat rice and vegetables. 2. What does your father often eat? _often eats meat and vegetables. 3. What does _(Mary/T

13、om)often eat? She often eats fruit and vegetables. 4. What food do your parents like? _ like vegetables.,人称,He,They,you,Mary often eat?,1. Do you like bananas? Yes,I do. / No, I dont. 2. Whats your favorite fruit? My favorite fruit is apples. 3. Do you often eat rice or hamburgers? I often eat rice.

14、,问句类型,What is the interview about?,3. Read the radio interview.,_ food.,What kinds of players are they talking about?,d)How about swimmers? Do they eat any beef?,a)Really? But Michael Phelps eats all those things.,c)Is each sport different?,b)Well, thats food for thought. Thank you very much.,What a

15、re they talking about?,3. Read the radio interview.,_ food.,different players,Arsenal players, Swimmers, Michael Phelps,Michael Phelps,Arsenal,Arsenal is the name of a _.,football team,beef, cookies, sugar,fish, rice, vegetables,pancakes,cheese, things like that,meat, bread, noodles, rice, vegetable

16、s and bananas,3 pancakes, 3 cheese sandwiches, other food,4.Read and fill in the form.,Conclusion(结论): Different players eat different things. Different people eat different things.,Report,The Arsenal players eat- They dont eat- Swimmers usually eat- They dont eat- or things like that. Michael Phelps can eat- and lots of Other people cant eat-,Report,A radio host is interviewing Dr Hill about some different players food. Here is the report.,Different players eat different things. Different peopl



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