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1、词性从句和定语从句名词性从句名词性从句的语法功能:在句中充当名词成分,也就是说做主语, 宾语,表 语, 同位语.于是就形成了主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句.引导名词性从句的引导词可分为三类:一.引导词本身无词义,在从句中无地位. 这类词只有一个,that二.词本身有词义但在从句中无地位, 如 :whether , if 和 as if 三. 词本身有词义且在句中有地位. 如:who , whom , whose , what , which , when , where , why , how 例句如下:1). That he suddenly fell ill last week

2、made us surprised .上星期他突然病倒使我们都感到吃惊. ( that 引导主语从句)2). It doesnt matter so much whether you will come or not . 你是否来关系不太大. ( whether 引导主语从句 , it 作形式主语 )3). Who will go is not important . 谁要来不重要. (who 引导主语从句 )4). The question was who could go there . 问题是谁能去那儿. (who 引导表语从句 )5). He said ( that ) the tex

3、t was very important and that we should learn it by heart .他说课文非常重要,我们应当背诵下来. ( 两个 that 引导 的都是 宾语从句)6). The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody. 他什么也没说使大家感到吃惊. ( that 引导同位语从句)运用名词性从句是应当注意的几个问题:1. whether 与 if 引导名词性从句是略有区别, if 不能引导主语从句, 不能与 or not 连用,不与不定式连用.2. 宾语从句应当注意时态的呼应, 主句为与动

4、词时过去时 ,宾语从句也应当是过去时( 过去完成时,过去进行时, 过去将来时)3.宾语从句否定前移问题: 当主句中有 : I think ( suppose , expect , believe , imagine , guess ) 时.应当否定 这些词,其实就是对后面从句的否定 ,应当注意的是主语必须是 I , 其他主语同于一般动词的否定. 如: I dont think you are right . (我认为你不对.) I dont believe they will win the game . (我相信他们不会赢得这场比赛.)She supposed that we couldnt

5、 arrive so early . ( 他认为我们不会到到达如此早.)4. 同位语从句一般用 that 引用,先行词一般为: news , fact , idea , suggestion , promise.当先行词为是可以用其他引导词. 如:Everyone knows the fact the earth goes round the sun .( 众所周知地球围绕太阳转.)I have no idea when he will be back . (我不知道他什么时间回来.)练习I. 找出各句中的从句并指出是何种从句1.I dont if I can do it .2. What h

6、e is doing seems very difficult . 3. The important thing is how we can improve our studies .4. Mr Li always thinks of how he can do more for the people . 5. The news that she was pretending to be sick was whispered from one to another . 6. I was surprised at what he said . 7. Thats what you are goin

7、g to do first . 8. Thatll be decided who is the monitor of our class at the class meeting . 9. When the sports meet is to be held is still under discussion . 10. Here comes the news that some foreigners from America will visit our school . 答案:1.if I can do it 宾语从句2 What he is doing 主语从句3 how we can

8、improve our studies 表语从句4 how he can do more for the people 介词宾语从句5 that she was pretending to be sick 同位语从句6 what he said 介词宾语从句 7 what you are going to do first 表语从句8 who is the monitor of our class at the class meeting 宾语从句9 When the sports meet is to be held 主语从句10 that some foreigners from Amer

9、ica will visit our school 同位语从句II.把下列各句填入适当的引导词1.-Could you tell me _ the man is ? - He is my brother. 2. I didnt know _ he was coming until yesterday . 3.-Its still a question _ we shall have our sports .- Its said we shall have it next week . 4. The news _ he was chosen made us happy .5. The docto

10、r asked _ medicine you have taken . 6. This is _ they solved the problems in the city .7._ our football team will win is uncertain yet . 8. _ frightened us most was _ two lights appeared suddenly in the darkness .9. My mother asked _ was the matter with me . 10. The reason I didnt come to the meetin

11、g was _ I got ill .答案: 1. who 2. that 3.when 4.that 5.what 6.how 7.Whether 8.What 9. what 10 thatIII.翻译下列各句1. .肯定他将来参加宴会。2. 决定我们什么时候去北京了吗?3. 他什么也没说使大家都很奇怪。4. 无疑问史密斯先生很健康。5. 很清楚你错了。6. .这是我们所想要的东西。7. 我想你对。8. .我想知道他是否能帮助我。9. .天气不是昨天那样了。10. 问题是我们怎么能完成任务。答案:1.It is sure that he will come to the party .2.

12、Is it decided when we will go to Beijing ?3.The fact that he didnt say anything surprised everyone .4.There is no doubt that Mr Smith is in good health . 5.It is clear that you are wrong . 6.This is what we want . 7.I think you are right . 8. I like to know whether you can help me or not . 9. The we

13、ather is not what it was yesterday .10. The problem is how we can finish the task . 形容词从句形容词从句在句中起形容词作用.形容词的主要功能是作定语,所以,形容词从句又叫定语从句。定语从句所修饰的词叫做先行词,定语从句必须有引导词引导,先行词一定与引导词有关系,引导词应能代替先行词,在从句中做成分,因此,形容词从句又叫关系从句.形容词从句中的引导词尤为重要。一是引导从句,作为从句的重要标志;二是代替先行词;三是在从句中充当成分。由在从句中的地位划分,引导词可分为三类: 一. 主语,宾语引导词. 如: who ,

14、 whom , what , that , which , as 二 .状语引导词 . 如: where , when , why 三 .定语引导词. 如: whose 例如: 1). She is the girl who sings best of all . 她是所有人唱歌最好的那个小女孩.引导词 who 代替先行词 the girl , 在定语从句中作主语.2). Please pass me the notebook whose cover is red . 给我书皮是红色的那本书.引导词 whose 代替先行词 the notebook , 在从句中作定语 .3). A steel

15、 plant is a place where steel is made . 钢厂是生产钢的地方. 引导词 where 与先行词 the place 有关系,相当于 in the place , 在句中作状语,可以理解为: steel is made in the place . 4). As everyone knows , he is honest . 众所周知,她很诚实.引导词 as 代替先行词 he is honest (先行词为一句话), 在定语从句中作 know 的宾语.需要注意的几个问题:1. 先行词为人时,引导词用 who ,whom ; whose 即可代替 人又可代替物,

16、 that 即可指人 又可指物; which 指物或整句; as 前面常有 such 或 the same.例如: 1). I wont tell them the news , which will make them sad . 我不愿意告诉他们那个消息,会使他们悲伤的. ( which 指物 )2). Bamboo is hollow , which makes them very light . 竹子是 空 的,这会使他们轻. ( which 代替整句话: bamboo is hollow )3). He must be from Africa , as can he seen from skin . 从皮肤上看,他一定来自于非洲.( as 指全句: he must be fr


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