2020年河北省衡水市小升初英语试卷 (教师试卷)— 已用

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1、2020年河北省衡水市小升初英语试卷一、听音,选择与你听到的句子意思相符的图片1听音,选择与你听到的句子意思相符的图片二、听问句选择恰当的答语2听问句选择恰当的答语(1)A No, we can buy someB Sure!C Yes, I can(2)A No, thanksB I think I canCYes,its mine(3)A I played football with my friendsB I do my homeworkCI want to play basketball(4)A I walk to school in the morningB I watch move

2、 sports on TVC Twice a day(5)A I dont like noodlesB I eat donutsCDumplings is my favourite三、听短文给下列图片排序3听短文给下列图片排序四、听录音,完成下列短文4听录音,完成下列短文 Do you know Helen Keller? She born in the US in 1880 When she was months old She fell ill and became deaf and blind Her parents her very much But they didnt know h

3、ow to her In 1887 she met Anne SullivanAnne became Helens Anne to Helen words But it was very hard Helen worked very hard She many new words every dayWhen she was years old She to university Later, she became a great writer五、选出划线部分读音不同的项5(3分)选出划线部分读音不同的项 ()AheavyBeasyCmeatDbeach6(3分)选出划线部分读音不同的一项()A

4、bearBpearCwearDearly7(3分)选出划线部分读音不同的项()AhorseBwordCshortDsport8(3分)选出划线部分读音不同的项 ()AshipBswimCfindDtrip9(3分)选出划线部分读音不同的项()AthisB throwCtheyD there10(3分)选出划线部分读音不同的项()AsomeBcloseCnoseDhope11(3分)选出划线部分读音不同的项()AskateBgameCsafeDsadly12(3分)选出划线部分读音不同的项()AshowBsnow ChowDknow六、单项选择13(3分)Would you like_juice

5、?No, thanks Id like_tea()Aany, someBany ,anyCsome, some14(3分)Tom is a boy, so he_wears dresses()AoftenBsometimesCnever15(3分)I work hard at school I_()Ahelp my parentsBlisten to the teachersCclean my room16(3分)How_is it from Shijiazhuang to Shanghai?Its about 1100 kilometres()AfarBlongCtall17(3分)I ha

6、ve breakfast _6:30_the morning()Aat, atBat,inCin,in18(3分)I bought a kite for you_()AYoure welcomeBThank youCNo,I dont like it19(3分)I love autumn Its_in autumn()AcoolBhotCcold20(3分)For a healthy body, you need to_every day()Aplay computer gamesBread booksCdo exercise七、用所给词的恰当形式填空21(3分)Kim always (do)

7、 her homework after school22(3分)There (be)many beautiful flowers in the park23(3分)Would you like to (learn) to skate?24(3分)We (walk)to the park last Sunday25(3分)Last Saturday,we (buy )some new clothes26(3分)Lunn likes (that) new shoes27(3分)Look! The boy is (swim) in the lake28(3分)My brother (eat )fru

8、it every day He is healthy八、选择合适的句子,补全对话(将序号填在题中横线上)29选择合适的句子,补全对话(将序号填在题中横线上)AWill you visit the Terra Cotta Warriors?BThats greatC Did you go to Wangfujing Street?D Where did you go last year?E Where will you go?Zhang Ning: What are you doing now?Wang Yan: Im writing my plan for the summer holiday

9、Zhang Ning: (1) Wang Yan: I will go to Xian this summerZhang Ning:(2) Wang Yan: Yes, I willZhang Ning:Oh ! (3) (4) Wang Yan:I went to Beijing There are many famous places in BeijingZhang Ning: (5) Wang Yan: Yes, I did I bought some gifts for my friends九、根据图片提供的情景,选择最恰当的句子,将序号填入图中横线上30(3分)根据图片提供的情景,选

10、择最恰当的句子 ()AWould you like to come?BDo you like skating?CAre you busy this Saturday?DDid you have fun yesterday?31(3分)根据图片提供的情景,选择最恰当的句子 ()AThe sandwich in the shop tastes goodBHow long are you going to stay there?CGo straight up the l st StreetDWhich is your favourite cinema?32(3分)根据图片提供的情景,选择最恰当的句子

11、()AThis Tshirt is redBI will show youCIts for meDThanks33(3分)根据图片提供的情景,选择最恰当的句子,将序号填入图中横线上 ()AWho is your good friend, Alice?BHow do you feel now, Alice?CWhen did you get up, Alice?DHow do you like the forest, Alice?十、连词成句34(3分)every, I, exercise, do, day 35(3分)summer, you ,will ,do, holiday, what ,

12、this 36(3分)Jenny ,am ,ball, hitting ,to ,the ,I 37(3分)some ,I, mother, buy ,will ,for, flowers ,my 38(3分)at ,up, she, morning, gets ,oclock ,the ,seven, in 十一、阅读短文,回答问题39阅读短文,回答问题 Hello!, Im Peter I will go to a summer camp this year! I will arrive with 20 other students in early July There will be

13、students from China, the UK Australia and the US We will play sports, go water skiing and go swimming We will take trips around the forest We will learn about some of the animals and plants in the forest At night we will work together to cook a meal After dinner, we will sit around, tell stories sing songs and watch the stars I will make many new friends I cant wait It will be a great summer!(1)What will Peter do this summer? (2)How many students are there in the summer camp? (3)What sports will they do in water? (4)What will they learn in the forest? (5)Will he make


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