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1、8B Chapter 1 Memory姓名:_ 班级: _ 主备人:王晓燕 审核人: 胡琴Period 1-3 (Reading)Period 1.Step1 Warming-up and lead-in 1. listen to a song about memory and ask the Ss to think “What is memory?”2. Have a test and see how good the students memory is. a. Six pictures will come out one by one. After they are shown on t

2、he screen, let the Ss tell out the correct order of each picture.b. Ask the Ss to read some words at normal speed. Then dont look at it and write down the words they remember. After that, record their score.Use ppt. to help you list the new words. The best students should be praised.3. Conclusion:Th

3、e game we did just now is to test how good your short-term memory is. Short-term memory refers to memories which last for a few minutes. For more information about memory, lets read the short articles collected by Joyce and her editors on the topic. She collected these articles to include a feature

4、about memory.1. Ss should pay attention to:l short term memory 短时记忆l long-term memory 长期记忆l include 包含,包括l feature 特征,特色,要素,(报纸的)特写l topic 论题,题目Step2 Pre-readinga. Play the tape recorder and ask the Ss to mark these statements T (True) or F (False).Page2 PartB-Find the facts1. When you get old, your

5、 memory gets better. F2. In Joyces article, a man lost his wife after an accident. F3. Making pictures in your mind helps you remember things. T4. The pictures in your mind must be sensible and clear. F5. A woman from China can remember everyones telephone number. F6. Tony used a book to help him wi

6、th his article. T7. Our memory gets better if something bad happens to us. Fb. Listen to the tape about the whole passage. And deal with some vocabulary.1. memory n.记忆,记忆力 -ability to remember things.e.g. People have a long-term and a short-term memory. Grandma has a bad memory.2. Go wrong 出问题; (机器等

7、)发生故障 -stop working properly e.g. Jane had to walk upstairs because the lift went wrong.3. mind n. 大脑,头脑,想法,思维 -the part of a person that makes them able to think and to feell make up ones mind to do sth.下决心做l change ones mind. 改变注意mind v. 介意做某事 e.g. Would you mind passing me some paper?4. topic n.

8、主题,话题 e.g. The topic of this activity is how to protect our environment. She wrote some articles on this topic.5. injured adj. 受伤的 (v. injure n. injury) -hurt e.g. The news report says about 20 people were injured in the bus accident. The accident injured his brain.6. strange adj. 奇怪的 stranger n.陌生人

9、 -unusual or surprising e.g. The strange noise made the little boy cry.7. smile n. 微笑;笑容 -the expression you have on your face when you are happy. e.g. A smile indicates happiness and agreement.8. imagine v. 想像 (n. imagination) - make a picture of sth. in ones mind e.g. I cant imagine what will happ

10、en to our life in the future. Use your imagination to make up a good story. 9. memorize v. 记住,熟记 (memory) -put into your memory; learn exactly e.g. He could memorize all names of the novels written by Charles Dickens.10. dramatic adj. 戏剧性的,令人印象深刻的, 激动人心的 (n. drama ) -exciting; unusual e.g. His drama

11、tic experiences in Africa made all of us interested. 11. death n. 死亡 (v. die/ dead adj.) e.g. The death of the famous actress shocked the world.We found the dog dead in a cave.The patient was dying.12. amazed / amazing adj. (感到惊叹的 / 令人吃惊的) amaze v. 使人惊讶 e.g. Michael Fred Phelps is really amazing. He

12、 has won 14 Olympic gold medals so far. His excellent performance at Beijing Olympics amazed the whole world. But recently, we feel quite amazed at the news of his smoking marijuana(大麻)! / mrihwa:n/Step 4 SummarizeStep 5 Homework a. Recite the new words and expressions explained in todays class and

13、prepare for tomorrows dictation. b. Workbook (Page 2 A-B)Period 2 Pre-readingStep 1 Dictation Dictate the new words and expressions (15 new words and expressions) death memory article dramatic mind spider memorize sensible topic imagine smile strange injured short-term long-termStep 2 Review some wo

14、rds and phrases.-Part C Find the meanings on Page 4 Step 3 While-reading1. Understanding the reading passage.1). Read the first three paragraphs of the text for the following questions.1. According to Arthur, how many kinds of memory does a person have? What are they?2. When we get old, what kind of

15、 memory will become worse?3. When people get old, can they still remember things from a long time ago?4. According to Arthurs grandpa, whats the first thing that starts to go wrong when people become elderly?5. Why cant the grandpa remember the other things?6. Joyce saw a program on TV. What was it about?7. Wha


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