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1、关于应聘会计的英语简历精品范文好的英语简历往往是应聘会计的求职者的敲门砖。下面是小雅WTT整理的会计电算化专业的英语简历精品范文,以供大家阅读。关于应聘会计的英语简历精品范文Basic informationname: fan xx sex: female account is located: current wuhan: wuhangraduate institutions: the political landscape of hubei institute of economics: membershighest level of education: undergraduate pr

2、ofessional repair by: accounting (certified public accountant)personnel types: ordinary job graduation date :20xx-06-24job intentionsjob type: full-time or part-timeposition: cashier, accounting, accounting assistant, accounting clerkhope location: openwish to pay: negotiableeducation and training e

3、xperienceseptember 20xx to 20xx 6 school of economics, hubei institute of certified public accountants professional undergraduateexperience to participate in social practice2,20xx done in the winter vacation home, counseling students in a third language and english, his writing skills greatly improv

4、ed ability to use language to enhance a level. also made me realize that teachers do is not easy, there must be analysis of problems and problem-solving abilities, but also flexible. but also my way of thinking has been tempered.shennongjia 3,20xx in the summer in the land and resources management a

5、ccounting practice, a simple statement at the end of填制certificate, as well as the work of a serious and responsible work has been well led. understanding of the accounting system so accounts of the processes involved in accounting work for the forthing laid a foundation.4,20xx, in a pharmaceutical p

6、any is satisfied, is responsible for day-to-day collection and payment in cash and notes, custody, and the cost of claims, transfer, internal accounting transactions to section confirmed that the cash register in time.received awards20xx, was named outstanding members;july 20xx to obtain their quali

7、fication certificates;september 20xx university certificate in english 4;in october 20xx has been the practice of field grade summer title activists.may 20xx assistant accountant examination is expected through the acquisition of titles of assistant accountant.language proficiencyenglish: 4 passed,

8、to carry out simple day-to-day munication, and translation have heard that the ability to read and write. accounting learned english, understanding of the accounting terminology in english.mandarin: standard mandarin, calligraphy-loving, have good copy writing skills.puter capacityproficiency in wor

9、d, excel, powerpoint and other office software, financial software, such as ufida programming language. and e-merce, and effective use of these resources.self-evaluationfeatures: a solid professional knowledge, analytical decision-making, management capacity and ability to accept new things; good at

10、 analysis and dialectical thinking, a strong organization and coordination capacity; skills, flexibility, good at analysis, the concept of a modern financial management.self-evaluation: i am careful and meticulous work, with a high sense of responsibility, be good at dealing with interpersonal relat

11、ionships, being in harmony with the spirit of teamwork, strong analytical and problem-solving skills, quick to accept new things, work to adapt quickly to high-energy initiative various work environment.关于应聘会计的中文简历精品范文(一)个人信息.目前所在地:广州民族:毛难族户口所在地:广西身材:167 cm?62 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:32 岁求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:

12、财务类:会计主管、财务类:会计主管、会计/会计师:会计工作年限:13职称:初级求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时月薪要求:20xx-3500希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:公司名称:广州市海资宝贸易有限公司起止年月:20xx-08 20xx-01公司性质:民营企业所属行业:物资供销担任职务:会计主管工作描述:该公司是一家钢材代理批发企业,自入职以来,主要负责以下工作:1、负责财务日常工作安排,临时事务的处理、上报。2、负责审核帐务处理以及财务相关报表。3、兼管人事管理,撰写公司报告、通知、合同。4、负责对公司印鉴使用的审批。5、资金筹划、还款、押货提货。6、审核采购、退货单据。7、合同的保管。8、

13、拟定、修改公司相关制度。9、编制财务数据分折表。10、公司证照、进项发票的管理。11、分析公司经营情况,制定有关经营决策及考核方案。 12、负责公司内部办公电脑的管理与维护。离职原因:工作原因公司名称:广西宜州市桂鹰非金属矿工业有限责任公司起止年月:20xx-06 20xx-06公司性质:民营企业所属行业:综合性工商企业担任职务:会计工作描述:负责公司全盘会计工作离职原因:环境污染严重公司名称:广西宜州市金鹏钛业有限责任公司起止年月:20xx-10 20xx-06公司性质:民营企业所属行业:综合性工商企业担任职务:兼职会计工作描述:负责公司财务会计离职原因:经营不善,企业倒闭公司名称:广西水利

14、电力厅洛东水泥厂起止年月:1997-07 20xx-06公司性质:中外合资所属行业:综合性工商企业担任职务:车间主任、会计工作描述:负责生产部门管理,同时兼任宜州市金鹏钛业有限责任公司会计。离职原因:企业改制教育背景毕业院校:中山大学最高学历:本科毕业日期:20xx-01-01所学专业一:会计学所学专业二:受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号1995-091997-07广西建材学校水泥工艺证书20xx-0920xx-06广西区直机关业余大学会计电算化证书20xx-12 中山大学会计学在读语言能力外语:其他一般国语水平:精通粤语水平:一般工作能力及其他专长在工作期间,

15、不断挑战自我,刻苦钻研专业知识,提高自已业务处理水平,不断积累业务处理及财务管理经验。有丰富的工业、商业财务工作经验,有多年的财务、生产管理经验。曾多次参加各种培训,熟练运用word、Excel办公,掌握一般纳税人账务处理、发票开具及涉税申报流程。熟练运用各种财务软件,精通电脑的操作与应用。奉行诚耿实干,工作谨慎严谨,虚心向周边同事学习的工作态度。关于应聘会计的中文简历精品范文(二)个人信息.目前住地: 荔湾区民族: 汉族户 籍 地: 荔湾区身材: 160 cm kg婚姻状况: 已婚年龄: 39诚信徽章: 人才测评:求职意向及工作经历人才类型: 普通求职应聘职位: 会计、工作年限: 15职称: 初级求职类型: 全职可到职日期: 一个星期月薪要求: 面议希望工作地区: 荔湾区 海珠区 越秀区工作经历公司名称:广州芳村商业发展有限公司起止年月:20xx-06 公司性质:民营企业所属行业:服务业担任职务:主办会计工作描述:主要负责处理全盘账务,包括报销审核、凭证处理、编制财务报表、税务处理、出纳的监管等工作。离职原因:公司变换股东公司名称:广州海关机关服务中心起止年月:20xx-07 20xx-06公司性质:事业单位所属行业:服务业担任职务:主办会计工作描述:在广州海关机关服务中心任职会


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