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1、unit3 Lesson19Lesson19 May I Invite Danny and Jenny?知识与技能:掌握下列单词: come, go ,invite, leave for, arrive in掌握下列句子: a. May I invite _?b. This is . c. When do you leave/ arrive?过程与方法:了解怎么对别人发出邀请,并且能够邀请别人。能够用英语打电话邀请别人一起做某事。情感态度与价值观:在真实的打电话的语境中,让学生了解中西方打电话中语言的区别,在具体的任务中,学会用英语打电话。教学重难点:1. 向别人发出邀请。 2. 打电话中所涉

2、及到的基本语言。教具准备:模拟电话机,单词卡片 , 录音机教学过程:1、 Class opening:1. Greeting.2. Review the sentences: May I go to ? When is it?2、 New Concepts:1. Introduce: Explain the new words “ invite ” use a word card.2. Practice: Ask the students to practice the dialogue. (About“come” and“go” .)3. Listening: Play the tape,

3、ask them to listen and answer the questions.a. Note “ leave ” and “ arrive ” . Can anyone guess what they mean?b. What does Li Ming want to do?c. How does Mrs. Li talk to Mrs. Smith?d. Where is Mrs. Smith?e. Can Jenny come on the trip?f. Can Danny come?(学生通过听录音,理解课文大意,试着回答以上问题,提高学生的听和说的能力。 )4. Role

4、- play: Check the students, give the good ones praise.(通过角色扮演或分角色朗读 课文,让学生体验中西方打电话中语言的区别,及读的能力。5. Create situation use the sentences constructions.(通过创设模拟情境,让学生利用句子结构,组织对话,学习用英语打电话。3、 Class closingTo recite the text. (Practice in fours.)板书设计:Lesson 19 : May I Invite Danny and Jenny ?come When do you leave for ?go When do you arrive in( at )?leave 和 leave for 区别 2


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