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1、湖北省襄阳市第四十七中学九年级英语 Unit 11 Could you pleasetell me where the restroom 教学案 4人教新目标版教学目标阅读短文,理解短文,能够仿照课文进行写作,提高写作能力教学重点提高学生的阅读能力;培养学生的写作创新能力;教学难点宾语从句的用法课时安排4教具准备录音机等教法小组学习,自主学习学习过程自主空间【课前预习】1.词组翻译:1 .世界上最大的水上滑梯2 .一个度假的好地方3.装扮成小丑4 .上舞蹈课 5.又便宜又好吃 6.度过许多幸福时光 7.漫步在历史博物馆8科学博物馆 9.在农贸市场【词句理解】1、staff名词n.“(全体)员工

2、”是集合名词,指整体时看着单数,指成员是看着复数。(1)The staff of this college _(be)excellent.(2) The staff in this school(be)united.(复数为staves)五线谱 .”支柱,支撑“ The boy was the staff and pride oftheir age.这男孩是他们老年时的依靠和骄傲。【课堂导学】I.Talk about the picture at page 90 by answering the followingquestions:1. What kind of place isit?.2.

3、 What activities can tourists dothere? .3. What places can tourists visit?.4. The kids didn t have fun ,did they?.5. What can tourists learn in theplace?.II.Read3a and fill in the chart.用心爱心专心i”.Complete the guide to Sunville using the information from 2aand 2b.IV.Write a guide to your city or town.

4、Suppose you are a guide, introduce a good place in your hometown to others. Hello, welcome to our city. Nowlet me tell you something about it.【巩固拓展】选择填空()1. Tha t is a good placehang out.A.for B. on C. to D. With()2. Do you know there are any good restaurants this street? A. if, on B. how, on C. if,

5、 to D. where, to() 3.I thought he to see his mother if he time.A. will go , has B . will go , will haveC. would go , would have D . would go , had()4. When they got to the cinema, the film for the tenminutes.A . had been on B . has begun C . began D . had begun()5.The teacher didnt begin her class t

6、he students stopped talking.A. until B . because C . after D . When()6.If it tomorrow, well go to the Great wal. l.A. doesnt rain B . wont rain C . not rains D . isnt rain()7 、I want to know how long.A. has he been back B . has he come backC. he has been back D . he has come back()8、Do you know how

7、much hot water?A. Mum is needed B . does Mum need C . Mum needs D. did Mum need二、根据汉语补全句子。1 .Hainan is(一个家人及亲戚度假的极好的地方)2 .The food(Green叔叔的餐馆 )is very delicious.3 .Kids can(享受参观科学博物馆的乐趣)4 .People can spend many happy hours()thequiet villag e.5 .The staff (工作)in the Clown CityCaf e(乔装打扮成)clowns.6 .We all had fun(观赏J后组织的游戏).7 .Children love(打扮).8 .For the party, Tony (打扮成) a ghost(鬼).9.I cut my hair(在 Bob 的理发店 )10.I often have lunch(在我奶奶家 )教学反思: 用心爱心专心3


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