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1、仁爱英语2012-2013学年度七年级第一学期期中试卷(考试时间:100分钟,满分:120分)题号听力部分笔试部分总分IIIIIIIVVIIIIIIIVVVIVII得分第一部分:听力(25分). 听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片(其中有一幅多余)。每个句子读一遍。(5分) A B CD E F1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._. 听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6. A. Nice to meet you, too.B. How do you do?C. Im fine. Thanks.( )7. A. He is twelve. B. He is from Japan

2、. C. He is Tom.( )8. A. Its red. B. Its a pen. C. Its 3664501.( )9. A. Its black. B. He has long hair.C. Yes, it is.( )10. A. They are books. B. Its Lilys. C. Theyre mine. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5分)( )11. Where is Bob from?A. Japan.B. Canada. C. America.( )12. Whats Bills telephone number?A. Its 221-33

3、59. B. Its 212-7759. C. Its 252-4495.( )13. What class is Li Ping in? A. He is in Class 1, Grade 7. B. He is in Class 3, Grade 7. C. He is in Class 7, Grade 3.( )14. What does Yukio look like? A. He has a big mouth.B. He has a small nose. C. He has big ears.( )15. Whose bike is this? A. Its Dicks. B

4、. Its Sallys. C. Its Michaels. . 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)( )16. Where is Ann from? A. Canada.B. England.C. America.( )17. How old is Ann? A. 14.B. 13.C. 12.( )18. What color is Timmys hair? A. Its black.B. Its yellow. C. Its brown.( )19. What does Timmy look like? A. He has a long face and big eyes. B.

5、 He has a round face and small eyes. C. He has a round face and big eyes.( )20. Who are in the same class? A. Li Qing and Ann.B. Li Qiang and Timmy. C. Ann and Timmy. . 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5分)WANTED Country(国家) 21 Age(年龄) 22 Lookshort, black hair, 23 face, small eyes, big nose, big ears, small mouth, in

6、 a 24 T-shirt and black pants. The police telephone number is 25 . 21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._第二部分:笔试 (95分). 单项选择。(15分)( )26. Hello, Tony. _ Fine, thank you. A. Nice to meet you. B. How do you do? C. How are you? ( )27. Welcome to Shanghai, Bob!_ A. Thank you.B. Yes, I am. C. Youre welcome. ( )28. Good

7、 afternoon, Mr. Wang! _ A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Goodbye! ( )29. _, please? My name is Zhang Wei. A. How old are you B. Where are you from C. Whats your name( )30. _ you from America? No. I_ from England. A. Are; areB. Are; am C. Is; are ( )31. _ Yes, D-E-S-K. A. Can you spell it?B. Ho

8、w do you spell it?C. Whats this?( )32. Is that _ banana? No, it isnt. Its _ apple. A. a; aB. a; an C.an; an( )33. Are these _? Yes, _ are. A. apple; theyB. apples; it C. apples; they( )34. I _ a round face, but my sister _ a long face. We dont look the same. A. have; hasB. has; haveC. have; have ( )

9、35. You are in Grade 7. Is Dick in Grade 7, too? Yes. We are in _ grade, but in _ classes. A. same; differentB. different; sameC.the same; different( )36. _ Sam have a wide mouth? Yes, he _. A. Is; isB. Do; doC. Does; does ( )37. Thank you, Mr. Black. _ A. You are welcome. B. Thank you, too. C. Yes,

10、 youre right.( )38. Mom, I want _ a red bike. OK. A. buy B. to buyC. buys( )39. Do you know Betty? Yes. That girl _ a blond skirt is Betty. A. ofB. atC. in ( )40. Is the white car _, Miss Yang? No, it isnt. _ car is red. A. yours; My B. your; MineC. yours; Mine. 完形填空。(10分)My name is Zhang Hua. Im 13

11、 years old. Im a 41 . Im in 42 . I have a friend. Her name 43 Kate. She is 44 English girl. She is 45 , too. She has long hair. She is 46 a red dress. We are in the same grade, but in 47 . She is in Class 5.Kate has a long face, two big 48 . She has a brother. 49 name is Bill. He is 4 years old. He isnt a student. Bill has a round face and a w


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