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1、PEP 5下 Unit3 A Read and write教学目标与要求:知识与技能:1、 能够听说读写句子:When is your birthday? Its in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June ,too.2、 能够听懂、会说Read and write 部分的对话并能完成对话下面的表格。3、 能够运用所学的句型结构,询问别人的生日。过程与方法:1、 通过热身环节歌曲的欣赏,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并复习12个月份;2、 通过热身环节自由对话和同位练习,进一步巩固句型When is your bir

2、thday? My birthday is in .3、 通过让学生完成表格,培养学生在阅读中提取主要信息的能力。4、 通过让学生回答问题,培养学生掌握阅读方法,学会在阅读中会做标注,并回答问题的能力,同时帮助学生更好的掌握四会句子。5、 通过让学生做小调查,帮助学生综合运用所学的句型结构进行说的操练;6、 通过完成小作文,提高学生的语言表达能力和写作能力。情感态度价值观:1、 激发学生学习英语的兴趣;2、 学会关心家人及朋友。教学重点:本课的教学重点是掌握并会写句子:When is your birthday? Its in May. My birthday is in June. Uncl

3、e Bills birthday is in June ,too.教学难点:正确书写本课要求会写的句子。一、 Warm up.(1) Enjoy a song and review 12months.T: Hello, Children!First, lets enjoy a song, please listen carefully and find out 12months.Ss: January, February,December.(2) Free talk“When is your birthday? My birthday is in.”T: My birthday is in J

4、une. When is your birthday?(板书My birthday is in June. When is your birthday?)Ss: talk in pairs.设计意图:激发学生学习兴趣,复习12个月份。巩固Lets talk中的重点句型,为下面的学习打下坚实的基础。二、 Presentation and practice.(1) Pre-reading: Teach “chart”.T:(show a picture of John and his grandma)Who is he? And who is she?Ss: Hes John. And shes

5、Johns grandma.T: John is making a birthday chart for his family.Elicit chart.(板贴chart)make a birthday chart(2) Listen to the dialogue and answer the question” When is Johns birthday?”.T: Please listen to the dialogue and find out “When is Johns birthday?”Here are three choices for you. A:Its in May.

6、 B:Its in June. C: Its in April. Can you guess?Ss: 猜测问题答案,对课文内容有一个听前预设。T: Different ideas! Lets listen carefully and find out the answer. 设计意图:学生带着问题,看课文动画,初步感知课文内容,教师给出的三个选项,缩小了范围,帮助学生更有效地获取重要信息句的听力能力。(3) General reading: Read the dialogue and complete the chart.T: Johns birthday is in June. How ab

7、out the other family members?Heres the chart. But its not completed. Please read the dialogue and put in the missing words.(check up the answers)T: How many people are there in Johns family? Who are they?Ss: Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Bill, Aunt Mary, Cousin AliceElicit cousinteaching cousin(

8、板贴cousin)T: When is cousin Alices birthday?Ss: Cousin Alices birthday is in April.T: How about Aunt Mary? Who can ask?(让一名学生来问When is Aunt Marys birthday?) Who can answer?( 再让一名学生回答,通过老师问学生答,学生问学生答这样两组问答起到示范作用) T: Choose one of the family members, ask and answer in pairs.设计意图:学生自主阅读短文,通过让学生完成表格的方式提炼

9、主要信息,培养学生在阅读中提取主要信息,整理信息的能力,同时也为学生运用语言做好铺垫。Detailed reading: Read the dialogue and answer the questions.T: Two questions for you. 1.When is grandmas birthday? 2. Whose birthday is in June? Please read the dialogue again, underline the answers ,then write it on your book.Ss: Its in June.(板书四会句子Its in

10、 June)Johns birthday is in June.Grandpas birthday is in June.Uncle Bills birthday is in June.(板书四会句子Uncle Bills birthday is in June.)设计意图:通过让学生回答问题,培养学生掌握阅读方法,学会在阅读中会做标注,并回答问题的能力,同时帮助学生更好的掌握四会句子。(4) Listen and repeat the dialogue.(5) Point and read the dialogue.三、Consolidation and extension.(6) Talk

11、 about teachers family.T: (show a family photo) Children, we know Johns family very well. Heres my family photo. Do you want to know my family? You can ask me questions.Ss: When is your fathers birthday?When is your mothers birthday?When is your sisters birthday?(7) Make a survery in groups to pract

12、ise the important sentences.T: Please use these four questions to ask your friends about their family.设计意图:引导学生将所学的句型结构运用到实际生活中,询问老师和同学及同学家人生日,反复操练重点句型。(8) Write a passage about your family.T: Children, we know each other very well.According to the questions you asked me, I wrote a passage about my

13、family. Lets read it together.Now its your turn. Write something about your family.设计意图:先由老师引导着学生互相谈论家庭,经过了充分的语言交流,学生在听、说的语言表达能力上有了提高。此处给学生提供老师写的范文,让学生通过阅读老师的作文,然后完成自己的小作文,这样通过让学生眼、口、耳、手多种器官并用,达到训练思维,提高技能的目的。在这个活动中,学生的写作能力得到提高,从拓展的说到拓展的写。四、Summary设计目的:帮助学生梳理本课所学重点内容。五、Homework.1. Read the dialogue t

14、hree times.2. Try to make your family birthday chart.设计意图:课堂活动的延伸,将所学语言运用到真实的情景中。六、blackboard design.Unit3 A Read and writeWhen is your birthday?Its in May.My birthday is in June.Uncle Bills birthday is in June,too.教学反思: 本节课主要通过学习对话文本,了解John 一家人的生日,并学会用学过的句型结构询问自己的家人或朋友的生日,提高学生综合语言运用的能力。我努力做到以下几点:1、

15、 从学生已有知识出发,以旧引新。 新课程理念指导下的课堂教学,教师应关注学生的认知结构,真正做到以生为本。因此本课教学中,从学生已有经验入手,歌曲导入,直奔主题,通过听歌曲找月份单词和自由对话,激活学生已有的知识积累,对前置知识进行复现,为后面学生的流利表达做铺垫。 2、对学生的阅读策略进行有效的指导。 本节课的主题就是Read and write.读和写。小学高年级的阅读教学是以提高学生的阅读能力为根本目的的。阅读就是培养学生从语言材料中获取信息,并对信息进行分析、加工的过程。阅读可以帮助学生开阔学生的视野、扩大词汇量,因此本课对学生进行了阅读策略的指导。首先通过老师的问题导入,学生看课文动画,整体感知课文,使学生对课文有了初步的了解,培养学生捕捉信息的能力。再通过学生自主阅读,分段细读,划关键词、划重点句等方式,培养学生独立阅读,查找信息、分析信息及整理信息的能力。读后通过填表格、回答问题的活动,培养学生抓主要信息并且整体把握语篇的能力,达到学用结合的目的。3、运用贴近学生的方式,一步一步的解决重难点知识,循序渐进提高学生的写作能力。本课运用了课文动画和老师自己的家庭照片,以及最后的片段欣赏这几种贴近学生生活的多媒体方式,充分调动与激发学生的多元智能和求知欲望,使学生在



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