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1、新郑市外国语小学20112012学年下期 导学案课 题: Unit 3 Is this your skirt? The second period学 科英语年 级四年级班 级四一班主备人王玲审核人敬瑞霞课 型对话教学学习内容: Part A Lets talkSentences:Is this/that your.? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt. No,its not. Whose is it? Its. 学习目标:1. With the help of the teacher and the tape, the students can listen and read th

2、e sentences: Is this/that your.? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt. No,its not. Whose is it? Its. The students also can use the sentences in their daily life. At last, the students can read, act and use Part B Lets talk. 2. With the help of the sentences and the pictures,the students can make a new dialogue.学习

3、重点: The students can listen and read the sentences: Is this/that your.? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt. No,its not. Whose is it? Its. 学习难点:The students can listen and read the sentences: Is this/that your.? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt. No,its not. Whose is it? Its. 学法指导: Group-work Pair work 评价设计: 1.针对学习目标1,可以通过

4、老师图片引出重难点,师生问答操练,生生间问答操练,来逐步熟练句型:The students can listen and read the sentences: Is this/that your.? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt. No,its not. Whose is it? Its. 通过自读课文解决疑难,听录音跟读,自己试读,分角色表演并达到会背等方式,来达到目标。2.针对学习目标2,可以通过创设情境、师生示范、小组准备、展示等方式来达到目标。学习准备: Cards ,tape, 班班通授课节数: one学习过程: Step1:Free talk&Lead inTod

5、ay we are going to learn Unit 3 Part A Lets talk.T:Before our free talk,I will give you 30 seconds to remember these sentences.Pay attention to the learning tip. Free talk:T: Is this/that your.? What colour is it? Where is my.?S1:. Practise the sentences.T: This is a T-shirt. Is this/that your.? Wha

6、t colour is it? Where is my.?And now I ask you.Whose T-shirt is it?(分解读音,解释词义,猜测句意,领读,引导回答。)T: Whose book is it? We can answer it: Its Mikes. Yes,this is a T-shirt. But I dont know, whose is it?S1:. Step2:Presentation and practice1、T: Lets watch the cartoon and choose the right answer. A:Alice B:Mik

7、e C:Dads D:MomsPay attention to the learning tip.2、Check the answer.3、Read after the tape for two times,pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.Can you read these sentences?(挑生读。) You should read them like this.(美读指导。)4、Read it by yourself and try to find out the difficult words.S1:.T:Sol

8、ve the questions.And then read it together. 5、T:Group 1: Alice Group2:Mike Group3:Dad Group4:MomAnd then lets have a change.6、Four students a group. One is Alice. One is Mike. .7、Show.8、Recite.(齐背,给出时间背,检查,再齐背。)(落实学习目标一)Step3:创设情境,拓展运用T:If you lose something,how to find it quickly?Who wants to try?(

9、师生示范。)T:I will give you two minutes to prepare the dialogue in pairs.T: And then show us.(落实学习目标二)Step4:Emotion education If you lose something, please dont worry.You must remember its shape,colour and the place.It can help you to find the thing quickly. But I want to tell you.Take care your everything. 板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your skirt?The second period Is this/that your.? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt. No,its not. Whose is it? Its. 总结与反思:


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