Unit 8 重点短语梳理-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)

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Unit 8 重点短语梳理-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)_第1页
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Unit 8 重点短语梳理-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)_第2页
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《Unit 8 重点短语梳理-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8 重点短语梳理-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(北师大版2019)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 重点短语1.not be bothered to do sth懒得做某事Drop a piece of litter and cant be bothered to pick it up.(教材P30)扔一片垃圾然后懒得去捡。短语记牢记牢下列短语bother to do sth费心做某事(not) bother doing sth 麻烦做某事/懒得做某事bother sb with/about sth 用某事麻烦某人Dont bother to get dinner for me.请不必费事为我做饭了。Im sorry that I have to bother you with

2、/about this problem.对不起,我要用这个问题来麻烦你了。巩固内化完成句子He cant .他连打声招呼都不肯。Dont ; hes very busy.现在不要拿这个去打扰他,他很忙。You neednt .你不必费心来了。be bothered to say hello bother him with/about it now bother to come up 2.take action采取行动To inspire young people to take action for the environment, animals and their community, R

3、oots & Shoots was established. (教材P31)为了能让年轻人为环境、动物和他们的社区采取行动,(他们)成立了“根与芽”。短语记牢记牢下列短语take steps/measures采取措施take a risk 冒风险take a chance 碰运气take effect 生效;起作用take advantage of 利用They took a risk in driving on, in spite of the storm.尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。The new law takes effect from tomorrow.新法律从明天起生效。We should take measures/steps to keep air and water clean.我们应该采取措施保持空气和水的清洁。巩固内化完成句子I usually my spoken English.我经常利用一切机会练习英语口语。Shall we or play it safe?我们是该冒险呢还是稳妥行事?The ban is to in six months.该禁令六个月后生效。take advantage of every opportunity to practice take a risk take effect


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