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1、三十二) Module 11 Unit 2 (20分钟 50分,根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(3分钟,5分) 1. In London, people often take an u _ when they go out. 2. F _ is another saying of autumn. 答案:1. umbrella 2. Fall,3. Taiwan is in the s _ of China. 4. He often takes a c _ to take photos. 5. I had a p _ journey in Hong Kong last month. 答案: 3.

2、southeast 4. camera 5. pleasant,用所给词的适当形式填空(3分钟,5分) 1. Its windy outside. That sounds _ (terribly). 2. The tree has green _ (leaf) all the year. 答案: 1. terrible 2. leaves,3. Remember _ (not bring) your camera. 4. I write as _ (careful) as you. 5. Its important for us _ (stay) healthy. 答案: 3. not to

3、bring 4. carefully 5. to stay,单项选择(3分钟,10分) 1. Compared _ my brother, I am more outgoing. A. for B. with C. in D. from 2. When did you _ here? Yesterday. A. reach in B. get to C. arrive D. arrive in,3. The spring is coming, the trees _ green. A. get B. become C. turn D. go 4. Its _ for him to climb

4、up the hill. He is very strong. A. possible B. impossible C. right D. wrong 5. Jim comes to visit us from time to time. Thats always the happiest time for the family. A. on time B. sometime C. at times D. some times,连词成句(3分钟,10分) 1. the, time, Australia, visit, best, is, to, when(? ) _ 2. other, Har

5、bin, cold, usually, very, is, cities, compared, to(. ) _ 答案: 1. When is the best time to visit Australia? 2. Compared to other cities, Harbin is usually very cold,3. took,Carl, some, the, beach, photos, beautiful, of(. ) _ 4. river, plan, swimming, to, our, go, is, the, in(. ) _ 答案: 3. Carl took som

6、e beautiful photos of the beach. 4. Our plan is to go swimming in the river,补全对话(3分钟,10分) 根据对话内容,在空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。 A: Hi, Jack. How was your winter holiday? B: Not very good. A: 1 ? B: I planned to go to Hunan for my holiday. But it snowed hard there, so I had to stay at home. A: 2 ! Then what

7、 did you do at home,B: I only did my homework every day. It was so boring. 3, Bob? A: Oh, I went to Harbin. B: Its great. 4 ? A: It was very cold and sometimes it snowed. B: 5 ? A: Yes, I had great fun,1 _. 2 _. 3 _. 4 _. 5 _,答案: 1. What was the matter/What was wrong/ What happened/What was the trou

8、ble 2. What a pity/Its (really)a pity 3.How(What)about your winter holiday(vacation)/How(What)about you/How was your holiday(vacation) 4. What was the weather like in Harbin(there)/How was the weather in Harbin(there) 5. Did you have a good time/Did you enjoy yourself/Did you have fun,阅读理解(5分钟,10分)

9、The strangest thing about Lhasa is the weather. Probably because the city lies so high in the mountains, it can change suddenly in a very short time. And that has happened a few times in the past days. Yesterday is a good example. When we woke up at 8: 00 it was cloudy but dry, soon it started to ra

10、in a bit at around 10: 00 a. m. . In 20 minutes it became snowy, and it was freezing cold outside. Then at around 12: 00,when we just finished our visit to the Potala, the snow stopped and the clouds became thick. In an hour the temperature went up to over 20 degrees(度)and it became sunny! Later in

11、the afternoon it became even warmer and we had drinks at an open air tea house in the old town. At night after dinner when we wanted to take a taxi back to the hotel, it suddenly was very cold again and it started raining at 6: 30. The whole day there was no wind, but while waiting for the taxi at 7: 00, the wind suddenly picked up. Today its sunny again, but windy, and about 13 degrees. But this mornings weather report said it would snow again,根据短文内容,填空表格中所缺信息。 Strange Weather in Lhasa,答案: 1. 10: 20 a. m. 2. Cloudy 3. 1: 00 p. m. 4. Rainy 5. 7: 00 p. m


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