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1、三年级下册 Revisions of Unit 7-8Teaching aims and learning objectivesAt the end of the lesson, the students are supposed to:1. Try to review the words and phrases: theyre=they are, pig, cow, chicken, duck, picture, whos=who is, farm, they, those, apple, pear, orange, who, were=we are, twin, aunt, baby, c

2、ousin, we, girl, man, woman, boy, name2. Try to learn new words: grape, pineapple, lemon, watermelon, tiger, fox, horse3. Try to review the sentences: Whats this/that? Its a/an . What are these/ those? Theyre. Are these/ those .? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Who is she/he? Shes my aunt. / Hes my u

3、ncle. Whos that girl? Shes Su Hai. / Shes my sister. Were twins.4. Distinguish the sound /m/ with /n/.Focus of the lesson1. Use the sentences “Whats this/that? Its a/an . What are these/ those? Theyre. Are these/ those .? Yes, they are. No, they arent.” to ask and answer about the things nearby and

4、far away.2. Use the sentences “Who is she/he? Shes my aunt. / Hes my uncle. Whos that girl? Shes Su Hai. / Shes my sister. Were twins.” to introduce the family and friends.3. Distinguish the sound /m/ with /n/.Predicted area of difficulty1. Students can know the importance of protecting the nature.2

5、. The fun of learning.Teaching aidsCAI, movie clips, picturesTeaching proceduresStep 1: Warm up & lead in1.Self-introduction and greetingsT: Nice to meet you, dear children. Im your new English teacher. You can call me Miss Gao. Today we will review Unit 7 and Unit 8. Now lets have fun with English.

6、2. Jungle Music partyT: Look, boys and girls. Theres a jungle music party in the forest today. How interesting! Lets go and have fun together. But if we want to go to the jungle music party, we should climb three mountains: fruit mountain, animal mountain and rock mountain. Lets climb one by one.【设计

7、意图】本课从一开始直接引入jungle music party这个主题,并引出要翻越的三座山:Fruit mountain, animal mountain and rock mountain。避免过多的导入环节,直接将学生带入今天的课程主题。Step 2: Fruit mountain1. Look and say2. Lets learn.Teach: grape, pineapple, lemon, watermelonT: Wow, what a big watermelon! Lets cut it.3. Fruit rhyme4. Make a new rhyme.【设计意图】在这

8、一环节先是让学生根据图片和相应的远近动画提示先复习第七单元的特殊疑问句句型Whats this/that? Its a/an. 以及复数句What are these/those? Theyre (s). 然后拓展相应的水果类单词,接着通过一个fruit chant 再次巩固词汇和句型,再让学生进行创编,进行综合运用。最后进行情感升华,教育学生要珍惜大自然的馈赠。Step 3 Animal mountain1. Look and say2. Listen and say3. Animal rhyme4. Lets write【设计意图】这一环节首先对动物类的词汇进行复习和拓展,同时融入第七单元

9、一般疑问句Is this/ that ? 以及复数句Are these/those? 进行单复数的问答操练。因为是复习课,在句型操练的时候不同于新授课的逐句教学,而是直接的一段语篇呈现,让学生根据图片及声音提示进行综合性的问答操练。然后同上一环节类似,以一个Animal rhyme的趣味形式再次巩固复习最后情感升华教育学生要善待动物。Step 4 Rock mountain1. Watch and say2. Listen and write.【设计意图】这一环节先是由一个优美的山谷视频引出所要复习的字母m n的发音,接着帮助学生总结归纳发音区别,然后以一个听力练习进行巩固操练,最后情感教育孩

10、子们要善于发现大自然的美妙。Step 5 Jungle Music PartyT: Congratulations, boys and girls. We can go to the jungle music party now. Welcome to the jungle music party. Lets have fun!T: Look! They are Mikes family and friends. They will also go to the party. Who are they? Lets say them one by one.1. Read and find.2.

11、Look and find3. Lets sing4. Make a new song【设计意图】翻过了3座山后最后终于来到的jungle music party 的大狂欢。最后这一大环节分为3个小环节。第一个环节是Read and find 以语篇的形式让孩子们进行阅读,再设置相应的问题对第八单元的人物关系及重要句型Whos ?进行复习操练。在巩固句型的同时又对阅读进行了相应的指导。第二个环节是Look and say让学生根据图片提示巩固复习更多的人物关系和句式结构。第三个环节是Lets sing 这一环节以一首歌的形式一方面响应music party的主题,另一方面将前面几个环节巩固复习

12、的人物关系和句型全部融入到歌曲中,以朗朗上口的旋律让孩子们进行再次的复习操练,再让孩子们进行创编,将自己的家庭或者朋友关系编进新的歌曲中。Step6 Summary【设计意图】这一环节是总结环节,用思维导图的形式帮助孩子们对今天课程流程以及78单元的重要知识点建立起一个清晰的网络构架,充分体现复习课的综合性和梯度性。Step 4: Homework1. Read Unit 7-8 fluently.2. Finish the tasks.Task1 Fill in the blanks and make a new chant and a song.Task2 Think and say according to the mind map.


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