【最新】八年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 The government is working hard to save the panda课件2 外研版 课件

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《【最新】八年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 The government is working hard to save the panda课件2 外研版 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】八年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit 2 The government is working hard to save the panda课件2 外研版 课件(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 9,Animals in danger,Unit 2,The government is working hard to save the panda,research /,ri s:t/ n. 研究 southwest /,sauwest/ adj.西南 mainly /meinli/ adv.大体地 live on 以为生/食 reason /ri:zn/ n.原因 less and less越来越少 situation /,situein/ n.情况 symbol /simbl/ n.标志 turtle /t:tl/n.海龟 cause /k:z / n.原因 feed /

2、fi:d / v. feed - fed- fed 喂养,Listen and answer,1 How many pandas are there in the world ,There are about 1000,Bamboo,2 What do pandas eat,3. Who has made a new plan to help pandas,The government,4. What animals in danger do we need to save,Pandas, tigers, whales, turtles And elephants,b,d,c,a,4 Answ

3、er the questions,1 Why do pandas have less and less land to live? 2 What do pandas need to eat ,There are many different reasons , eg.people are using the land. They need to eat bamboo,3 How is the government trying to save the pandas? 4 Why do you think there is still a long way to help the pandas,

4、The government has made a new plan to help pandas .They are making bigger reserve and helping pandas go back to live in the nature. Because pandas dont have many babies and baby pandas often die;they mainly live on bamboo but the area of bamboo is becoming smaller etc,Language points,One of 之一 She i

5、s one of my good friends. 2 live on 以为生 =feed on Cats live on fish. =Cats feed on fish. 3 the area of 的地区 The atea of bamboo is becoming smaller and smaller. less and less 越来越少 The water is getting less and less,5 enough food 足够的食物 有些动物在冬天没有足够的食物 Some animals can find enough food to eat in winter. e

6、nough +n 足够的 = n+ enough 6 tall enough 够高 quickly enough 够快 adj / adv +enough 他做得够好的 He did it well enough,6 the symbol for 的标志 笑是开心的标志 Smiling is the symbol for happy. 7 need +n 需要 +to do sth需要做 我要点水 I need some water. 我要做作业 I need to do my homework,动词不定式 to +v(原形) 学英语是不容易的 Its hard to learn Englis

7、h. 我们要保护动物 We need to protect the animals. 有些不带to 的不定式 make sb do sth. 还有? See/hear sb do sth,Exerises,1 I have a lot of work _ A do B to do C doing 2 The teacher asked the boy _ on time . A coming B to come C to come to 3 Its easy _ the questions . A to answer B answering C answered 4 She wants _ E

8、nglish well. A to learn B learning C learned 5 The animals have less place _. A to live in B live in C to live,B B A A A,不定式作主语 学数学是很有趣的 To learn maths is very interesting. = Its interesting to learn maths. 2 杀动物是不对的 To kill animals is not right. =Its not right to kill animals . 3 保护动物是我们的责任 To prot

9、ect animals is our duty. =Its our duty to protect animals,不定式作宾语 她想问一些问题 She _ 我希望去参观长城 I hope _ 3 别忘了按时回家 Dont _ 4 我们开始上课吧! Lets _ our lesson,wants to ask some questions. to visit the Great Wall. forget to go home on time . begin to have,Exerises,完成句子 1 婴儿主要靠牛奶生活 Babies mainly_ milk. 2 越来越少干净的水了 Th

10、ere is _water now. 3 政府制定一个帮助熊猫的新计划 The government_ to help padans. 4 还要走很长的路呢 There is still _. 5 科学家在努力研究熊猫怎样生活 Scientists _ how the pandas live,live on /feed on less and less has made a new plan a long way to walk are working hard to study,6 贝帝有很多问题要问 Betty has _ 7 我们没有足够的时间去玩 We dont have _ 8 保护

11、动物是非常重要的 Its very _ 9 这个村庄的面积很小 The _ is very small,5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box,5,baby bamboo die natural research serious symbl,Most zoos protect animals and do (1)_ into the way animals live, what they eat, and what they do .The panda is in(2)_ danger because very few (3)_ p

12、andas are born outside the zoos.Many of them (4) _ when theyre born in their (5)_ home-the forest and the mountains .Zoos can make surre they have enough (6)_ to eat .For the whole world, the panda has become a (7)_ of China as well as fpr our governments work to protect animals in danger,research,serious,baby,die,natural,bamboo,symbol,forests,mountains,bamboo,killing,save,protect


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