外研版四年级英语下册《Module 8 Unit 2》精品教案教学设计优秀公开课2

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1、Module 8 Unit 2 I took some pictures.教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点) 外研版 四年级下册章 节Module 8课 名Module 8, Unit 2 I took some pictures.学习目标1. 能够听懂、会说 drank, ate, took 等过去式形式。2. 能够运用简单动词过去式讲述发生在过去的行为。教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图热身导入1. 看第一部分视频动画, 复习动词过去式。2. 听录音,说句子。3. 听录音,跟读句子。1. Hello boys and girls, welcome to our class. The

2、re is a monkey, he was thin, but now he is very fat. What happend? Now lets watch the video and find the answer.大家好,欢迎来到我们的英语课堂。有一只小 猴,它之前很瘦,但是现在很胖,这是为什么呢? 我们来观看动画寻找答案。2. Why the monkey is very fat now?它为什么会变胖?我们一起来听一听。3. Lets listen and repeat the sentences.我们一起跟着录音读句子。看动画复习上节课的重点词汇和句型,调动学生的学习兴趣。新知

3、呈现1. 学生观看第二部分的动 画,留意描述动作的句子。2. 看图、听录音,回答问题。3. 根据所学,选择适当的进行填空练习。4. 核对答案。1. Sam had a picnic last Sunday. He is telling his Mum about it. What did he do? Please watch the video.Sam 上周日去野餐了,他正在给妈妈讲述他们的活动。他们都做了什么?我们一起来看一看。2. Was it great? What did they do there? Lets find out one by one.他们玩得很开心吗?他们都做了什么

4、呢?我们一个一个地来听听。3. Good job! Now we know they had a good time. Lets fill in the blanks using following words.很好!那么我们来做一下练习吧。4. Did you have the right answers?相信你们一定做的很棒!通过情景展现,学生观察学习动词的过去式形式, 以及描述过去发生的动作。分步训练1. 跟读句子。2. 跟读课文。3. 用所学生词描述图片。4. 给出建议答案。5. 齐唱歌曲。1. Now lets repeat the sentences together.现在我们来跟

5、读一下这些句子吧!2. Now lets follow the video and read the whole text.我们跟着动画一起读课文吧3. Please describe the pictures using the words you learned.请用所学的动词过去式来描述图片。 4.Do you have the right answers? Here are some sentences for your reference.以下的句子供你参考,相信你会写出更好的句子。5.Here is a little song, its name is I went to a co

6、ncert . Lets sing it together.有一首歌,名字叫“I went to a concert”。我们一起跟着动画唱一唱。在复习巩固重点词汇的基础上,让学生加强记忆。尝试应用1. 用这堂课所学的动词过去式,根据同学做的动作,造出句子。2. 运用所学进行交际,表达自己的想法。1. Now lets play a game. One student do actions, and say Yesterday, I The other students may guess what he/she did, and say You. The following pictures

7、are for your reference.现在,我们来做个游戏,一名同学来做动作,表示你昨天做过的一件事。其他同学来猜他昨天做了什么。下面两幅图片供你参考。2. Tell the class what your families did last Sunday.说一说你的家人在上周日都做了什么。观察并描述图片,巩固练习本科重点词汇和举行。将所学运用到实际交流中。作业布置制作一张海报, 展示你的家人在上周日都做了什么。在班级展示海报并给同学们讲述出来。课堂重点巩固提高。进步标志1. 能够听懂、会说 drank, ate, took 等过去式形式。2. 能够运用简单动词过去式讲述发生在过去的行为。


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