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1、2021年安徽省合肥市包河区中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Dad, I have to leave now as the zoo opens early in the morning. Bye! _AWhat a mess!BNever mind.CHave a nice day!DWith pleasure.2Tony, stop the music. You need complete _ when you are doing homework.OK, mum. Ill turn off the music player.ApowerBexerciseCsil

2、enceDtrust3The 14th five-year plan is sure to make our hometown a _ village.I agree with you. Our living standard will be highly improved.ArichBtinyCcommonDyoung4I wonder _ we can get touch.We can use Wechat or send emails. Its very easy to use them.AwhenBwhereCwhyDhow5Touring Chaohu Lake is a must

3、during your stay in Hefei. So dont _ it.AacceptBmissCfollowDtreasure6You can choose _ of the two rooms and the other is for the guest tomorrow.AbothBeitherCnoneDneither7 Look! A bird is resting on the window.Lets move _ or it may fly away.AluckilyBquietlyCfreelyDsuddenly8Youd better take your phone

4、with you _ you can call me at any time.Anow thatBas ifCso thatDas soon as9When will you hand in your report, Vivian?Sorry, I forgot to bring it here but I _ it.AfinishBam finishingCwill finishDhave finished10Will you go and _ Ms. Lin tomorrow?I think I wont. I hate to say goodbye.Asee offBsend forCt

5、alk aboutDhear from二、完型填空 For people in the West, Christmas is usually the happiest time of the year. But thats not true for everyone. All over the world, there are 11 lying ill in hospitals. Though these children love Christmas a lot, they cant go home to 12 it.Karen Alsop is an Australian photogra

6、pher. Five years ago, she realized how 13 celebrating Christmas could be for sick children. She wanted to send 14 to these kids.A few weeks before Christmas in 2016, Alsop 15 a hospital in Australia with her friends. On her first day there, she spent 16 taking pictures of the children. Alsop said sh

7、e meant to come before the Christmas season. But she didnt mention the other half of her 17 . In fact, she would do something special for the children.Alsop didnt take a computer with her. So she changed the photos on her computer when she 18 . She “brought” the children to a Christmas wonderlandfar

8、 away from their hospital lives. The kids were 19 when they got the pictures. As smiles spread on their faces, Alsop felt proud.Over the years, more and more photographers have 20 Alsop. With their special gifts, many sick kids can now have a happier Christmas.11AsoldiersBanimalsCchildrenDdoctors12A

9、celebrateBimagineCwatchDrecord13AfearfulBtiringCdangerousDdifficult14AinformationBhappinessCmoneyDknowledge15AmanagedBnoticedCpaintedDvisited16AhoursBdaysCweekDmonths17AfamilyBnameCplanDdiary18AmarriedBcookedCreturnedDtraded19AsurprisedBregretfulCrelaxedDsick20AtreatedBthankedCdoubtedDjoined Its Oxf

10、ord Street, London, 11 a.m. The pavement(人行横道)is crowded with shoppers and tourists. Im going to meet a friend at 11:15 and walking as 21 as I can down the street. So far Im on time, but a group of tourists are walking very slowly in front of me. They get in my way and dont 22 even when I say polite

11、ly “Excuse me.” I go red and feel 23 .Oxford Street is one of the 24 streets in the world. Two hundred million tourists visit it every year, and sometimes people get angry with these 25 and slow walkers who are window-shopping or talking on their phones.One way to solve this problem is to 26 a walke

12、r fast lane(小路). Most walkers travel along Oxford Street at a speed of 1 mile every hour, but in the fast lane, the lowest 27 is 3 miles an hour. People in the fast lane cant talk on their phones or listen to music. Cameras on the pavements check their speed and the 28 will fine people who dont foll

13、ow the rules.The city government 29 the idea of a fast lane, but there are still some problems. Whos going to 30 it and make new street signs? It may cost a lot. How would you feel about paying a fine for walking too slowly?21AquicklyBpatientlyCslowlyDsmoothly22ArunBstopCmoveDstand23AproudBangryClon

14、elyDshy24AoldestBwidestClongestDbusiest25AdirectorsBtouristsCpassengersDofficers26AbuildBdrawCcleanDpass27AlevelBtemperatureCpriceDspeed28AcompanyBpolicemanCkingDteacher29ArefusesBexplainsCsupportsDforgets30Apay forBlook forCwait forDcare for三、补全对话7选5A: How was your seaside trip with your family?B: 31 We got up early in the morning and set out at 8:30.A: Did you stop at the Great Fall for some photos?B: Of course! Its so beautiful there.A: 32


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