人教版pep六年级上册英语《Unit 4 I have a pen pal.》

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1、Unit 4 I have a pen pal.教学设计一、教学目标1、知识与技能目标:首先能够听懂、会说本课的单词“pen pal, hobby, jasmine, idea”,并能用单词表达相应的意思;其次能够听、说、读、写本课的重点句型“What are Peters hobbies? He likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing.”,并能正确表达自己和他人的爱好。最终能够做到正确运用本课所学单词和句型,并能组织语言进行日常的交际表达。2、过程与方法目标:教师教学的

2、过程同时也是学生形成自我学习、建立学习方法的过程,在这个过程中使学生的语言运用能力得以提升,主动性得以体现,让学生能够通过自主学习习得语言、提升自信。在教学过程中,我将综合运用讲授法、讨论法、问题教学法、任务型教学法、游戏教学法等教学方法,来完成本课的教学。3、情感、态度与价值观目标:通过讨论彼得有许多的兴趣爱好引出爱好的重要性,从而强调本课的情感目标:Hobby is the first step to knowledge. (爱好即获得知识的第一步。)每个人都应该有自己的爱好。二、教学重、难点本课的重点是掌握单词“pen pal, hobby, jasmine, idea”的读音和意思,并

3、能用单词表达相应的意思。本课的难点是让学生能够灵活运用句型“What are Peters hobbies? He likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing.”来讨论自己和他人的兴趣爱好,并且能够将学习过的语言加以运用,最终习得语言。三、课前准备 教学课件、单元标题、分组标志、奖品。四、教学过程Step1、Warming up and lead-in1.Greetings.2.Divide into groups.T: Guess. Whats this? Its a pa

4、ir of scissors. It can divide you into two groups. You are group A and you are group B. Lets have a PK! 3.Enjoy a song.T: But at the first, lets enjoy a song together. My new pen pal. 4.Review some words.T: There are many hobbies in this song. Do you remember these hobbies? Lets play a game to revie

5、w.5.Free talk.T: Look! There are many hobbies, too. What are your hobbies?【设计意图】课堂热身和导入是教学过程中的一个重要环节,它有着承上启下、温故知新的作用,能够使学生较好地集中注意力、激发学生学习兴趣和动机。在热身和导入环节,我通过和学生互相问候、分组竞赛、欣赏歌曲、玩小游戏、进行对话,这些活动使学生置于一个轻松、愉悦的英语学习氛围中,并以饱满的热情投入到学习中去,同时也温习了所学过的知识,为下面的教学做好铺垫。Step2、Presentation1.Lets try.T: Look! I have a photo.

6、 Who is this boy? He is our good friend Zhang Peng. Zhang Peng is talking with Oliver about his pen pal. Listen and then write T or F. 听录音,引导学生读题并回答,核对答案。【设计意图】创设相关情境,引出本课的主题,做听力练习为进入正式的对话做好准备。2.Lets talk.(1) Look and guess. Where does Peter live? He lives on a farm. 看图片引出本课的主人公,并引导学生根据图片猜测问题。(2)Lis

7、ten and tick. What are Peters hobbies? He likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing. 带着问题听录音,引导学生在录音中寻找答案,理解句子并能完整说出句子。(3)Watch and answer. What is Zhang Peng going to teach Peter? Zhang Peng is going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”. 带着问题看视频,并引导

8、学生回答问题,课件呈现句子。播放歌曲“茉莉花”,学生欣赏。【设计意图】在课文的教学中,我让学生通过看图片、听录音、看视频的方式解决问题,让学生在寻求、探索解决问题的思维活动中,掌握知识、发展智力、培养技能,进而培养学生自己发现问题、解决问题的能力。Step3、Practice1.Listen and imitate.T: Lets continue our class. Listen and imitate. Listen carefully and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 播放录音,学生跟读。2.Role pla

9、y. Lets have a role play. Group A is Oliver. Group B is Zhang Peng. Now exchange. Group B is Oliver. Group A is Zhang Peng. 分角色朗读课文。3.Play a game. Lets have a rest. How about playing a game? Look! There are six levels. 全班玩一组通关游戏。【设计意图】首先,我要求学生听音跟读,听音跟读是培养学生听说能力最重要、最有效的途径,听音跟读对于培养学生正确的语音、语调和语感,培养学生正确

10、的模仿能力和表达能力,都起到了非常重要的作用。其次,我通过让学生分角色朗读课文的方式,帮助学生层层递进地熟悉课文,为之后的语言产出做好了准备。最后,我用过引导学生玩通关游戏的方式强化了学生的记忆,在游戏中学习,寓教于乐。Step4、ConsolidationDo a survey. Who is your best friend? Talk about his or her hobbies. You can use these sentences to interview. And then give a report. 四人为一个小组,调查组员最好的朋友的兴趣爱好,并完成一份调查报告。【设计

11、意图】这个环节是话题巩固拓展环节,学生在操作句型的基础上,将语言学习提升到语言运用层面。拓展环节采用调查访问的方式,在这个过程中运用了合作学习,提高了学生创造思维的能力,强化了学生对自己学习的责任感和对自己同伴学习进展的关心。Step5、SummaryT: How time flies. This class is coming to the end. Lets have a summary. Show me your hands. Lets chant together.What, what, what are your hobbies?Reading, reading, I like re

12、ading!What, what, what are your hobbies?Swimming, swimming, I like swimming!What, what, what are your hobbies?Singing, singing, I like singing!【设计意图】在这一环节,我和学生通过做律动的方式,再一次复习了本单元的重点、难点,并且让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中结束本课的学习,让学生理解英语的学习并不是枯燥乏味的。Step6、HomeworkT: Here comes your homework. There are three tasks for you. T

13、he first one, listen to the recording. If you finish this task, you will get a star. The second one, talk with your partner about your hobbies. If you finish these tasks, you will get two stars. The third one, make a mind map (思维导图) about your friend/pen pal. If you finish these tasks, you will get

14、three stars.T: Look at the blackboard. Who is the winner? Congratulations! Group B is the winner. So I will give you some gifts. Group A dont lose your heart. Come on!【设计意图】英语课后作业是课堂知识的巩固、延伸和补充,我根据难易程度布置了三项任务,体现了作业安排的层次性,通过这样的作业巩固学生所学语言知识,提高他们运用英语的能力,培养学生的语言表达能力。在本课的最后总结了竞赛游戏的胜利者,并颁发了小奖品,引起学生们的兴致。五、板书设计Unit4 I have a pen pal.What are Peters hobbies? He likes doing kung fu and swimming.He likes reading stories. He also likes singing.4 / 4


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