外研版五年级英语下册《Module 8 Unit 2》精品教案教学设计优秀公开课2

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1、Module 8 Unit 2 I made a kite. 教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点)外研版 五年级下册章 节Module 8课 名Module 8 Unit 2I made a kite.学习目标1. 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用 drew, cut, piece, paint, put, stick, tied, string 等词汇。2. 能够听懂、会说、并认读句型“I made a kite.”,并能在实际情境中灵活运用。教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图热身进入1. Listen and say.学生听录音,了解图片上女孩的活动。2. Watch and chant.

2、学生观看动画,并跟唱。1. Hello everyone, welcome to our class. Look at the pictures. What did the girl do? Lets listen and find out.大家好,欢迎来到英语课堂。请看图片,图片中的小女孩做了些什么呢?请听录音找到答案。2. Now, lets watch the video and read after it.让我们一起跟着动画读一读。通过展示图片,导入本节课话题。新知呈现1. Watch and say.学生观看动画,了解主题,回答问题。1. Now watch the video. W

3、hat did Daming do?同学们让我们观看动画,看看 Daming 做了什么呢?2. Listen and number.2. Daming is making a kite. How did Daming make a kite? Lets listen and number.Daming 制作了一个风筝。那么 Daming 是怎么制作风筝的呢?让我们听一听,并标出答案吧!3. Lets check the answers.让我们核对答案吧。4. Listen and repeat.让我们再次跟着动画听一听、指一指、读一读吧!学生听录音,学习课文,对图片进行正确的排序。通过情景展现

4、,学习课文。3. Check the answers.核对答案。4. Listen and repeat.学生跟读整个对话,并重点跟读词汇。分步训练1. Look and say.看一看,说一说。1. Now look at the pictures. What did Lingling do? Please talk with your partner.观察图片,和你的同伴说一说,Lingling 做什么巩固所学课文。2. Listen and say.听一听、说一说字母组合“ll”, “ng”, “ng”, “nk” 的发音。3. Listen and repeat.听录音,并跟读句子。4

5、. Listen and say. Then sing.跟着动画一起说一说。呢?2. Now lets listen to the pronunciation of “ll”, “ng”, “ng”, “nk”. Please listen and repeat.下面咱们来听一听、说一说字母组合“ll”, “ng”,“ng”, “nk”的发音。3. Listen to the tape, and then underline other letters that make the same sound.听录音,并标出句子中与黑体字母组合发同样音的字母组合。4. Lets watch the v

6、ideo, and chant it together.同学们,让我们一起跟着动画一起说唱。尝试应用1. Do and say.观察图片,根据所学句型,对以上图片进行对话创编。1. Look at the picture. Please read the conversation first, and then work in pairs and make a conversation with your partner according to the picture.请同学们观察图片,首先读例句,然后两人一组,能在实际情境中运用所学的句型。2. Look, do and write.讨论风

7、筝的制作过程, 然后写出制作风筝的步骤。根据示例完成图片中的其他对话。2. Look at the pictures. How do you make a dragon kite? Please talk about it with your partners. And then write it down.观察图片,和你的小伙伴们讨论一下,你是怎么制作风筝的,并且写出制作步骤。作业布置今天我们学习了介绍制作物品的步骤。大家都学会了吗?课后就让我们用学过的单词和句子向别人介绍一下你制作某种物品的步骤吧!课堂内容小结。进步标志1. 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用 drew, cut, piece, paint, put, stick, tied, string 等词汇。2. 能够听懂、会说、并认读句型“I made a kite.”,并能在实际情境中灵活运用。


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