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1、江苏省新沂市王楼中学九年级英语下册Unitl life on Mars:Vocabulary教案牛津版课题Unitl life on MarsVocabulary教学目标1 .To recognize an d be able to name astronauts equipment.2 .To understand what the equipment looks like and is used for3 .To discuss which items of equipment is/are important for an astronaut.教学重点To recognize and b

2、e abl to name astronauts equipment.教学难点To discuss which item(S) of equipment is /are important for astronaut.教法教具教学过程个案补充Stepl Revisionn 1 Give Ss meanings in English orally and let them give out the words.e.g. T: a vehicle designed for travel in space.S1: spacecraft2. Revise what we should take wit

3、h while camping on the moon.Ask:What should an astronaut take with?Step 2 Presentation1 .Guessing:Who is wearing the helmet now?(anastronaut)2 .Do you know what an -astronaut uses space?Show pictures and the descriptions.3 .Ask students finish exercise and check the answers.4 .Read Part B and talk a

4、bout which is the most/leastimportant for an astronaut.Step3 PresentationPresent: dried food power pack digital camera etc.with pictures.1 Ask Ss to describe what the objects are used for2Ask Ss to complete partA on their own.Step 4 Read and role-play1 Ask Ss to role-play Simon and Daniel.i2Read alo

5、u d the conv ersation to the class.3Work in pairs to decide which are the most and least import ant items.4Get sone pairs to share their converations with the others.Learn the words by heart.Step5 P racticeFill in the blanks with the right form.1. Beijing and Shanghai are two of the largest_(City)in

6、China.1.1 f you walk in leather shoes for a long time,you will feel(comfortable)3 .The food in spacecraft isn t as(taste)as that athome.portant)of all.4 . Which do you think is(im4.1 think the sunglasses made of plastic is the (little) useful.TRANSTATE:1他在纽约开了一家商店.He in new York.2我认为这些书不值得一读Idon t think these books3他只是外表温和而已Her gentleness is only 4它可以为太空服提供能量.It can _ energy the spacesuit.5你觉得哪个最不重要Which thing do you think is.Step6 HomeworkRead and recite the new words.板书设计教后反思 2


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