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1、记叙文写作模板记叙文的写作模板一Participate in a competition结构 Time+place+introduction Details: At first, later, however, finally.二Plant trees结构 Time+place+purpose Procedure: First, dig the soil. Then, put a little tree into the soil. Next , water .三Hold/observe/Celebrate a birthday party 结构 Time+place+introduction

2、 Activities: Light the candles +Sing a “Happy Birthday” song + Make a wish. +Blow out the candles. +Cut off the cake. +Eat the cake. +Open the presents. +Sing and dance. +Watch videos or play other games. +Say goodbye with each other. 四 Volunteer as a teacher结构 Place+time+purpose Details: spared no

3、efforts to teach the children to sing and read +also organized an English club in order to gather the English lovers. Importance: Through this volunteer activity, +improved a lot . +appreciated this valuable/unforgettable experience a lot . +a very precious and great chance for us to sharpen our abi

4、lities in all aspects +also strengthen the good points that we have at the same time . +broaden your horizon while you work with others and communicate with others, +Being a volunteer is fabulous and vital. +Its our duty to put the passion and heart to join the volunteer activities. 五 Attend a lectu

5、re结构 Time+place Who+whatfight against the flood and rescue the old and the sickProtect our environmentHelp the disabledClean the community.志愿者服务、助人为乐类:登山、远足、旅游、生存体验类:植树类:参观、记录、展示类. 好用的动词短语advocate the new lifestyle 倡导新的生活方式Satiate/satisfy peoples psychological demands 满足心理需求attach more importance to

6、 更重视nurture imagination 培养想象力preserve the cultural relics 保护文化遗产promote cross-cultural communication 促进文化交流play a major role in easing traffic 在缓解交通压力上扮演了重要角色participate in the reconstruction of the city参与城市重建raise the environmental management level提高环境管理水平create a pleasant ecological environment创造出

7、一种和谐的生态环境catch much attention引起很大关注perfect the construction of urban infrastructure完善城市基础设施建设reduce the number of vehicles减少车辆offer more job opportunities提供更多的就业机会give special care to 给予特殊关照suffer heavy losses遭受重大损失be confronted with面临着breed crimes滋生犯罪a feasible measure一种可行的措施give priority to 优先考虑 记

8、叙文特别注重写作技巧,要求跌宕起伏不平淡,崇尚“意料之外,情理之中”的文学效果,是一种难度很大的文体。但是在考试的时间压力下,我们可以背诵一些写作模板应付紧张的考试。一记叙文的写作模板介绍Everyone has an unforgettable memory and cannot remove it. To me, it happened _1时间和地点_, and I still remember the whole process vividly. At that time, I was _2“我”在做什么_.It was a sunny day and things were awfu

9、lly _3形容词_ before it happened. Then _4事件_ drew my attention. I saw _5详细说明当时情况_, and to my _6表达感受的名词_, _7当事人_ was _8正在进行的动作_. It did not last very long, but it impressed me so deeply that I would _9自己的感受_.Whenever I look back on what happened that day, I think it is right to _10理应采取的措施或态度一_. First fo

10、r all, no one can deny its/his/her _11对当事人评价的名词,which _. Furthermore, it is important for us to _12理应采取的措施或态度二_. I will cherish all these memories forever.二应用模板的例子例子1题目:Honor for my teacherEveryone has an unforgettable memory and cannot remove it. To me, it happened1 on September 10, 2000, and I sti

11、ll remember the whole process vividly. At that time, I was2studying in the classroom.It was a sunny day and things were awfully3 dullbefore it happened. Then4 my classmatesdrew my attention. I saw5them giving a present to our English teacher, and to my6surprise,7 our teacherwas8 thankful but still d

12、eclined the present. It did not last very long, but it impressed me so deeply that I would9respect her sincerely.Whenever I look back on what happened that day, I think it is right to10 show our respect to our teacher. First for all, no one can deny her11rightness,which set a good example to us stud

13、ents. Furthermore, it is important for us to12 repay them by contributing to the construction of our country. I will cherish all these memories forever. (155 words)注意,这是一个写作模板,里面有12个空格,并不是说一定要填满12个空格。可以按照实际情况进行取舍。我们再看一个例子: 例子2题目:A special social practiceEveryone has an unforgettable memory and canno

14、t remove it. To me, it happened1 during my last winter vacation, and I still remember the whole process vividly. At that time, I was2 working as an assistant in a computer company.It was a sunny day and things were awfully3 dullbefore it happened. Then4 my colleaguesdrew my attention. I saw5 them celebrating, and to my6 delight,7 theywere 8talking happily about a great success of a p



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