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1、English for tourism,Dongfeng Middle School,旅行中常用的数字及单位应用 1,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,旅行中常用的数字及单位应用,第一节 数字,2,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,1.基数,1 2 3 4 5 6,one two three four five six,7 8 9 0,seven eight nine zero,10 20 30 40 50,60 70 80 90,ten twenty thirty forty fifty,sixty seventy eighty ninety,3,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,Id like one(a)

2、 cup of coffee. two cups of coffee,我想要一杯咖啡。,我去英格兰旅行了15天。,I took a fifteen-day trip(旅行) to England.,我要十张门票。,Ten tickets, please.,16 17 18 19 20,sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty,11 12 13 14 15,eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen,4,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,飞机要飞52 分钟。,The flight will take fifty-two m

3、inutes.,这里有100多个雕像。,There are more than one hundred statues.,较大整数读法: one hundred 1000 one thousand 1000 000 one million,其他较大整数读法: 101 one hundred and one 216 two hundred and sixteen 2006 Two thousand and six,我的电话是81385401。,My phone number is eight, one, three, eight, five, four, zero, one.,5,旅游中常用的数

4、字及单位应用,我想要第四排的座位。,I want a seat in the fourth row.,2.序数,第一 第二 第三 第四 第五,first second third fourth fifth,第六 第七 第八 第九 第十,sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth,第十二 第二十,twelfth twentieth,6,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,肩宽41.3厘米。,The shoulder width is 41.3 centimeters.,3.小数,小数点读作 point,小数点左边按整数的基数读,右边按个位的基数词读。 0.3 zero (naugh

5、t)point three.,7,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,我需要三分之一的水。,I need one third of the water.,1.分 数,第二节 比例、倍数,这件上衣打八折。,This coat is twenty percent off(减少).,2.百分比,这件房子是那间的两倍大。,This room is two times larger than that one.,3.倍数,This room is two times as large as that one.,8,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,这有一千克重。,It weighs one kilogram.,1.重

6、量,第三节 单位,瓶里有一升酒。,There is one liter wine in the bottle.,2.容量,gram 克 pound(lb) 磅 kilogram 千克 ounce 盎司,1pt=0.47l 1qt=0.941l 1gal=3.79l 1gal(英)=4.5l 1oz (美液体盎司) =0.026l 1oz (英液体盎司) =0.028l,1oz=0.0283kg 1kg=35.27oz 1lb=0.454kg 1kg=20205lb 1oz=28.3g 1g=0.035oz 1lb=454g 1g=0.002lb,1l=2.114pt 1l=1.057qt 1l

7、=0.264gal(美) =0.222gal(英) 1l=38.81oz(美液体盎司) =35.19oz (英液体盎司),升(l) liter 毫升 (ml) milliliter 品脱 (pt) pint 夸脱 (qt)quart 加仑 (gal) gallon,9,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,长度是一公里。,The length is one kilometer.,3.距离,第三节 单位,现在外面的温度是23 摄氏度。,The temperature outside is 23 degrees Celsius.,4.温度,米 meter (m) 厘米 centimeter(cm) 英里 m

8、ile 英寸 inch (in) 码 yard (yd) 英尺 foot (ft),1mile =1609.34m 1ft =0.31m 1yd =0.91m,1km=0.62mile I km= 3281ft 1km=1094yd,Centigrade, 平均气温是38华氏度。,The average temperature is 38 degrees Fahrenheit.,1F=1C(9/5)+32,100C = 212F,10,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,伦敦三月份的天气怎么样?,Whats the weather like in March in London?,1.月份,第四节 时

9、间,January (Jan.) 一月 February (Feb.) 二月 March (Mar.) 三月 April (Apr.) 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July (Jul.) 七月 August (Aug.) 八月 September (Sept.)九月 October (Oct.) 十月 November (Nov.)十一月 December(Dec)十二月,今天几号?,What is the date today?,2.日期,What date is it today?,美式 月日年 英式 日月年 中式 年月日,11,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,今天是星期一。,Its

10、Monday.,3.星期,Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日,现在下午1点。,Its four ten. = Its ten past four.,4.钟点,Its one oclock pm.,现在是4点10分。,Its ten to four. = Its ten past four.,现在是3点50分。,Its a quarter past three.,现在是3点15分。,那需要花10分钟。,It takes 10 minutes.,5.时段,那花了我1

11、年。,It took me one year.,12,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,第五节 货币,维萨卡可以吗?,Do you accept the Visa?,3.付款方式,credit card 信用卡 cash 现金 Master card万事达卡 American Express 美国运通卡Unionpay card 中国银联卡,您怎么付款?,How would you like to pay?,您这里可以用什么卡?,Which credit card do you take?,4.各国币种,RMB信用卡 US dollar 美金 pound 英镑 euro 欧元 Canadian do

12、llar 加元 Singapore dollar 新加坡元 Australian dollar 澳大利亚元 New Zealand dollar 新西兰元 Hong Kong dollar 港币 Macao Pataca 澳门元,Whats the exchange rate?,汇率是多少?,13,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,credit card 信用卡,Master card万事达卡,American Express 美国运通卡,Unionpay card 中国银联卡,Visa card 维萨卡,14,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,Macao Pataca 澳门元,cash 现金,RMB,U

13、S dollar 美金,ound 英镑,euro 欧元,Canadian dollar 加元,Singapore dollar 新加坡元,Australian dollar 澳元,New Zealand dollar 新西兰元,Hong Kong dollar 港币,15,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,Sum up,Id like one(a) cup of coffee. two cups of coffee,I took a fifteen-day trip(旅行) to England.,The flight will take fifty-two minutes.,There are m

14、ore than one hundred statues.,My phone number is eight, one, three, eight, five, four, zero, one.,I want a seat in the fourth row.,The shoulder width is 41.3 centimeters.,I need one third of the water.,This coat is twenty percent off(减少).,This room is two times larger than that one.,This room is two

15、 times as large as that one.,16,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,It weighs one kilogram.,There is one liter wine in the bottle.,The length is one kilometer.,The temperature outside is 23 degrees Celsius.,The average temperature is 38 degrees Fahrenheit.,Whats the weather like in March in London?,What is the date today

16、?,What date is it today?,Its Monday.,Its four ten. = Its ten past four.,Its one oclock pm.,Its ten to four. = Its ten past four.,Its a quarter past three.,It takes 10 minutes.,It took me one year.,17,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,Do you accept the Visa?,How would you like to pay?,Which credit card do you take?,Whats the exchange rate?,18,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,Thank you!,Tuesday, October 16, 2018,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,20,旅游中常用的数字及单位应用,


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