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1、Unit 8 How was your school trip?Section A【目标呈现】知识目标:词汇:gift, hang, win, prize, visitor, end, monitor, off, rain 短语:hang out, sleep late, day off, have a great time, at the end of 句型:1. How was your school trip? 2. Did you go to the zoo? No, I didnt. I went to the aquarium.3. Were there any sharks? N

2、o, there werent any sharks, but there were some really smart seals.语法:一般过去时的用法(一)。能力目标:学习询问和谈论过去发生的事情。情感目标:引导学生关注自己身边的人、事物及自然界中与我们共同生活的其他生命。教师寄语:A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.一本好书,相伴一生。【基础巩固】自主学习一 、重点词汇拓展1. 逗留;徘徊_ (过去式) _ 2. 赢;获胜_ (过去式) _3. 访问者;参观者_ (动词) _4. 结束;结尾_ (

3、动词) _5. 驾驶;驱车旅行_ (过去式) _6. 雨;雨水_ (过去式) _二 、重点词组识记1. 闲荡;闲逛_ 2. 睡过头;起的晚_3. (因病或节假日)休息;不工作;不上学_ 4. 去水族馆_ 5. 玩得高兴_ 6. at the end of _ 7. take photos _8. win a prize _ 9. sound interesting _10. watch a dolphin show _三 、重点句型体验:根据所给的图画情景和提示词,写出与图片相符的英语句子,标点符号已给出。 1 2 3 41. went to aquarium _. 2. did, see,

4、sharks _?3. watch a dolphin show, last Sunday _.4. were, there, seals _?知识要点1. win v. 赢;获胜。一般用做及物动词,过去式和过去分词都是won;常跟的宾语有game, war, prize, fame, battle等。Who will win the first prize? 谁将获得一等奖? He won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921. 他在一九二一年获得了诺贝尔物理学奖金。【区别】win与beatwin和beat都可用作及物动词,作赢、战胜讲时,其区别主要在于宾语

5、的不同:充当win的宾语的是比赛、战争、奖品、名次等名词,即race,match,game, competition,war,prize之类的词;充当beat的宾语的则是比赛、竞争的对手,即指人或球队的名词或代词。He won first prize in the competition 他在比赛中获得第一。We beat the strongest team in the football match this time 在这次足球赛中我们战胜了最强的那个队。典型例题: Class 9 _ Class 4 in the football match and _ first place. 答案

6、:beat; won 解析:beat战胜对手;win赢得名次。在足球比赛中九班战胜了四班,获得了第一名。2. else adj./adv. 别的;其他的;另外 else当形容词用时,常放在疑问词或不定代词之后;当副词用时,通常放在疑问副词之后。 Who else is going to the movies? 还有谁要去看电影? What else do you want to say? 你还有别的话要说吗? Nothing else. 没别的话可说了。 典型例题: Where _ did you look for your lost pen? A. other placeB. elseC.

7、another (答案:B) 解析:else放在疑问副词之后。你还到别的什么地方找过你丢失的钢笔吗? 3. at the end of 在的结尾;在的尽头。其后既可以跟地点名词,也可以跟地点名词。 We will finish the work at the end of this month. 我们将在本月底完成这项工作。 There is a post office at the end of this road. 在这条路的尽头有一家邮局。 【区别】at the end of, by the end of和in the end at the end of 在的结尾;在的尽头。其后既可以跟

8、地点名词,也可以跟地点名词。 by the end of截止到的最后。其后只能跟表示时间的名词或短语,其时态多为过去完成时或一般将来时。 We had learned about 1,000 English words by the end of last term. in the end 最终;最后。表示事物发展的自然顺序的“终结”,不与of 连用。 I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end. 典型例题: _ the week, we went camping in the mountain with our frie

9、nds. A. At the endB. In the endC. At the end ofD. By the end of 答案:C 解析:上周末,我们和朋友们去山里野营。 4. Did you go to the zoo? 你去过动物园吗? 【拓展】一般过去时 一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态其谓语部分由动词过去式构成。 We had a meeting yesterday. 我们昨天开了一次会。 I was a student ten years ago. 十年前我是一名学生。 一般过去时的构成肯 定句否 定 句 beI /He/She/It was.I/ He /She/I

10、t was not .We/You/They were.We /You/They were not.实义动词I /He/She/It/ We/You/They studiedI/ He /She/It/ We /You/They did not study一般疑问句简略回答beWas he/she/it.?Yes,he was.(No,he wasnt.)Were we/you/they.?Yes,you were. (No,you were not)行为动词 Did I/you/he. have.Yes,you did.(No,you didnt.)Did he/she/ it/ we/yo

11、u/ they study.?Yes,you did.(No,you didnt.)一般过去时通常与下列时间副词连用:yesterday, ago, last night, last week, last year, just now, a moment ago等。 典型例题: _ you _(have) ice cream on the beach a moment ago? (答案:Did, have) 解析:从a moment ago判断出本题的时态为一般过去时。随堂达标 一、单项选择 1. He _ to school yesterday because he was ill.A. d

12、oesntB.didnt come C. didnt came2. Jack _ the first prize in the piano competition. How great he was!A.getB. madeC. won3. How _ your last weekend?A.areB.hadC.was 4. She _ a souvenir last week? A.buyB.buys C. bought5. _ your mother go to work? No, she didnt. She went shopping.A.DoesB.Is C.Did二、用单词的适当形

13、式填空 1. Did you _ (have) a good holiday?2. What _ you _ (do) yesterday?3. _ (do) you have breakfast this morning? Yes, I _ (do).4. I _ (get) up late this morning, so I _ (have) to run to school.5 They _ (be) tired but happy after they climbed the hill.三、完成句子 1. Laury买纪念品了吗? _ Laury _a souvenir?2. 你去过动物园吗? _ you _?3. 他们在学校旅游中玩的很高兴。


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