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1、【必备】高一的英语作文汇总7篇【必备】高一的英语作文汇总7篇 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是帮大家整理的高一的英语作文7篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 高一的英语作文 篇1With the improvement of living level, the goods package have become more and more complicated and exaggerated. Thus, the phenomenon of the excessive packaging is c

2、ommon around us. Such as Mid-autumn moon cakes. But what factors contribute to this phenomenon?随着生活水平的提高,商品的包装越来越复杂、夸张。所以,过度包装的现象在我们的身边是很常见的。如中秋月饼。但是,是什么原因导致了这种现象?Firstly, as we all know, a large number of markets and stores think that goods which are well-decorated could attract consumers and inspi

3、re consumers to purchase goods. So they can earn more money. Secondly, consumers hold the idea that the more elegant the goods look, the better quality of the commodity is. Whats more, the government didnt make relevant rules to prevent this phenomenon.首先,我们都知道,大量的市场和商店都认为好的包装可以吸引消费者,鼓励消费者购买商品。之后他们就

4、可以赚更多的钱。其次,消费者认为商品看起来越优雅,商品的质量就越好。更重要的是,政府没有制定相关的条例来预防这种现象。Personally speaking, excessive packaging has a bad influence on our environment, which also wastes precious resources. So we should increase our awareness of consuming and save rare resources. At the same time, some useful measures should be

5、 taken by the government. Its high time we took action to prevent this situation. Only in this way can we put an end to this trend.高一的英语作文 篇2The most important thing for me to choose my friends is to choose people with common interest and goals.We are worth to make friends with people that we choose

6、 to be friends with for life therefore we need to have common interest.Also ,it is worth to make friends with person we can feel comfortable with no matter where we are or what the subject may be.It is important that we choose friends with goals.We who dont know who we are or what we may become,but

7、at least a life sponging on our parents and friends.When choosing friends it is very important that we surround our self with people of similar religious beliefs.By doing this our friends will share our conscious and we will have good,clean,fun when we are together.Its also nice to have a friend on

8、our age that we can talk to about things and we understand.高一的英语作文 篇3根据下列提示要点, 以“The Ways to Keep Healthy” 为题, 写一篇短文。提示:1. 人人都想保持健康。2. 饮食要健康:多吃水果、蔬菜,因为它们富含纤维素和维生素;少吃黄油、奶酪、咖啡和巧克力,因为它们含糖和脂肪太多,糖和脂肪使你迅速变胖。3. 有良好的生活习惯:定期锻炼,充足的睡眠,不要过度劳累,不抽烟等等。 The Ways to Keep HealthyEveryone hopes to be in good health. B

9、ut howHere are some ways to keep health.First, you need a healthy diet. It is better to eat fresh fruit and vegetables because they have a lot of fibre and vitamins. Dont eat the food which contains too much sugar and fat, like butter, cheese, coffee and chocolate. Fat and sugar make people put on w

10、eight easily.Second, good living habits are very important. You should do regular exercise to build up your body. Besides, enough rest is necessary for your health. You need 8 hours sleep a night and dont work too hard. Smoking is a bad habit, so never smoke.In a word, healthy food and good living h

11、abits are good ways to keep healthy.高一的英语作文 篇4In order to make our city cleaner and more beautiful, the young volunteers of our school went to the Peoples Park this morning and offered our help.为了使我们的城市更加整洁漂亮,我们学校的青年志愿者今天上午来到人民公园提供我们的帮助。At eight, the head of the park met us at the gate. After being

12、divided into groups, we set out to work at once. Some tidied up the parking area and had motorbikes paiked in the right place. Some took care of the flowers and bushes, and persuaded people to keep off the grass. Around the tiger den, one group kept order to prevent accidents from happening. At the

13、aquarium, another group worked as guides and advised visitors not to smoke. When some of us were doing cleaning, an old man praised us and said, Well done, young fellows!八点,公园的领导们在大门口迎接我们。分完小组之后,我们就开始工作了。一些同学打扫停车场,并把摩托车停到正确的位置。一些人照看鲜花和灌木,劝人们不要践踏草坪。在老虎窝,另一组保持秩序以避免发生事故。另外一组在水族馆当导游,建议游客不要吸烟。我们干活的时候,一位老

14、人称赞我们说:小伙子们很好!We were all tired but happy. What a morning we had today!我们都很累,但是很开心。今天我们做的事情多好啊!多有意义啊!高一的英语作文 篇5Travels on Holidaysin ChinaNowadays, more and more people like to travel in their holidays. The other day I read a report about the ways people spend their holidays. It is reported that in

15、recent yiars several new holiday habits have been developed. Among them, the most interesting one is the growth of the so-called holiday camps.From the report we can see that in 1990,40 percent of people stayed at home for holidays. But now the proportion has reduced to 9 percent. More people go out

16、 for fun. The proportion of camping and traveling abroad was increasing steadily, from 10 percent in 1990 to 38 percent in 20xx, and 12 percent in 1990 to 26 percent in 20xx respectively. People enjoy the fresh air, clean Water and GREen hills when they go camping in the suburbs. In 1990,38 percent people enjoyed going to the seaside while in 20xx only 27 percent prefer to go ther


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