外研版四年级英语下册《Module 1 Unit 2》精品教案教学设计优秀公开课

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1、Module 1 Unit 2 Hes cool.教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点) 外研版 四年级下册章 节Module 1课 名Module 1, Unit 2Hes cool.学习目标1. 能听懂、会说 cool, aunt, uncle, big, little, cute. Hes cool. 等词汇和句子。2. 能介绍几位家庭成员大致的性格特征。教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图热身导入1. 看第一部分视频动画, 体会歌谣的歌词和节奏。2. 跟随视频逐句跟读。1. Hello everyone. In the first part of todays class, Tom

2、is holding a picture of his parents, what will he say about them? Lets watch a video.同学们好。今天,Tom 拿到了一张自己父母的照片,关于父母他要对我们说些什么?我们先来通过视频了解一下。2. It looks that Tom is very proud of his parents. This time, lets try chanting with him.跟随歌谣,复习上节课的重点词汇和句型,调动学生的学习兴趣。3. 跟随视频说唱完整的歌谣。看起来,对于自己的父母,Tom 感觉很自豪呢。那我们也跟着他

3、一起来说唱一下这段介绍吧。3. Can you try chanting by yourselves now?现在,请你们自己试着跟节奏唱出歌谣吧!1. 学生观看 Part 2 的动画, 观察今天要认识的熊猫朋友都有谁。1. From last lesson, we knew many of Panpans human friends and their personalities. Today, well meet a group of pandas. First, lets see who they are.上节课,我们认识了 Panpan 的几位人类朋友,并且了解了他们的性格特点。今天,

4、我们又要认识通过情景展现,学生学 习 aunt, uncle, big brother, little sister 等 家庭成员的名称,及 cool,新知呈现一些可爱的熊猫,他们是谁呢?2. 回 答 the pandas aunt, uncle, big brother, little sister and friend.2. OK boys and girls, can you tell me who the pandas are?孩子们,你们能告诉我,今天见到的熊猫朋友们都是谁吗?3. 逐句听原音,找出每个角色对应的性格特点,分别是: Aunt: very nice.Uncle: ver

5、y clever. Big brother: cool. Little sister: cute. Friend: very naughty.4. 跟读句子。5. 跟读全文3. Yes, they are the family members and friend of panda. This time, can you find out what these pandas are like? Use one or two words for each member.非常好!这一次,请你们分别用一两个单词,告诉我熊猫的家庭成员和朋友都是什么样的性格。(在呈现具体性格词汇的时候,进行有必要的讲解

6、。)4. Great! Now lets repeat the sentences together.很棒!现在我们来跟读一下这些句子吧!5. Now lets try reading the whole text.接下来,咱们来跟读一下整篇课文吧。cute 等描述性格的词语。分步训练1. 练习本课第三部分,学生根据能够提示角色性格的图片,说出对应的性格描述词: nice, shy, naughty, clever。1. Do you remember, which words Panpan uses to describe his family members? He uses: nice,

7、 clever, cool, cute and naughty. Now lets look at the following pictures. What are the children like?孩子们,还记得熊猫是用哪些词介绍他的家庭在复习巩固重点词汇的基础上,让学生自己练习句型,排除学习障碍。跟随节奏说唱歌谣,成员和朋友的吗?他分别使用了 nice, clever, cool, cute 和naughty. 现在请你看看这些图片里的孩子们,都是什么样的性格。加强对相关词语的记忆、提升熟练度。2. 学生说出描述图片中性格特点的句子。如: Hes (very) nice.Hes (a b

8、it) shy. They are naughty. Shes (very) clever.2. Now can you make some sentences with these words and introduce the children?接下来,你能用这些词语造句,来介绍一下每个孩子吗?3. 练习歌谣的跟唱3. Today theres a new friend for us to meet, her name is Lanlan. What kind of girl is Lanlan?孩子们,今天我们还要认识一位叫 Lanlan 的新朋友,请看图片,猜猜她是个什么样性格的女孩。

9、(播放本课第四部分的视频,引导学生跟唱。)1. 回 答 : nice, a bit shy, clever, naughty, bad.1. Today we have learned how to introduce peoples personalities. Do you remember the words?同学们,今天我们学习了如何介绍别人的性格能在实际情境中运用所学的句型。特点。还记得我们都学了那些描述性格的词语吗?尝试应用2. 根据给出人物的名片卡, 介绍他们的职业和性格: This is my big brother Wang Tao, hes a firefighter, h

10、es cool.This is my uncle Wang Peng, hes a doctor, hes very clever. This is my little sister Wang Li, shes a student, shes a bitshy.2. Thats right! Now, theres a new task for you. A boy named Wang Wei wants to introduce his family to us, but he has some problems, can you help him? There are some name

11、 cards for your reference.说的没错。接下来,有一个叫王伟的男孩想要介绍几位他的家人,你能帮他组一些句子吗?可以参考每位家人的名片卡。( 教师做示范, 如 This is my aunt Li Lin. Shes a teacher. Shes very nice.)作业布置今天我们学习了对家庭成员进行简单介绍,大家都学会了吗?课后请你动手制作一本家庭成员的照片集,并在每位成员的照片下面用英语简单介绍课堂内容巩固提升。一下他们的职业和性格。进步标志1. 能听懂、会说 aunt, uncle, big brother, little sister 等家庭成员词成及描述性格的词汇 cool, cute。2. 能够简单介绍几位家庭成员的性格特点。


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