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1、 诗经论文:诗经酒文化研究【中文摘要】 诗经是中国第一部诗歌总集,其中记录了从西周初年到春秋中叶的 305 篇诗歌,这些诗歌包含了春秋中叶之前人们的生活面貌、社会风俗、政治秩序等方面的场景,从这部作品几乎可以看到那个时代的社会全貌。这正是这部书的价值所在。历代对诗经的研究可以说涉及的面宽而广,本文试图从诗经中酒这一角度出发来研究先秦时代的文化。全文主体部分共分三章。第一章主要是对诗经中涉及到“酒”的诗篇进行梳理。其中介绍了中国古代酒之起源,并详细梳理出了诗经中与“酒”有关的章句以及诗经中所记载的各种酒器。据笔者统计,诗经中涉及到“酒”的诗篇有 35 篇,诗经的 105 篇雅中,“酒”字出现50

2、 次,其中小雅74 篇,出现“酒”字 39 次,大雅31 篇,出现“酒”字 11 次;颂40 篇中,“酒”字共出现 6 次。如此高的出现频率充分展现出了当时的酒文化现状。 诗经中共涉及到大概16 种酒器,通过对酒器材料的整理,可以得出以下结论:酒器的不同使用场合、不同种类和不同质地,反映出的是不同的文化韵味,尤其是显示出了森严的等级秩序。第二章主要从“礼”这一角度出发,对诗经所体现的酒文化进行论述。论文对诗经中的饮酒诗进行了简单的分类,笔者将其分为不具备礼仪性质的饮酒诗和十分讲究礼仪性质的饮酒诗两大类进行了论述。结合小雅宾之初筵和大雅行苇比较完整地再现了当时饮酒的全过程,并深入分析了 诗经中所

3、体现的乡饮酒礼和燕礼。乡饮酒礼的是被用作赞美宾客,表达礼贤下士的思想,最主要的是在整个仪式中,充分发挥了礼的规范作用,有效地约束了众宾客在饮酒过程的言行举止。通过燕礼与乡饮酒礼的比较,可以看出,燕礼在很大程度上是从乡饮酒礼演化而来的,二者虽然相似但绝不是雷同。第三章主要探讨了诗经中的酒德文化。首先论述了诗经之前的酒德文化,周初统治者吸取殷人纵酒亡国的教训,周建立之初便积极实施戒酒的政策。 尚书酒诰篇的核心要旨,是引导人们用政治形态观念去审视饮酒活动,把饮酒行为与国家治乱现象相联系,并由此形成了国家政治生活中“饮酒亡国”论或“酒祸”论的基本酒德政治意识。在此基础上探讨诗经中所蕴含的酒德文化,诗经

4、中对饮酒的态度已不像尚书酒诰中那么严厉,在诗经中出现了一些“酒鬼”形象和一些具有酒趣意味的诗篇。但这并不是说“诗经时代”己无酒德可言了,相反“酒德”与“酒礼”互为表里,共同规范着人们的饮酒行为。具体表现在诗经酒诗在殷周孝性理念的感染下,更关注的是宴饮双方的人格和道德评价,这一标准制约着人们的言行举止,也为以后儒家以“礼”为行为准则的思想原型埋下了深远的伏笔。【英文摘要】 ”Book of Songs” is the first collection of poems, including the Western Zhou Dynasty to the record from the middl

5、e of the three hundred and five spring and poetry, these poems contain peoples lives before the middle Spring and Autumn landscape, social customs, political order, etc. scenes from this work is almost that time of dialysis to the social picture. This is the books literary value. History of the “Boo

6、k of Songs” research can be said to involve the wide and extensive, this is trying to “Book of Songs” in the wine that perspective to the culture of pre-Qin era.The main part of the text is divided into three chapters.The first chapter on the “Book of Songs” related to “wine” to sort out the poems.

7、Which describes the origin of wine in ancient China, and more came out of the “Book of Songs” in the “wine” relevant Chapters and the “Book of Songs” recorded in a rich and diverse variety of wine. According to my statistics, “Book of Songs” related to “wine” of the Psalms are 35, “Book of Songs” 10

8、5 “Ya”, the “wine” word appears 50 times, including “Xiao Ya,” 74, a “ wine “word 39 times,” Daya “31, a” wine “word 11 times. Such a high frequency of the wine culture was fully demonstrated the status quo. “Book of Songs” Communist involves more than 20 wine, wine by the collation of material, can

9、 draw the following conclusions:different types, different textures and different combinations using the occasion to reflect different forms of cultural flavor, in particular, shows a strict hierarchical order.The second chapter from the “gift” that perspective, the “Book of Songs” embodied in the w

10、ine culture were discussed. Papers of “The Book of Songs” in the poem were simply drinking classification, the author does not have to be divided into the nature of the drinking etiquette is etiquette nature poetry and drinking poems are discussed in two categories. With “Bin the beginning of the fe

11、ast,” and the “reed” was more complete representation of the whole process of drinking and blessing, and in-depth analysis of the “Book of Songs” as reflected in this ritual, and Yan Li. This ritual is to be used more praise guests, courteous expression can be used for solid state such as Pong, but

12、most notably in the ceremony, give full play to the role of ritual norms, effective restriction on the guests in the demeanor during drinking. Yan Li by comparison with this ritual, we can see, Yan Li Tai largely evolved from this ritual, but they will not be identical between the two.The third chap

13、ter focuses on the “Book of Songs” in the German wine culture. First with the Xia, Shang and Chou dynasties folk discusses the “Book of Songs,” the wine before the German culture, weekly drunken Yin Dynasty rulers learned the lessons of subjugation, Zhou Jianli the beginning of the alcohol policy wi

14、ll be actively implemented. “BookWine Patent,” the core thrust of articles is to guide people to examine the concept of a political form of wine affairs, the phenomenon of drinking behavior is linked with the national order, and disorder, and thus the formation of national political life, “drinking

15、subjugation” of or “alcohol abuse” of German political consciousness the basic wine. On the basis of “Book of Songs” contained in the German wine culture, “Book of Songs” features the most representative of German wine is full of human relations and ethics approval and recognition of one God.【关键词】诗经 酒礼 酒德【英文关键词】Book of wine gift wine Germany【目录】 诗经酒文化研究 摘要 4-6 Abstract 6-7


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