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1、1378国开电大管理英语3历年期末考试(第三题阅读选择)题库Im Michael Bush, Managing Director of Hoogle Engineering. I am pleased to welcome you here to our website and l d like to tell you a little about the company and its organization. Hoogle Engineering was set up in 1960. It was divided into several departments at that tim

2、e, such as the sales department , marketing department , and production department. Lots of managers were employed to manage it all.2018年1月试题 试题Im Michael Bush, Managing Director of Hoogle Engineering. I am pleased to welcome you here to our website and l d like to tell you a little about the compan

3、y and its organization. Hoogle Engineering was set up in 1960. It was divided into several departments at that time, such as the sales department, marketing department , and production department. Lots of managers were employed to manage it all.2018年7月试题 Fortunately things are different now. Sixty p

4、eople are employed by Hoogle and communication between departments is considered to be one of the most important aspects of the business. The market is global so we need to make contact with customers worldwide, not just locally. But in the old days we were all in different departments and never spo

5、ke to each other. We had a tall structure. Traditionally we had people at the first level on the shop floor, manufacturing products according to the instructions which they were given. Then you had a supervisory level of people who supervised them every day. Then you moved up to the middle managemen

6、t, who were doing the tasks of getting new business, and then you had the senior management team , and then you had the board , who decided the business strategy. So there were a lot of levels in the company in the old days actually. The structure today is that we form teams within teams to place pe

7、ople who can manufacture a product. Each team has members that can manufacture different products. The actual teams now are self-managing, so we dont even have team leaders. Youve got the teams, and then youve got two people, only two people, who are what you think of as management. This is generall

8、y called flat structure. 21. Hoogle Engineering was set up in_. A. the nineteenth century B. the twentieth century C. the twenty first century 答案B 22. There are many different _of management in a tall structure. A. kinds B. levels C. functions 答案B 23. People in a flat structure usually work in_. A.

9、departments B. families C. teams 答案C 24. All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT that_. A. communication in the company is becoming more and more important B. the author thinks the two structures have the same functions C. there are more individual responsibilities i

10、n the flat structure 答案B 25. The best title for the passage would be “_”. A. Organization Structure in Hoogle Engineering B. History of Hoogle Engineering C. Success in Hoogle engineering 答案A 试题Im Michael Bush, Managing Director of Hoogle Engineering. I am pleased to welcome you here to our website

11、and Id like to tell you a little about the company and its organization. Hoogle Engineering was setup in 1960. It was divided into several departments at that time, such as the sales department, marketing department, and production department. Lots of managers were employed to manage it all.2021年1月试

12、题 Fortunately things are different now. Sixty people are employed by Hoogle and communication between departments is considered to be one of the most important aspects of the business. The market is global so we need to make contact with customers worldwide,not just locally. But in the old days we w

13、ere all in different departments and never spoke to each other. We had at all structure. Traditionally we had people at the first level on the shop floor,manufacturing products according to the instructions which they were given. Then you had a supervisory level of people who supervised them everyda

14、y. Then you moved up to the middle management, who were doing the tasks of getting new business, and then you had the senior management team, and then you had the board, who decided the business strategy. So there were a lot of levels in the company in the old days actually. The structure today is t

15、hat we form teams within teams to place people who can manufacture a product. Each team has members that can manufacture different products. The actual teams now are self-managing,so we dont even have team leaders. Youve got the teams,and then youve got two people,only two people,who are what you th

16、ink of as management. This is generally called flat structure. 26. Who is telling the information about Hoogle Engineering? A. Managing Director. B. Vice president. C. Accountant. 答案A 27. How many people are employed by Hoogle Engineering? A. 50. B. 40. C. 60. 答案C 28. Why is it necessary to make contact with customers worldwide? A. Because the market is global. B. Because we need it. C. Because communication can ma


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