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1、外研版(三起)五年级英语下册教学案Module5 Unit1 it s big and light.一、学习目标1 知识目标:复习颜色、大小、新旧等词汇,学会heavy, light , broken ,pocket 等单词,并会使用这些词描述事物的特征;并能根据描述进行判断说的是哪一个东西。2 能力目标:通过听录音,掌握正确的语音语调,使学生形成良好的语言习惯;通过游戏及问答,激发学生英语学习的积极性和主动性;通过情景表演,发展学生的个性。3 德育目标:通过购物的学习及问答,使学生养成在交际中的礼貌行为。二、教学重难点1. 单词: light broken heavy pocket 及在句型

2、中的使用2. 句型: It s big and light. It s got two pockets.3. 难点:学会用英语描述事物的特征。三、教学准备:图片,书包,录音机, 单词卡四、预习学案:1 Sing the song I can sing the rainbow .(设计意图:通过唱这首歌复习一些表示颜色的词。 )2 Use the computer to show several famous characters, ask the students to compare and describe them . (设计意图:通过这一环节复习描述物体特点所需的反义词,如:new -

3、old, big-small, fat-thin, short tall/long)五、导学案Step1 Presentation1. T: ( 出示准备好的小包 )What color is this ? What is this? Ss: blue, 包T:Yes.It s a pocket.继而用一只手掂包教light, 之后教 It s big and light. I ll be easy for me.搬课桌,装作很吃力的样子: T: Oh, so heavy!( 拿出单词卡教读 )出示刚才那个包复习 pocket, 把一支粉笔放进去, 可粉笔掉出来了: T: Oh ,what h

4、appen ?( 给学生看包烂的地方 )It s broken. 拿处单词卡教读: It s broken 。 (设计意图 : 注意充分运用教室里所 有的资源进行练习并结合学习新单词,注意纠正发音。 )Chant:Boys and girls, let s have a chant .Heavy, heavy, the pocket is small and light.Light, light, the desk is big and light.(设计意图 : 用实物形象直观,学生更容易理解新单词 ,TPR 教学方法能给学生真实语境学习英语轻快的歌谣能巩固新单词句子。 )2. 呈现课文 教

5、师分段播放录音,学生跟读。 (设计意图 : 让学生听录音初步了解课文内容。 )教师向学生讲解“We ll take it ,please. ”中 take 的意思为 buy。Step2 Practice(设计意图 : 整个操练中有交际操练,有录音,也有游戏,教学方法多样丰富,既能活跃课堂气氛,又能使学生自主学习,让学生乐于学习,互相交流合作。 )1. Listen to the tape and look at the book. Ask and answer the questions.1) Why does Ms Smart want to buy Lingling a new bag?2

6、) How many bags do they see?3) Why don t they choose ( 选择 ) the black one?4) Which one do they choose? Why?2. Listen again and then answer the questions.1) Why does Ms Smart want to buy Lingling a new bag?Because Lingling s bag is broken.2) How many bags do they see? Three.3) Why don t they choose (

7、 选择 ) the black one? It s (too) heavy.4) Which one do they choose? Why?They choose the blue one. Because it big and light, and it s got four wheels.3. Follow the tape to read the text.4. 交际性活动设计Practice the dialogue in the group .(设计意图:通过分组分角色朗读,开展合作学习,相互促进,并在模拟情境表演中巩固新语言。5. 趣味性活动设计:接龙游戏Now , let s

8、have a game . For example:6. The bag is light.51: The bag is light and new.52: The bag is light and new and nice.53: The bag is light and new and nice and big.Do the practice in groups.6 、游戏 我会说 :请学生以小组为单位,完成课本中活动三。e.g: A : It s heavy. B : It s the green bag. 要求生 B 一边指一边说。7 .Let s chant and actMy ey

9、es big, big ,bigMy mouth small, small, smallMy clothes nice, nice, niceThis bag heavy ,heavy, heavyThat bag light ,light, light(设计意图:有节奏的歌谣琅琅上口,能帮助学生很快记住这些单词。 )Step3.Homework1.Write a compression about animals, use the new words and sentences. 2.给学生发以下纸条在小组填The window is and . The door is . The blac

10、kboard isand . The deskis and . The chair is and . The children are and .填好收齐并给学生评价。六、板书设计Module 5 Unit 1 It s big and light.This black bag is nice.It s big.This blue one is big and light.It ll be easy for her.七、课后作业) 1.Look () your bag.Its broken.A.toB.atC.about() 2.You cant it () China.A.forB.onC.to() 3.I;ll buy you a new ().A.aB.anC.one() 4.Itll be easy ()you.A.forB.toC.about() 5.-Thank you very much.A. Yes, thank you. B. Youre welcome. C. Yes, you are 3


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