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1、Module8. DiscussionUnit1.What do you suggest?Learning aims:1. 知识目标:掌握并熟练运用本课重点句型:What do you suggest? What about? Whydontyou?How about-?2. 能力目标: ( 1)学会如何给别人提建议。( 2 )通过创设情景,综合运用所学语言进行交流,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用语言的交际能力和对语言的应变能力。3. 情感目标:要学会合理的消费,不能盲目攀比和乱花钱,而应从实际出发,用自己的劳动,用自己的成绩等做为给父母的礼物。Key points and difficult

2、points:教学重点:掌握并熟练运用本课重点句型:What do you suggest? What about ?Why dontyou - ? How about ?教学难点:在真实的情境中运用重点句型进行口语交际。Teaching aids: tape-recorder课件Activity Procedure:Step1.Warm-up1 . Greetings( 师生问好,生生问好)2 . RevisionT: Boys and girls,look at the screen ,please.These are the pictures about things.Who can r

3、ead them?( 出示课件 )Step2.Lead-inT:My daughter loves sports.I want to send her a present.What do you suggest?(出示女儿的图片 )Teach “ suggest ” ( 引出本课主题)What do you suggest?T: “我们已经知道Daming 要去美国啦, 那么他要去拜访谁呢?他准备带什么样的礼物呢?Sam又是如何给Daming提出建议的呢?“下面让我们一起来学习今天的课文。Step3.Presentation(出示课文 Picture1)Play the tapeAsk I.W

4、ho is on the phone for Sam?A. Daming B.Ms Smart C.Sams cousin(出示 Picture2)Play the tapeAsk 2.Where is Daming going to in the summer?A. America B.China C.England3 . Daming will visit his.A. brother B.father C.cousin4 . He lives in.A.China B.England C.America5 .His mother is.A.Chinese B.English C.Amer

5、ican6 .Daming wont take.A.a kite B.chopsticks C.a present(出示 Picture3)Play the tape7 .He will take.A.a kite B.chopsticks C.a toy(出示 Picture4) Play the tape8 .The Present is.A.chopsticks B.a Chinese dragon kiteC.an American kiteT:OK! Daming is on the phone for Sam.He is going to go to America.And he

6、wants to takea present for his cousin.What suggestions does Sam make?S1:Chopsticks.S2:A kite.S3:A dragon kite.(师板书)What about chopsticks?I dont agree./Why dont you give him a kite?I disagree.How about a dragon kite?I agree./Thatsgreat./Thats a good idea.Step4.Practice1. Read after the tape.T=Ms Smar

7、t,Boys=Sam,Girls=Daming.2. Now change.Step5.Production1) Guessing game.(课件展示游戏)T: I am thirsty. What do you suggest? What kind of juice do I like?(当学生猜对以后,课件展示饮料)T: I m goin g to go to a party. What can I wear? What do you suggest?(当学生猜对以后,课件展示衣服)T: I m hungry. I want to eat some food. What do you s

8、uggest?(当学生猜对以后,课件展示食物)2) T: Class ,this is a short dialogue.Look carefully and find the new words.A:Linglings birthday is coming. I want to take a present for her.Lets go to the supermarket.B,C,D: OK!A:What do you suggest?B:What about a toy?A:I dont agree. Shes got a toy.C:Why dont you give her a p

9、en?A:I disagree. Shes got a pen.D:How about an English book?A:I agree. Thats a good idea! Thank you!T: Any questions? Now please fill in the blanks(课件展示填空内容 ) Tomorrow isbirthday.A:Damings B:Sams C:Linglings(2) Where are the children?A:In the supermarket B:At school C:At home(3) A wont takeA:a book

10、B:a toy C:a present(4) A will takeA:a book B:a toy C:a pen(5) The present isA: a toy B:a Chinese book C:an English book.Step6.SummaryT:We know mothers day is coming.Are you going to buy a present for your mother?Yes or No?S:Yes.T:OK! Now lets go to the supermarket.(Discuss what present you will buy for your mother on Mothers Day?)T:The best present for your mum is yourwonderful homework or doing a good child.Step7.Homework以小组为单位把上面的对话写出来。 4



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