【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit 3《A day out》Reading(1)课件 牛津译林版 课件

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1、Unit 3 Reading 1,the Golden Gate Bridge (the USA,Revision,What and where is it ,the Pyramids (Egypt,What and where is it ,the Eiffel Tower (France,What and where is it ,How much do you know about these places of interest (名胜),the Opera House the Eiffel Tower the White House,Washington Sydney Paris,F

2、rance the USA Australia,Do you know the World Park in Beijing? There are models of over a hundred places of interest from all over the world. We can see the Eiffel Tower, the pyramids and the Golden Gate Bridges in the park. They look just like the real ones,Lead-in,Welcome to the World Park in Beij

3、ing and enjoy yourselves,Linda went to the World Park in Beijing with the Class 1, Grade 8 students. She wrote a letter to her mother. Do you know what she did and what she saw there,1. Who did Linda go with? 2. How long was the journey? 3. Did she enjoy it at the beginning? 4. What did she see from

4、 the coach when they arrived,Kittys class,About two hours,No, it was boring,The model Eiffel Tower,Read and answer,5. How many models of interest are there? 6. Which places of interest did they see? 7. Where can Lindas mother see the photos of the trip,Over a hundred,The model pyramids and the model

5、 Golden Gate Bridge,On the Internet,coach: a bus with comfortable seats for long journeys 长途汽车,Lets read these New words,invite: ask sb to come to a party, meal etc 邀请 beginning: a start 开始 highway: a main road between cities 公路,interest: the quality that something has when it attracts somebodys att

6、ention 令人感兴趣的人或物 real: actually existing or happening and not imagined 真实的 metal: 金属,amazing: so surprising you can hardly believe it 令人惊异的 parade: a public celebration (庆祝)游行 home page: 主页,a lot of traffic,blue sky, the Eiffel Tower,Mr Wu, the students met Kitty and Linda,Read the letter with the t

7、ape and discuss the table,over 100 places of interest, the Pyramids, the Golden Gate Bridge, the song and dance parade,Try to match these sentences, please,At the beginning of the trip, 2. When she arrived at the park, 3. When she was inside the park,she couldnt believe her eyes. She thought the par

8、k is wonderful. B. Linda didnt enjoy it and she felt sick. C. she became excited. She didnt feel sick any more and she wanted to enjoy herself,词语解析,beginning n. beginning用作名词,意为“开始,起初”。常见短语有:at the beginning (一开始,起初),at the beginning of . (在开始的时候)。例如: A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 At

9、the beginning of June, I went to the United States. 在六月初,我去了美国,此外,begin是beginning的动词形式,意为“开始”。例如: The meeting begins at 3 oclock in the afternoon. 会议下午三点钟开始。 I began to wonder if he would ever come. 我开始怀疑他会不会来,2. interest n. interest既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,意为“兴趣,爱好;令人感兴趣的事(或人)”。作为“多种兴趣”讲时,它常用复数形式。interest常

10、与动词have,take, feel, find, show, lose等搭配,其后常接介词in。例如: He lost interest in such things. 他对这样的事情失去了兴趣,此外,interest也可用作及物动词,意为“使感兴趣;使对感兴趣”。例如: Football doesnt interest me at all. 足球一点儿也提不起我的兴趣,难句解析,1. Kitty and I did not feel sick any more. 该句中的not . any more是一个常见的结构,意为“不再”,一般修饰终止性动词,表示动作不再延续。其中,not用在系动词

11、、助动词或情态动词之后,而any more位于句末。not . any more通常可与not . any longer互换,例如: The worker doesnt like the job any more. =The worker doesnt like the job any longer. 这个工人不再喜欢这份工作了,2. The trip from Kittys school to the World Park took about two hours by coach. 该句中的take意为“花费”,常用来指花费时间,主语通常是表示事物的名词(短语)、v-ing形式或动词不定式

12、,但更常见的句型为:It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 其中,it作形式主语,不定式短语是真正的主语,Repairing the bike took him one hour. 修自行车用了他一个小时的时间。 It took him half an hour to work out the Maths problem. 他花了半小时才做出了那道数学题,此外,句型It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 可与Unit 2中学过的sb. spend(s) some time (in) doing sth. 互换。例如: It too

13、k me twenty minutes to get to school on foot. =I spent twenty minutes (in) getting to school on foot. 步行去学校花了我二十分钟,Language points,1. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人去干某事 Mary invites me to see a film. 2. at the beginning: at first 起初 We listened to an English song at the beginning of the class. 3. get on a

14、 coach 登上长途汽车 get off a coach 走下长途汽车 4. feel sick 感到恶心,5. be made of 由 制成(看得出材料) be made from 由 制成(看不出材料) The desk is made of wood (看得出材料) Paper is made from wood (看不出材料) 6. places of interest 名胜 7. teach oneself sth/how to do sth 自学 I teach myself how to cook,Homework,1. Copy the new words. 2. Try to retell this letter in English


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