2018秋人教版(玉林)七年级英语上册课件:Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B (1a-2c) (共29张PPT)

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《2018秋人教版(玉林)七年级英语上册课件:Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B (1a-2c) (共29张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋人教版(玉林)七年级英语上册课件:Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B (1a-2c) (共29张PPT)(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、I. 重点句型,1. 这是你的铅笔吗? _ _ your pencil? 2. 是的。它是我的。 Yes, _ _. Its _. 3. 那是你的书包吗? _ _ your schoolbag? 4. 不是。它是他/她的。 No, _ _. Its _/_. 5. 这是他的绿色钢笔吗? _ this _ _ pen?,Is this,mine,Is that,it isnt,it is,Is his green,his hers,6. 不是。那只蓝色钢笔是他的。 No, _ _. The _ _ is _. 7. 这些是你的书吗? _ _ your books? 8. 是的。 Yes, _ _

2、. 9. 那些是她的钥匙吗? _ _ her _? 10. 不是。它们是他的。 No. _ his.,blue pen his,it isnt,Are these,they are,Are those keys,Theyre,A. 写出下列表达的缩写形式。 1. it is = _ 2. they are = _ 3. is not = _ 4. are not = _ B. 写出下列各词的名词所有格或名词性物主代词。 5. Eric _ 6. sisters _ 7. parents _ 8. your _ 9. my _ 10. his _ 11. her _,its,II. 按要求写出下

3、列单词的正确形式。,theyre,isnt,arent,Erics,sisters,parents,yours,mine,his,hers,Match the words with the things in the picture.,1. baseball _ 4. ID card _ 7. ring _ 2. watch _ 5. key _ 8. pen _ 3. computer game _ 6. notebook _ 9. bag _,b,h,a,i,g,c,d,e,1a,f,A: Whats this? B: Its a(n) _. A: How do you spell it?

4、 B: _.,Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.,A: Whats this? B: Its a watch. A: How do you spell it? B: W- A -T - C- H.,1b,Listen and circle the things your hear in 1a.,1. baseball _ 4. ID card _ 7. ring _ 2. watch _ 5. key _ 8. pen _ 3. computer game _ 6. notebook _ 9. bag _,1c,1

5、d,Listen again. Write the things that belong to Linda or Mike.,Linda,Mike,pen,ID card,baseball,watch,Linda: I lost my watch this morning. Teacher: OK. _? Linda: No, it isnt. Thats my watch. Teacher: _. Linda: And _. Teacher: OK. Whats your name? Linda: Linda.,Make conversations about the things in 1

6、d. Then change roles.,1e,Role-play,Is this your watch,Here you are,thats my ID card,Mike: _. Teacher: This? Mike: Yes and thats my baseball. Teacher: All right. _? Mike: Mike. Teacher: OK. Heres your baseball. Mike: _.,Whats your name,Thats my pen,Thank you,_ _ _,Write the things you lose easily.,2a

7、,eraser,keys,pencil,ruler,pen,book,Lin Hai, A computer game is in the school library. Is it yours? Ask the teacher for it? Mike,Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things.,2b,Found: Some keys are in Classroom 7E. Are they yours? E-mail me at maryg2gfimail.,Is this your watch? My phone

8、number is 495-3539. Call me. John,Lost: I lost my school ID card. I must find it. Call me at 685-6034. Thanks. Tom,Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things.,2b,Read the notices again and complete the chart.,A school ID card,A computer game,In Classroom 7E,John,Item Lost Found _ _ _ _

9、 ,2c,Read the notices again and write down the items. Then check () Lost or Found.,Item Lost Found _ _ _ _ ,Lets check the answers.,computer game,watch,keys,ID card,Key words: lost, found Important sentences: I lost Is this your ? Is it yours? Are they yours? Call me at E-mail me at Ask . for ,1. wa

10、tch 与 clock,指戴在手腕上的手表、挂在胸前的怀表或用来计时的秒表。,指我们生活中用的钟表、挂钟、闹钟等,多带有闹钟的功能。,2. How do you spell it? 你怎么拼写它? 其答语与我们在Starter Unit 2中学到的Spell it, please的回答方式一样, 需要把单词拼写出来。如: How do you spell it? / Spell it, please. P-H-O-N-E.,这是一个由how引导的特殊疑问句。 how意为“怎样;如何”,表示的是方法、手段。而在Starter Unit 1出现的How are you? 中的how用来询问身体健康

11、状况。 【运用】补全问句,每空一词。 _ do you _ the word? P-U-R-P-L-E.,How spell,3. Ask the teacher for it. ask . for . 向某人索取某物;向某人 要某物,e.g. You can _ him _ the dictionary. 你可以找他要那本词典。 Dont _ me _ it. Go and _ your father ( _ it). 不要问我要(它), 去问你爸爸要吧。,ask,for,ask,for,ask,for,4. Call me at 685-6034. call 在此句中意为“打电话”,常用于

12、 以下结构: call sb. 给某人打电话 e.g. _ this afternoon. 今天下午给他打电话。,Call him, “call + 电话号码” 拨打(号码) e.g. Please _. 请拨打110。 “call sb. at + 电话号码” 拨打(号码)找某人 e.g. _ 236-0388. 请拨打236-0388找玛丽。,call 110,Call Mary at,at放在电话号码或电子邮箱的地址等前 面, 表示“按照; 根据”。课本中 出现的“e-mail sb. at+电子邮箱的地址” 结构, 意为“按给某人发电子邮 件”。如: E-mail me attina9

13、0163.,根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每空一词。 1)请晚上给他打电话。 Please _ _ in the evening. 2)请给凯特发电子邮件到katesina。 Please _ Kate _ katesina.,e-mail at,call him,5. I must find it. must modal v. (情态动词)必须 e.g. You _ finish it today. 你一定要在今天完成它。 You _ see the doctor. 你一定要看医生。,must,must,must 后接动词原形。,根据标点提示,将单词连成完整的句子。 1. it, in, ba

14、g, is, a, English _. 2. not, computer, is, game, hers, this _. 3. you, how, name, do, your, spell, last _? 4. number, what, your, is, card, ID _?,It is a bag in English This computer game is not hers How do you spell your last name What is your ID card number,1. Remember the words and sentences. 2. Recite the notices on P17. 3. Finish the exercises in the workbook.,


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