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1、合同范本-tfd独家代理合同新合同编号: 独家代理合同新 本协议于_年_月_日在中国_由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系: 1、协议双方 甲方:_有限公司 乙方:_ 2、委任 甲方指定乙方为其独家代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。 3、代理商品:_ 4、代理区域:_ 5、最低业务量 乙方同意,在本协议有效期内从上述代理区域内的顾客处招揽的上述商品的订单价值不低于_美元。 6、价格与支付 每一笔交易的货物价格应由乙方与买主通过谈判确定,并须经甲方最后确认。 付款使用保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,由买方开出,以甲方为受益人。信用证须

2、在装运日期前15天到达甲方。 7、独家代理权 基于本协议授予的独家代理权,甲方不得直接或间接地通过乙方以外的渠道向_顾客销售或出口第三条所列商品,乙方不得在_经销、分销或促销与上述商品相竞争或类似的产品,也不得招揽或接受以到_以外地区销售为目的的订单,在本协议有效期内,甲方应将其收到的来自_其他商家的有关代理产品的询价或订单转交给乙方。 8、商情报告 为使甲方充分了解现行市场情况,乙方承担至少每季度一次或在必要时随时向甲方提供市场报告,内容包括与本协议代理商品的进口与销售有关的地方规章的变动、当地市场发展趋势以及买方对甲方按协议供应的货物的品质、包装、价格等方面的意见。乙方还承担向甲方提供其他

3、供应商类似商品的报价和广告资料。 9、广告及费用 乙方负担本协议有效期内在_销售代理商品做广告宣传的一切费用,并向甲方提交所用于广告的声像资料,供甲方事先核准。 10、佣金 对乙方直接获取并经甲方确认接受的订单,甲方按净发票售价向乙方支付5的佣金。 佣金在甲方收到每笔订单的全部货款后才会支付。 11、政府部门间的交易 在甲、乙双方政府部门之间达成的交易不受本协议条款的限制,此类交易的金额也不应计入第五条规定的最低业务量。 12、工业产权 在本协议有效期内,为销售有关_,乙方可以使用甲方拥有的商标,并承认使用于或包含于_中的任何专利商标、版权或其他工业产权为甲方独家拥有。 一旦发现侵权,乙方应立

4、即通知甲方并协助甲方采取措施保护甲方权益。 13、协议有效期 本协议经有关双方如期签署后生效,有效期为1年,从_年_月_日至_年_月_日。 除非作出相反通知,本协议期满后将延长12个月。 14、协议的终止 在本协议有效期内,如果一方被发现违背协议条款,另一方有权终止协议。 15、不可抗力 由于水灾、火灾、地震、干旱、战争或协议一方无法预见、控制、避免和克服的其他事件导致不能或暂时不能全部或部分履行本协议,该方不负责任。但是,受不可抗力事件影响的一方须尽快将发生的事件通知另一方,并在不可抗力事件发生15天内将有关机构出具的不可抗力事件的证明寄交对方。 16、仲裁 因履行本协议所发生的一切争议应通

5、过友好协商解决。如协商不能解决争议,则应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京),依据其仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。 甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(盖章):_ 代表(签字):_ 代表(签字):_ _年_月_日 _年_月_日 附件 this agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on _ in _, china on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and co

6、nditions mutually agreed upon as follow: 1. the parties concerned party a: _ party b: _ 2. appointment party a hereby appoints party b as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for the commodity stipulate in article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in article 4,and party b accepts and ass

7、umes such appointment. 3. commodity:_ 4. territory:_ 5. minimum turnover party b shall undertake to solicit orders for the above commodity from customers in the above territory during the effective period of this agreement for not less than usd _. 6. price and payment the price for each individual t

8、ransaction shall be fixed through negotiations between party b and the buyer, and subject to party as final confirmation. payment shall be made by confirmed, irrevocable l/c opened by the buyer in favor of party a ,which shall reach parth a 15 days before the date of shipment. 7. exclusive right in

9、consideration of the exclusive rights granted herein, party a shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or export the commodity stipulated in article 4 to customers in singapore through channels other than party b; party b shall not sell, distribute or promote the sales of any products competitive wit

10、h or similar to the above commodity in _ and shall not solicit or accept orders for the purpose of selling them outside _. party a shall refer to party b any enquiries or orders for the commodity in question received by party a from other firms in _ during the validity of this agreement. 8. market r

11、eport in order to keep party a well informed of the prevailing market conditions, party b should undertake to supply party a, at least once a quarter or at any time when necessary, with market reports concerning changes of the local regulations in connection with the import and sales of the commodit

12、y covered by this agreement, local market tendency and the buyers comments on quality, packing, price, etc. of the goods supplied by party a under this agreement. party b shall also supply party a with quotations and advertising materials on similar products of other suppliers. 9. advertising and ex

13、penses party a shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the commodity in question in _ within the validity of this agreement, and shall submit to party a all audio and video materials intended for advertising for prior approval. 10. commission party a shall pay party

14、b a commission of 5 on the net invoiced selling price on all orders directly obtained by party b and accepted by party a. no commission shall be paid until party a receives the full payment for each order. 11. transactions between governmental bodies transactions concluded between govenmental bodies

15、 of party a and party b shall not be restricted by the terms and conditions of this agreement, nor shall the amount of such transactions be counted as part of the turnover stipulated in article 5. 12. industrial property rights party b may use the trade-marks owned by party a for the sale of _ covered herein within the validity of this agreement, and shall acknowledge that all p


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