【最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件

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1、最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,预习案学习目标:1.掌握重点单词和短语:enjoy, exciting, competition ,invent, score, as well, throwinto so that, so that,等2.扎实掌握关于球类运动的词汇,能运用所学谈论相关话题,一、在文中勾画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语,并结合语境猜测其含义。 单词和短语: 1 参加比赛 2.have a history of over a century_ 3.invent _ 4.so that _ 5.exciting _,Take part in th

2、e games,有一百多年的历史,发明,以便;因此,令人兴奋的,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,6.throw the ball into the basket_ 7.follow the rules_ 8.how to score _ 9. tiring_ 句型或交际用语 1.Could you please tell me your plans for this year?_ 2.When did you staring playing table tennis/swimming ?_ 3.How many gold medals did you win

3、in the competitions?_ 4.Do you know how to score in the game? 5 Now basketball is becoming more and more popular all over the world._,把球投进篮筐里,遵守规则,怎样得分,令人困倦的,使人疲劳的,请告诉我你今年的计划,好吗,你什么时候开始打乒乓球/游泳,你在比赛中获得多少金牌,你知道在这项游戏中如何得分吗,现在篮球在全世界变得越来越受欢迎了,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,我的疑惑? 请你将预习中未解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,

4、待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,探究案,探究点一:单词和短语,1 I enjoy playing table tennis in different countries,思考:enjoy是动词,其后跟动词的什么形式? enjoy+ving 意思是喜欢做某事儿,2 Yes,but very tiring as well,思考:(1)as well的意思及其在句中的位置是什么? as well 意为“也 ,又”通常位于句末,作状语,2)与“as well ”意思相同的单词有哪些?及其它们 之间的区别,too ,either,also

5、与as well 都有“也”的意思。too与as well用法相似,用在句末。either用在否定句的句末。Also用在be 动词,助动词,情态动词后,用在实义动词的前面,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,Do you know who inented basketball,思考:invent 的意思及其过去式是什么? 与其相关联的单词有哪些? invent的意思是“发明”,过去式为 invented,相关联的单词有: invention “发明”,inventor“发明者,He invented an indoor game for his students

6、so that they could even in bad weather,思考: so that 的用法及其用法: (1)so that 意为“以便”,引导目的状语从句 eg:He gets up so that he wont be late for school (2) so that 还有“因此”之意,引导结果状语从句 eg:I missed many English lessons this term ,so that I didnt pass the exam,You can throw the ball into the basket from any part of the

7、court and you can throw it with one hand or botnh hands,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,思考:throw的用法有哪些? throwinto表示“把投进”,其反义词组为throwout of ”,表示“把抛出,即时练习: (1) lily enjoys,help) her classmates learn English,2)The teacher speaks very loudly,all the,students can hear her,A so that B because C since D w

8、hen,helping,A,3) Dont t,the food into the cage in the zoo,hrow,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,探究点(二):语篇探究 Read part 2,answer the following questions (1)Who invented basketball? (2)Where did he invent basketball,James Naismith,He invented basketball at Springfield Colledge in the USA,3)Why did he i

9、nvent basketball,Because he wanted invent an indoor game and his students could play even in bad weather,学以致用,拓展提升 Write a passage according to 1a and 1b to introduce a sports star You can begin like this,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,His/her name isHe/she is a table tennis player,he/she started

10、playing table tennis when he/ she was,He name is Ning.She is a table tennis player.She started playing table tennis when she was about seven years old.From then on,she didnt stop practicing.Now she can play well.She often takes part in competition.And she won 4 gold medals in the Athens and Bejing O

11、lympics. She is going to take part in the2012 London Olympics She has great plans for this year.In March , she is going to take part in a competion in France.In June, she will be in Korea and in August she will be in Russia. She loves traveling and enjoy playing table tennis in different countries.

12、It makes her Life exciting, but tiring as well,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,总结反馈 1 带领学生复习:本节课我们重点学习了1a 和2 短文中的enjoy,as well,invent 等单词的用法,加深了对主旨大意的理解,并初步了解了定语从句的用法。 2 自主巩固本节课所学 3 默写重点单词、短语、句子或背诵课文,课后学习指导 1 将重点单词、短语、句子及其用法整理到笔记本上,牢记。 2 背诵1a 短文 3 认真复习本单元,按要求完成复习案中的预习案,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版

13、 课件,训练案,一、基础巩固题 一、根据句意及其首字母提示补全单词。 1. If you want to be safe, you must f _ the traffic rules. 2. My brother went to c _ after he finished high school. 3. Li Ling won the first place in the English c _ . 4. He s _ in the last minute of the game and they won. 5. There are many trees on both s _ of the

14、 road. 二、用所给的词的适当形式填空,ollow,ollage,ompetition,ides,cored,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,1. Our country is becoming _and _.(strong) 2. They are from _ . They are _ . (Canada,3. Thomas Edison _ many inventions. He was a great _ . (invent) 4. They are sure _ (come)tonight. 5. I believe it _ (be)fine

15、tomorrow. 三、单项选择。 ( )1. John studies hard _ he can go to college in the future. that B . so that C. because D. just ( )2.Computers are important ,but I dont know _ work on the Internet. where to B. what to C. how to D. when to ( )3.The girl is _ beautiful . Everyone in her family likes her very much

16、,stronger,stronger,Canada,Canadians,invented,inventor,to come,will be,B,C,B,最新】八年级英语 Topic2 section课件 仁爱版 课件,A. more B. more and more C. more beautiful and D. much and much ( )4.The player has an _but _life. A. excite; tire B. excited; tired C. exciting; tired D. exciting; tiring ( )5.National Day is coming. What is your plan _the holiday? A. to B. for C. with D. in 二


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