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1、福师大学英语(2)在线作业一共50道题 总分:100分100分单选题一、单选题共50题,100分1-(2分)-The red rose is her _.AfavorBfavoriteClikeDbest福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B2-(2分)-Our English professor is very_in using chopsticks.AskilledBgreatClikelyDgood福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:A正确答案:A3-(2分)-He was _

2、 the Nobel prize for his new discovery.AofferedBinformedCrewardedDawarded福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D4-(2分)-Its no good _ here. Lets go home.Ato waitBwaitedCwaitingDbeing waited福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C5-(2分)-I doubt_he will lend you the book.AwhetherBw

3、henCthatDwhich福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:A正确答案:A6-(2分)-The Smiths family, which_rather a large one,_very fond of their old house.Awere . wereBwas . wereCwere . wasDwas . was福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B7-(2分)-The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest

4、 it_on the way.Agoes wrongBshould go wrongCwent wrongDwould go wrong福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B8-(2分)-His father is _than his mother.Aolder four yearsBas four years olderCfour years olderDfour years bigger福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C9-(2分)-Economics, seve

5、ral courses of which I have taken thus far, _to be difficult but useful for almost all students.AproveBprovesChave been provedDare proved福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B10-(2分)-We must do well_the boss assigns us to do.AthatBwhateverCwhicheverDthose福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满

6、分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B11-(2分)-E-mail, as well as telephones,_an important part in daily communication.Ais playingBhave playedCare playingDplay福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:A正确答案:A12-(2分)-There are many sheep_their farm.AatBinConDwithin福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C13-(2分)

7、-I admired my classmate Lisa very much. _ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.AExcept forBBut forCApart fromDIn spite of福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C14-(2分)-After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_.AwithdrawBresignCretireDretreat福师大作业奥鹏作

8、业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B15-(2分)-The water gives up energy and becomes cooler_the ice receives energy and melts.AwhenBwhileCforDbecause福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B16-(2分)- Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? _.AOK, but I have to go to a meeting

9、nowBNo, I cantCSorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsDI dont know福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C17-(2分)-I _ my handbag stolen last week.AhadBletClostDleft福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:A正确答案:A18-(2分)-Most of the stones are_ a man and wei

10、gh about two and a half tons each.Amore highBmuch more highChigher moreDhigher than福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D19-(2分)-Boris has brains. In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has _IQ.Aa highBa higherCthe higherDthe highest福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B

11、20-(2分)-You have lovely children._.ANo, no, no. They are notBOh, no, noCYoure talking too muchDThanks福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:D正确答案:D21-(2分)-_ is big and round in the sky today.AmoonBThe moonCMoonDStar福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B22-(2分)-If only the committee_h

12、e regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.AapproveBwould approveCcan approveDsill approve福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B23-(2分)-_,we will set off as we planned.AWere it good or badBBe it good or badCBeing good or badDWhether good or bad福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业

13、满分作业满分100分我的答案:B正确答案:B24-(2分)-It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _after 11 oclock at night.Awere not playedBnot to playCnot be playedDdid not play福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分福师大作业奥鹏作业满分作业满分100分我的答案:C正确答案:C25-(2分)-We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we_him.Awould have telephonedBmust have telephonedCwould telephoneDhad telephoned福师大作业奥鹏作业


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