外研版(一起)四上Module 3《Unit 1 She didn’t walk to school yesterday》ppt课件1[精选]

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1、She didnt walk to school yesterday.,Module3 Unit1,教学目标,.知识技能: (1)全体学生能理解、认读、运用词汇:didnt=did not, National Day;句子:She didnt walk to school yesterday. I didnt play football. (2) 全体学生能拼写2-3 个自选单词。 (3)全体学生能运用“I/She didnt ”等谈论自己或他人在过去某一时刻没有做的事情。 .过程与方法:能够在真实的语言情境中运用本课重点句型,提高语言综合运用能力。 .情感态度价值观:了解国庆节的表达方式,增

2、强祖国意识,培养爱国主义情感。 .教学重点 用一般现在时和一般过去时对比来介绍发生过的事情。 .教学难点 掌握一般过去时否定句中动词的用法与一般现在时中动词用法的差别,并能在实际生活中运用。,学情分析,学生三年级接触过过去时,但只是was were,其它动词的过去时都没有学。本教材从第二模块开始系统讲解过去时。第二模块中只学了8个规则动词的过去时即:clean-cleaned washwashed finishfinished helphelped paintpainted watchwatched phonephoned cookcooked ;学生也学过一般现在时,对单词usually比较

3、熟悉。学生学过这两种时态对本课的学习有很大的帮助。但是将这两种时态结合在一起讨论,对学生来说可能会有一定的困难。对国庆节的讲解,学生应该比较感兴趣,都是自己经历过的事,描述起来会比较简单。,教学内容,本课是四年级新标准英语第七册第三模块第一课时,按照教材的设计以及中年级英语教学的建议,本课主要要求学生掌握didnt的正确用法以及结合一般现在时描述自己或别人特殊的一天,同时要熟练运用第二模块中所涉及到的过去时动词。在正确朗读、回答问题、理解短文的基础上培养学生的阅读能力和初步的仿说、仿写能力。 运用微课程使学生提前做好预习。,StepI. Warm up.,1. Greeting.,2.Brai

4、nstorm:The purpose is to have students reviewed the verb phrases and aroused their interests.,listen,listened,play,played,watch,watched,help,helped,I,listen to music,Yesterday.,watch TV,Yesterday.,play on the computer,Yesterday.,help my mum,Yesterday.,3.Free talk: The purpose is to have students rev

5、iewed the word “usually”; Review the simple present tense; Review seven days in a week.,I usually ,Free talk: Today is Monday, what do you usually do?,StepII. Presentation.,1. Lead-in.,What about Lingling?,Play the record.,On Mondays,She usually _ _ at half past six.,She usually _ _ _.,She usually _

6、 _ _ _.,Practice the sentences one by one.,gets,up,walks,to,school,has,English,at,school,get up,gets up,walk,walks,have,has,第三人称单数后面的动词要加-s/es,Play the record.,Yesterday,T or F?,She got up at half past six.,She walked to school.,She has English.,She didnt get up at half past six.,She didnt walk to s

7、chool.,She didnt have English.,F,F,F,Practice in groups.,板书,Lets chant!,didnt, didnt get up, she didnt get up. didnt, didnt walk to school, she didnt walk to school. didnt, didnt have English, she didnt have English. didnt, didnt do it, she didnt do it.,改chant,Why didnt Lingling walk to school?,Yest

8、erday was National Day!,Arouse ss patriotic feeling,What did Lingling do yesterday?,What did Lingling do yesterday?,Lingling _ TV and _ with her toys.,For example: She didnt get up at 7 yesterday. She didnt walk to school. She didnt have English at school.,didnt + 动词原型,Practice the sentences.,Summar

9、y.,didnt play,played,didnt learn,learned,walked,rode,got up,didnt walk,didnt ride,didnt get up,StepIII. Practice.,1.Listen and repeat.,Listen and repeat the text.,Read in group, then read together.,Check in group,2. ABP10-1,3.ABP11-3,Check with partner,Lingling usually _ on Mondays. But she didnt _

10、yesterday.,4.Lets review.,She _ _ to school yesterday.,She _ _ English and Maths yesterday.,She _ _ up at half past six.,Yesterday,StepIV. Consolidation.,1.Damings day,Daming usually _ _ _.,But he didnt _ _ _ yesterday.,Daming usually finishes homework.,But he _ _ _.,Daming usually washes trousers.,

11、But he didnt _ _ _ yesterday.,Daming usually helps his mom.,But he didnt _ his mom yesterday.,Yesterday, Lingling played with her toys. She didnt ,Talk in pairs ,then practice.,Now we are Lingling, can you introduce your National Day to others? (The purpose is to change the pronouns.),I _ _ _ at 7 o

12、n Mondays. But I _ _ _ at 7 yesterday. I _ _ _. But I _ _ _ _ yesterday. I _ _ _ at school. But I _ _ _ yesterday.,I usually _ on Monday. But I didnt _last Monday. I usually _ on Monday. But I didnt _last Monday. It was Mid-autumn Day.And I ate the moon cake.,Complete the text:,Practice in groups . Then write down ,show someones work.,StepV. Summary and Homework.,What did you learn today?2. Homework: Listen ,point and repeat the text.Introduce your birthday to your parents.,


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