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1、2011 高考英语词汇总复习-L 字母开头Lab also laboratory n. a building or room which contains scientific apparatus and in which a scientist works 实验室;实验大楼 labour/labor 1. work, esp. tiring physical work, or effort (尤指费力的)体力劳动 2. workers, esp. those who use their hands 劳力;工人; (尤指)用手操作的工人 3. the act of giving birth 分

2、娩 lack v. to be without; not have enough of 缺少;缺乏;短缺 n. absence or need 缺少;缺乏 ladder n. a frame with steps, used for climbing, as up a building or the side of a ship 梯子 lady n. 1. (polite) a woman, esp. a woman of good social position (雅)女士;夫人;(尤指)有社会地位的贵妇人 2. also woman (亦作 woman)-female 女性 lake n.

3、 a large mass of water surrounded by land 湖,湖泊(比较 POND) lamb n. 1. a young sheep 小羊,羔羊 2. the meat of a young sheep 羔羊肉 lamp n. an apparatus for giving light, as from oil, gas, or electricity 灯,如油灯;煤气灯;电灯 land n. 1. the solid dry part of the earths surface 陆地 2. a part of the earths surface forming

4、a political whole; country; nation 国土;国家 3. a part of the earths surface all of the same natural type 地带地球的表面与海洋比较时称为 land; 与天空比较时称为 earth; 被看作财产的一块地皮是 land; 生长植物的土地称为 ground, earth 或 soil。 Ground 也指我们行走的地面,但在室内就叫做 floor。 v. to come to, be to, or put on land 使上岸;登陆 landowner n. the owner of land 地主;

5、土地所有者 language n. 1. the system of human expression by means of words in speech or writing 语言,文字 2. a particular system of words, as used by a people or nation 一个国家(或一个民族)的语言 3. any system of signs, movements, etc. used to express meanings or feelings (用以表达意义或感情的)一套符号或动作 large adj. more than usual i

6、n size, number, or amount; big 大的;巨大的 last n., pron. 1. the person or thing after all the others 最后的人(或物) at (long) last in the end; after a long time 最后;终于 determiner, adv.no comp. (无比较级) 1. after everything else; after the others 最后的,唯一剩下的;最后 2. on the occasion nearest in the past; most recent 紧接前

7、面的;最近过去的 v. to measure in length of time; go on; continue 持续;继续;延续 eg. The film lasted nearly three hours. Late adj. 1. arriving, happening, etc., after the usual, arranged, or expected time 迟的; 晚的 2. happening towards the end of the day, life, a period, etc. (白天、生命、时期等)将尽的,快结束的;末期的 3. that happened

8、 only a short time ago 新近的 4. former (not living) 已故的 adv. 1. after the usual, arranged, or expected time 迟;晚 2. towards the end of a period 在晚期 be late for (school) 迟到(校) lately adv. in the recent past 近来,最近 later adv. 之后;不久 latest n. infml (非正式的) the most recent news, fashion, or example 最新消息;最新款式

9、;最近事例 来源:学科网at the latest 最迟;至迟 laugh v. 1. to express amusement, happiness, carelessness, disrespect(etc.) by making explosive sounds with the voice, usu. while smiling 笑;大笑 2.to influence or bring to a result by laughing 笑得使 laughter n an act or sound of laughing 笑;笑声 laugh at 嘲笑 law n. 1. a rule

10、that is supported by the power of government and that governs the behavior of members of a society 法令;法规 2. the whole body of such rules in a country (一个国家的)法律 3. such rules, either in total or in part, and the way in which they w ork 法律及其动作 lawyer n. a person whose business is to advise people abou

11、t laws and to represent them in court 律师 lay v laid laid laying 1. to cause to lie flat 放下;搁置;铺放 2. to set in proper order or position 安排;布置;摆好 lay the table for dinner. (=place knives, forks, etc., ready for a meal) 摆好餐具准备吃饭 3. (of birds, insects, etc. ) to produce (an egg or eggs)(鸟类,昆虫等)下(蛋);产(卵)

12、 USAGE Do not confuse lay (laid, laid). With lie (lay, lain).用法:不要把 及物动词 lay(laid, laid)与不及物动词 lie (lay, lain) 相混淆。 eg. A person can lay his coat on the bed; When he has done this his coat is lying on the bed. 一个人可以把他的外衣放在(lay)床上。( 当他放好时,这件外衣就平搁 (is lying)在床上了。 A third verb lie (lied, lied) means “t

13、o tell a lie”. 还有一个不及物 动词 lie (lied, lied) 意思是“说谎”。 lazy adj. 1. disliking and avoiding activity or work 懒惰的;懒散的;偷懒的 2. (esp. of periods of time) encouraging inactivity (尤指一段时间)令人懒散的 3. moving slowly 慢吞吞的 lead v led, leading 1. to bring or show the way to (person or animal) by going in front 领头;带领;引

14、导,牵引(人或动物) 2. to be the means of reaching a place, going through an area, etc. 通往;导向 3. to persuade or influence(someone) to do something 影响,劝诱(某人)做(某事) lead a simple life 过着俭朴的生活 USAGE: to lead is to show the way by going first, to guide is to show the way and explain things, and to direct is to ex

15、plain to someone how to get to a place 用法:走在前面带路用 lead ,边领路边讲解用 guide ,向某人解 释如何到某一地方去用 direct:he lead them down the mountain. 他带领 他们下山。| She guided the tourists round the castle. 她引导旅游者 参观了这座城堡。| Could you direct me to the station, please? 请问到 车站怎么走? to drive is either to control a moving vehicle, o

16、r to make animals move forward by going behind them drive 既可表示驾驶车辆,也 可表示在后面驱赶动物: Driving the cattle to market. 把牛群赶到市场去。 To steer is to control the direction of a moving vehicle or boat. steer 表示控制行进中的车或船的方向。steering wheel (汽车的)方向盘 lead to v. prep to have as a result; cause 引起;导致 lead n. a soft heavy easily melted dull grey metal, used for pipes, to cover roofs, etc. 铅 leader n.


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